My Brother's Keeper
Did you know that skeptics and critics of first and second century Christianity occasionally referred to the church as incestuous? They would hear the rhetoric of "brothers and sisters in Christ", and then see wives or husbands interacting. This was a misconception on their part, resulting from their fixation with oracles, priests, priestesses, and other religious authorities. Christianity didn't have the same structure so they were misunderstood. This begs the question: why didn't Christ give us these structural roles just like everyone else? Even Judaism had the Pharisaical class and the Sanhedrin to run things. Yet, Christ instructs us in Matthew 23 to regard each other as brothers and sisters. In fact, numerous times in the Bible God uses the family structure to define His relationship with us and our relationships with one another. Why? Perhaps it has something to do with the fact that a family unit is a relational structure which existed before corruption and before sin in the Garden of Eden. If it was created by God in the midst of perfect, it makes sense that so much of what God is driving us to be would mimic His perfect design.