Hasn’t science disproved Christianity?

Reasonable Faith  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented
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Science is not the enemy of Christianity.
Really want to push back against the simplistic view of Christianity that views science with suspicion
STEM professors are more likely to be Christian than social science PhDs. Head of Human Genome Project is a strong Christian. Emma has a doctorate in PT.
An interpretation of science to go against belief in God and the Bible is in opposition to Christianity. Secularists would have you think that science itself is opposed to Christianity. (In reality, it’s their interpretation of scientific evidence)
Even when science seems to be against God, we ought to remember that it has its failures (geocentric v. heliocentric) and limitations (natural world).
Science cannot prove or disprove the existence of God.
There are questions that science won’t be able to answer.
Why is there a universe at all?
Why are there unchanging laws in nature?
Why does the universe have order?
Science can (and should) be an aid for a certain set of beliefs.
Anything that is not definitely known is a belief.
Our goal should be to use the evidence to lead us to the most reliable worldview.
For those of us who believe that worldview is Christianity, another goal should be to make sure science isn’t an obstacle to God.

3 questions in science that point towards God

What caused the cause of the universe?
Whatever begins to exist has a cause.
The universe began to exist.
The universes has an uncaused cause.
How is everything set up so perfectly?
Constants of Nature
If the explosion from the Big Bang had been stronger by 1 in 10^60%, stars wouldn’t have been able to form.
If the ripples from the Big Bang were slightly higher, the universe would be black holes. If it were slightly smaller the universe would only be gases and not planets for life to form.
If the ratio of the universe’s fundamental forces (strong nuclear force, weak nuclear force, electromagnetic force, gravitational force) varied in the slightest bit life would not exist.
Privileged Planet
If we were too close to the center of the universe, we’d be sucked into a black hole. If we were too far away, there wouldn’t be enough heavy elements for life to exist.
If the Earth were 2% closer or further from the Sun, we’d either burn or freeze. The Earth leaves a straight line when orbiting the sun by 1/9 of an inch every 18 miles. If it were 1/8th, we’d come too close to the sun and burn.
Other planets keep life on Earth existing. Jupiter’s gravity keep comets away from Earth and the same with Mars and asteroids.
Primed for Discovery
Not only are we in the only place we know of that makes life (“observers” of the universe), but Earth is perfectly positioned for us to observe that we are the only observers
The only place in the universe where we can perfectly see a solar eclipse is the only place where life exists to see a solar eclipse. Our position is the only one where at times the moon appears the same size as the sun b/c the sun is 400x bigger than the moon and 400x further away.
Earth’s atmosphere is the only one we know of that would allow us to see as much as we do
Fine tuning does not prove God. But it means the leap of faith for an atheist is much greater than that of a believer.
e.g. deck of cards—royal flush
Why does it matter?
If the universe has no ultimate meaning and we are simply chemical formations of stardust and that’s what we’ll return to, why do people argue against God?


The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they reveal knowledge. They have no speech, they use no words; no sound is heard from them. Yet their voice goes out into all the earth, their words to the ends of the world…Psalm 19:1-4
Let your appreciation for creation and the knowledge you gain in your studies (submitted to the truth of God’s Word) deepen your appreciation for God’s glory
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