
Luke   •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented   •  35:15
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The Place Of Honor

Jesus is continuing to speak to the scribes and Pharisees after the church lunch
He was observing them as they jockeyed for positions at the table
Jesus had healed a man on the Sabbath which they were not approving of
Jesus displayed to them their hypocrisy V 5
what Jesus is doing is to help these men to realize their sinful hearts
their hypocrisy, now their pride
Jesus is not giving them a strategy of how to get everyone to see them be exalted by the host
by showing a false humility
V 8 -9
instead of running and jockeying for a coveted seat
Go sit at the end
V 10
allow the host to recognize you and bring you a place of honor
If you deserve the honor
do any of us deserve honor?
this is what Jesus is alluding to
we want to use this worlds standards. we want recognition
children come up and proudly sow their masterpieces
they want to be recognized
we have a in-born need to be recognized
there is a lot of talk about self esteem
you are somebody
you are to be proud of yourself for who you are
we have pride month
does the whole universe revolve around you?
these men are proud of their status their religious rightness
their being of Abrahams seed
being better than everybody else
The Kingdom of God is an

Upside Down World

Proverbs 8:13 LSB
“The fear of Yahweh is to hate evil; Pride and arrogance and the evil way And the mouth of perverted words, I hate.
self esteem has no place in the kingdom
and God will punish the prideful
Isaiah 13:11 LSB
Thus I will punish the world for its evil And the wicked for their iniquity; I will also put an end to the pride of the arrogant And bring low the lofty pride of the ruthless.
why does God hate pride so much?
the world promotes pride saying its the best thing ever
so why is it so wrong?
one of the problems with Job and his friends is
they thought they knew God and God was like them.
god has a series of questions for Job to answer
turn to Job 38.
there is so much we don't know about ourselves and God
Pride comes before the fall
pride prevents people from turning to Yahweh
to be saved we need to come to the cross with a desperate need of a savior
to be saved we need to realize the muck and mire of sin that we live in
the story goes of a prideful king that loved expensive lavish clothes
one day a tailor convinced the king that he could make the most elaborate clothing ever made
well of course the king paid a healthy sum for the clothing
after some months the tailor brought the clothes to the king
and with much pomp and flourish put the new clothes on the king
the king paraded around his court completely naked
and his people commended him on his new clothes
then he went out into public and the people also praised the king for his wardrobe
until a little boy said the emperor has no clothes
all people are like this king
we are naked blind poor in a dungeon chained to the wall and can’t see it because of pride
we are blinded by our self worth
I am good enough God will weigh my good against my bad
these men were proud of their self righteousness
I have risen in the ranks of our self made religion
my standing before God is impeccable
so when I walk into a room you had better give me the highest seat
Jesus was telling us the only way into the kingdom
a humble realization of who we are and the Holiness of God
we cannot come to God for salvation with a high self esteem
a new christian read through the bible looking for herself
what do I get out of being a christian and she was disappointed
her pastor told her to read again the bible and this time find out about God and who God is
after this she fell in love with the almighty thus changing her vision from herself to God
this world where pride is celebrated
it is a detriment to the Kingdom of God
PRIDE is also s a detriment to the one who is a

Boot Strap Picker-Upper

the self made man
the George Jeffersons of this world who went from the streets to a deluxe apartment in the sky
this person is self made and has no need for God
sometimes these people are Christians
I knew a man who was successful beautiful home and family
one of his goals was to be a deacon at his church
he saw this a good achievement for a professional to have
he saw the deaconship as the church success team of planning and strategist to make the church bigger and better
I was discipling this man at this time and so I took him through Timothy and Titus to teach about what a deacon is
we come to think that God is lucky to have me
but it’s just the opposite
Jesus took the fisherman
the unlearned in the conventional ways
took the men who are strong in their own eyes and humbled them so He could work through them
Jesus used men who had trouble looking down on others because they were so low they always had to look up
when we rely on our own power to do anything spiritual we are saying to God I got this. I don’t need your grace
my pride will see this through
we do this quite frequently when we rely on our abilities
when we don’t humbly come to God and seek for His grace to do the good work He has called us to do
we need His grace to stop sinning
we need to be totally dependent on Him to succeed in His kingdom
Jesus works through us to do His work
there is no boot strap picker uppers in the Kingdom
there are only totally dependent on Jesus people
in the end there will be 2 types of people

The Humbled And The Exalted

V 11
Jesus will be this Judge
the eternal Judge of the world
those who are trying to work their way into Heaven
those who are Good enough for God
those who are using their pride to get into the Kingdom
these will be humbled right into Hell
those who are using their pride in ministry
they also will be humbled in the ministry
they also wont accomplish anything for the Kingdom
our pride , our self reliance, is what keeps us stagnant in ministry
if something great is done in the Kingdom it is God doing it and allowing us to participate
we are small potatoes and we need to have full reliance on God to do anything.
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