Mormonism (Part 3)
Tony Schachle
World Religions and Cults • Sermon • Submitted • Presented
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Joseph Smith
Lived in upstate New York
In 1820 at the age of 14 he was trying to determine which church to join (Baptist, Methodist, Presbyterian)
Each one claimed to be the true church so which one was right?
He began to read the Bible and pray to ask God for wisdom on which church to join
• First Revelation
As Joseph began to pray, supposedly an overwhelming force bound his body and tongue and thick darkness enveloped him
Just when he thought he would die, a pillar of light descended from Heaven and delivered him from the darkness
Supposedly the Heavenly Father and Jesus appeared before him
Jesus told him that all of the creeds of denominations were an abomination and their professors were all corrupt and he should join none of them
Later Revelation
After three years of living a rebellions lifestyle, Joseph Smith began seeking for another revelation
That night supposedly an angel named Moroni appeared to him and told him that God had a great work for him and that he would receive a book written on plates of gold that contained the fullness of the everlasting gospel
He was told that he would found a new church and restore the truth to the world
History of the Mormon Church
Originally established in April of 1830 in Palmyra, New York after Joseph Smith supposedly received the golden plates from the angel Moroni and translated it to produce the Book of Mormon
Joseph gained followers in New York and soon other missionaries began spreading the Mormon religion
They believed that the original gospel message had been distorted soon after the original apostles died which they call the great Apostasy
They established temples in Kirtland, Ohio and Independence, Missouri as they moved westward
A prophecy by Joseph Smith identified a valley near Independence, Missouri as the original location of the Garden of Eden and the future site of New Jerusalem
Because of persecution, Brigham Young led the growing congregation to Nauvoo, Illinois while Joseph Smith was imprisoned
Eventually Smith escaped to Nauvoo and took over as mayor and directed the construction of a large temple which was completed in 1846
It was during this time in Nauvoo where Smith began to teach some of the doctrines of Mormonism
After Smith’s death there was a dispute over the succession of leadership which led to the eventual formation of several different sects with different church leaders claiming authority
The main issue that divided the different sects was their position on plural marriage
The Two Main Sects of Mormons:
Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
They eventually settled in Utah and built a Temple and the city that became Salt Lake City
The Temple still remains today and their headquarters is directly across the street from the Temple
The office of the president of the Mormons has passed from Brigham Young to 17 different men to the current president Russell M. Nelson
The president is the head of the Mormon church and is considered a modern prophet, seer, and revelator
The Mormon Church Today
The LDS Church claims to have over 17 million members worldwide
In 2014 they reported that 84,000 missionaries were actively spreading the Mormon faith on 6 continents
They translate their materials into 200 different languages
There are nearly 150 temples used for religious services
The church runs three universities named after Brigham Young, an early prophet, in Utah, Idaho, and Hawaii
The Bible
Book of Mormon
The Doctrine and Covenants
The Pearl of Great Price
Worship Practices
Typically meet for Sunday School and worship service on Sundays
These meetings take place in the ward chapels, where several local wards make up a stake (similar to a presbytery or diocese)
Meetings at the ward and stake are held regularly
Meetings look much like a typical evangelical service:
Classes are offered for different age groups
Hymns are sung
Communion is offered
Prayers are spoken
Speakers present teaching
The ward chapels are open to anyone, but the Temples are restricted to members of the church in good standing
Certain areas of the Temples are restricted to those holding certain levels of the Mormon priesthood and those they are ministering to and requires an identification card
Endowment Ceremony:
Certain doctrines are taught and ceremonies performed
Typically happens just before young people go on their mission or before they are married
Converts can also receive this endowment
All marriages are performed in the Temple
Families are “sealed” to each other for eternity
Ordinances for the Dead
Proxy baptisms are performed for dead family members
Proxy sealing ordinances are performed so that their marriages and families may continue after death
Mormons believe that the true gospel was revealed to Joseph Smith through revelations from the Heavenly Father and Jesus
The Bible is not the ultimate authority for the LDS faithful, but it is the ideas of man as they receive ongoing revelations
Distinctive Beliefs
Deny the Trinity
In principle, they teach a polytheistic view
Their first Article of Faith states: “We believe in God, the Eternal Father, and in His Son, Jesus Christ, and in the Holy Ghost”
This sounds Trinitarian, but they distinguish between each person of the Godhead as separate beings
The online resources of the LDS church describes their view of God:
“These three beings make up the Godhead. They preside over this world and all other creations of our Father in Heaven. The Mormon view of the members of the Godhead corresponds in a number of ways with the views of others in the Christian world, but with significant differences. Latter-day Saints pray to God the Father in the name of Jesus Christ. They acknowledge the Father as the ultimate object of their worship, the Son as Lord and Redeemer, and the Holy Spirit as the messenger and revealer of the Father and the Son. But where Latter-day Saints differ from other Christian religions is in their belief that God and Jesus Christ are glorified, physical beings and each member of the Godhead is a separate being.”
Heavenly Father
In Mormonism, the Heavenly Father is referred to as Elohim
Elohim, they believe, was once a man who was created by another god (who was created by another god) and earned his status as god by being glorified through obedience to his spiritual father
The chief god of Mormonism is a created being who progressed through degrees of sanctification to eventually become a god
In Mormonism this is referred to as the law of eternal progression and applies to all spiritual beings in the universe
Therefore, Mormons teach that humans can achieve godhead by being obedient to the “laws and ordinances of the gospel”
In their teaching, the Heavenly Father is a man of flesh and blood who has been exalted to this position
Supposedly the Heavenly Father currently resides on a planet near the star Kolob (Abraham 3:1-4) so they deny the omnipresence of God
Excerpt from a sermon from Joseph Smith called the King Follett sermon:
“God himself was once as we are now, and is an exalted man, and sits enthroned in yonder heavens! That is the great secret. If the veil were rent today, and the great God who holds this world in its orbit, and who upholds all worlds and all things by His power, was to make himself visible – I say, if you were to see him today, you would see him like a man in form – like yourselves in all the person, image, and very form as a man for Adam was created in the very fashion, image and likeness of God, and received instruction from, and walked, talked and conversed with Him, as one man talks and communes with another for I am going to tell you how God came to be God. We have imagined and supposed that God was God from all eternity. I will refute that idea, and take away the veil, so that you may see. These ideas are incomprehensible to some, but they are simple. It is the first principle of the gospel to know for a certainty the character of God, and to know that we may converse with Him as one man converses with another, and that He was once a man like us; yea, that God himself, the Father of us all, dwelt on an earth, the same as Jesus Christ Himself did; and I will show it from the Bible.”
Lorenzo Snow, the fifth president of the Mormon church, coined a well-known couplet to portray the law of eternal progression:
“As man now is, God once was: As God now is, man may be”
Mormons teach that Jesus is the firstborn spirit child of the Heavenly Father and Mother in a period known as the preexistence
Mormons can claim that Jesus is the “firstborn over all creation” (Colossians 1:15) but must deny that He is the “Creator of all things” (Colossians 1:16) since they teach Jesus is a created being
Mormons teach that the Heavenly Father has sired billions of other spirit creatures like Jesus, but that Jesus is the firstborn
Claim that Lucifer was the second-born which makes Jesus and Lucifer brothers
Brigham Young claimed that God the Father directly sired Jesus with Mary in the flesh and not in a supernatural way
They also claim that Mary temporarily became the legal wife of the Heavenly Father so that He could sire Jesus Christ
This teaching denies the virgin conception of Mary taught in the Bible
The Holy Spirit
Deny that the Holy Spirit is a person of the Trinity
Rather than possessing a physical body as they teach the Father and Son have, the Holy Spirit is only spirit
Teach the Holy Spirit can influence people to do good and protect from harm
After water baptism, members of the Melchizedek priesthood can lay hands of an individual to impart the gift of the Holy Spirit
Mormons teach all of humanity are children of the Heavenly Father and Mother(s)
They claim that the Heavenly Father has at least one wife with whom he has produced spiritual children
It is the role of families on earth to provide bodies for the spirit children to inhabit and go through a probationary testing here on earth to determine their worthiness to return to live with Heavenly Father
Mormons acknowledge the consequence of physical death for sin, but not spiritual death
Mormons deny any condemnation from Adam’s original sin and focus on individual disobedience as the source for loss of rewards in the afterlife
Mormons teach atonement through Jesus Christ but their concept of atonement is unbiblical
Mormons teach that salvation is received by obedience to the “laws and ordinances of the Gospel”
Mormon teaching on salvation is based on works, not faith
Mormons also teach that the atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ occurred in the Garden of Gethsemane only to be completed on the Cross
Degrees of Glory in Heaven and Hell
Mormons teach that almost all people will be saved from condemnation that leads to punishment in hell, known as outer darkness, and enter into one of the three levels of heaven (Doctrines and Covenants 76:31-37; 76:40-15)
The three levels of Heaven are:
Celestial kingdom – highest
Terrestrial kingdom – middle
Telestial kingdom – lowest
Within the Celestial kingdom there are three degrees of glory (Doctrines and Covenants 131:1-4)
Those who have not responded to the gospel or continued in the gospel will enter a place known as the Spirit Prison (Doctrine and Covenants 138:32)
In Spirit Prison they are taught the gospel and offered a second chance to repent, which if they do, they are moved to Paradise
Hell is referred to as outer darkness and is reserved for Lucifer and those who fought with him in the battle in preexistence
Mormons who have turned from the faith and denied the Mormon teaching will receive resurrected bodies to rule in hell (Doctrines and Covenants 76:30-49)
Eternal Progression
Mormon men who achieve the Celestial kingdom have the opportunity to progress toward godhood
If granted godhood, Elohim grants him the ability to organize his own planet where his wives will produce spirit children to continue the cycle of the four stages of existence: premortal existence, mortal life, spirit life, and resurrected life
Modern Prophets
Joseph Smith understood himself to be the first of the modern prophets who were to bring the restoration of the fullness of the gospel
Smith reestablished the office of the Apostle in the same form as the 12 Apostles who walked with Jesus which are said to have the keys of the kingdom of God and serve as modern prophets
In addition, the Council of 70 are called to serve the church in ways similar to the Jewish council of elders
Modern Priesthood
In 1829 Smith claims that John the Baptist appeared to him and another Mormon Oliver Cowdery and laid hands on them to confer the Aaronic priesthood on them.
Smith later claims that Peter, James, and John appeared to him to confer on him and Cowdery the Melchizedek priesthood
Baptism and Laying on of Hands
Mormons are typically baptized at age 8
Baptism must be by complete immersion and must be performed by someone with the proper priestly authority
They also perform baptisms on behalf of the dead
They teach that you must be baptized in water in order to enter one of the three levels of heaven
After baptism in water, Mormons believe that the laying on of hands for receiving the Holy Spirit is a requirement to obey the gospel
The Bible
Mormons use the KJV of the Bible
Claim that the Bible, even the KJV, has been corrupted over time
Smith sought to rewrite the Bible to correct “errors” which was never completed but is known as the JST
The Book of Mormon
Mormons claim it is the “most correct of any book on earth, and the keystone of our religion, and a man would get nearer to God by abiding by its precepts than by any other book”
Said to be translated from a set of golden plates that Joseph Smith received after their location was revealed to him by the angel Moroni
He also received a breastplate and spectacles which are sometimes referred to as the Urim and Thummim
The spectacles gave him the power to translate “by the gift and power of God”
Doctrine and Covenants
D&C primarily includes revelations, noted in section not chapters, given to Joseph Smith about specific points of doctrine as well as explanations of passages
Most of Mormon doctrine is found in the D&C
The Pearl of Great Price
A collection of writings added to the LDS cannon in 1880
The Book of Moses includes what Smith claimed to be a translation of writings of Moses, although what is written is not found in any form of the Hebrew Bible
The Book of Abraham is claimed to be a translation of a set of Egyptian papyri he purchased in 1835 which included references to existence of Kolob (Abraham 3:3) and the spirits in the preexistence (Abraham 3:22)
Includes a portion of Gospel of Matthew from Smith
Includes a history of Joseph Smith
Includes 13 “Articles of Faith”
Masonic Influence
Joseph Smith and Brigham Young were both involved in Freemasonry
The influence of Freemasonry on Mormon architecture and rituals is evident
Joseph’s father was a Master Freemason
Mormons have a square and compass markings on their temple garments that match the symbols of Freemasonry
Occult Influence
Joseph Smith practiced an occult ritual known “glass looking” where he used a seer stone to “see” where objects were buried
Smith reportedly used this seer stone to interpret the golden plates
The same technique he used to locate buried treasure was used to translate the Book of Mormon
The teaching of polygamy has changed over time within Mormonism
Joseph Smith had approximately 40 wives
Most modern Mormons reject polygamy
However some fundamentalist groups still practice polygamy
Word of Wisdom
Dietary standard
Abstain from alcohol, caffeine, various narcotic and hallucinogenic drugs, tobacco, tea, and coffee and eat meat sparingly and grains in abundance (D&C 89)
Through obedience to these food laws they are promised blessings of body, mind, and spirit
Mormons believe angels are not spiritual beings created by God distinct from humans, but are spirit children along with all offspring of the Heavenly Father (D&C 129:1-3)
Believe that angels are messengers who were once people who lived on the earth and are now spirits
Angel Moroni was the prophet Moroni
Angel Gabriel was Noah
Angel Michael was Adam (D&C 107:54)
General guidelines for all false religions and cults:
Understand that they are deceived by false doctrine.
They are likely sincere and dedicated to their beliefs.
They may not be open to listening to your beliefs initially.
Be willing to invest time and develop a level of trust and respect with them.
Demonstrate Godly love and that you truly care about them.
Do not act arrogant or condescending toward their beliefs.
Share your testimony of what Jesus has done for you.
Offer to pray with them and allow an opportunity for the Holy Spirit to speak to their heart.
Specific Guidelines for Witnessing to Mormons
Understand Differences in Terminology
Mormons use similar terminology, but their meanings are different than Christianity
For example, they use the word “salvation,” but for them it means something different than it does for us
Be prepared to ask questions about key terms
Use these questions as a conversation starter about topics like salvation, the deity of Jesus Christ, the doctrine of the Trinity, etc.
Ask Thought-Provoking Questions
You talk a lot about the atonement. What does that mean to you?
Have you ever been baptized for a dead person? Why do you do that? Where do you find that teaching in the Bible?
Can you explain why there are modern prophets and why they don’t always agree?
I know some prophets have taught that Adam was Elohim (God). Do you believe that?
Discuss Grace versus Works
Mormons may appear confident, but most Mormons fear not being good enough to earn salvation
Take the opportunity to enforce this belief and tell them that without simple faith in Jesus Christ, none of us are good enough
If you can get them to acknowledge that their righteousness is as filthy rags, you are well on your way to leading them to the Cross of Jesus Christ
Focus on Witnessing about Jesus rather than Debating the distinctive beliefs of Mormonism
Mormons, and believers in any other religious group for that matter, will likely become defensive if you come across as simply attacking their beliefs
Explain how Jesus became our substitute on the Cross and that faith in His blood is the only means of salvation