Women Set Free- Session 6- SUNDAY

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Seasons Regional Women's Conference 2024  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented   •  1:36:25
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Worship. So if we really want to just say how much are just love this woman of God, and these two men and clock is going to play the drums. Where are you from?

We've lost track. Ferry times.

Let's go better late than never clock.

All right. Come on, who's ready this morning.

I cast my mind.

Come on shirts.


Shadow price this morning.

Charlie Charlie. Aurora among.

Raising Cane's.

All the more we got. All I pray.

All from you.




Thank you, Jesus. Thank you, Jesus. It won't let me.

So, what do you want?

Thank you, Jesus.

Thank you, Father.

You know, you are a liar. You are worthy, Lord.

Thousand Generations. Falling Down and Worship, sing the song of Ages.

Old is gone before? All the way. Sing the song of Ages to the land. Sing that again.


Calling Down and Worship, sing the song of Ages to the land.

All of the Fallen. All the way over. Sing the song of Ages to the man. Gazelle Animal.

It's a Cuban tequila. Stupid, Regine, come sing, the song forever to the land.

Walk-in freedom. You bear his name. We'll sing the song Forever through the lamb.

Pizza Hut.



Little Creeper Guy.

To the king.


How good?


Oh well, the amazing presence of God Kali. Would you be able to feel that for me. Thank you so much. Oh well how great is our God? People How great is our God? What a mighty God, we serve, he's the king of kings and the Lord of lords. God, my time.

Okay. Sorry. Thank you guys so much. That was amazing worship. As always from this team, they are awesome. And we really appreciate all the practice it. They do the time that I spend loading the woods onto the screen and thank you to all those that have run the multimedia for us over the weekend and look. And then if we could have done anything without you on the multimedia. So thank you so much. I really appreciate you. So it's time to Mike's personal. Thank you. So all my ladies, can you send out please and the girls in the kitchen come out for one second. Just one second. I won't keep you long. I just want to ignore H. Denise Teresa Colleen, come on. Vicky stand-up of all my girls. Lorna, where are you? Where are you? Where is Chris? Come on. You need to be acknowledged this morning. You girls have done the work. You guys have done the wood glue either and Stacy you better stand up to you helping at every point that you can. Sorry, I just want to thank the ladies first. If I missed anybody Sarah you better stand up to girl, have I got everyone standing up, have I got everyone, I Caillou ladies, you just started my heart. I love you girls. So so much and I thank you. I'm not going to cry this year to the Lord this morning. I just love you all and I appreciate absolutely everything that you've done. Whether it be small or big setting, tables hosting billets. Packing LOL he's helping me with whatever it's called to be John and Chris always always ready to help that's if she's such a beautiful woman and I love and appreciate you and I think we always need to give him a clap and acknowledge them.

Cuz we are a team. We are team. Okay? Start all the men. Now, stand up. That's Corey Dawn Reagan. Neil Bennett clock, who's all the men that have been here either. This time. We did it working. Be not long ago. That was awesome. Can you better stand out to you right there? Helping? Come on you man. Don't be shy clock. You better stand up with corresponding. Who's Reagan Reagan's up Nails up? So these men have underpinned. This conference, this conference would not have happened without these men. They have worked and sweated. I told Corey, hang up all of those lanterns outside. He works out was on the ladder with Ezra helping, thank you, that for hours. And I really appreciate you guys. Thank you so, so much for all of your help and you're definitely invited to the off the potty. All the men are allowed this year, OK? And specially, I'm sorry, not going to cry.

every year I say this, I really want to acknowledge my husband who

Sorry, I'm not going to try, he is everything to me everything and my Hundred over a hundred percent support. He listens when I'm crying laughing and he gives me feedback and keeps me on the right path and that's all you can ask for in your husband, is that he watches over you and protect you and shelves, issue. And that is what Neil has done for me.

Don't know why. Guard and Bennett.

I had my days with you the other day. I'm not going to cry this morning. I did canceling. The kids today. It's just because of workouts are really, though, I'll tell you why in a minute Bennett. Thank you, so, so much that you are the first person that is ever really acknowledge my gift things and given me the freedom to use them. So everything would not, I would not be without you and Stacey as well. They are changing these two and I really really love you both and appreciate you so so much. And I'm going to really miss when he died.

I said, okay. Like I saw him now to get his business. Can we collect up with tots and offerings please? Can we have a phone? The screen Bank details?

Oh yeah, sorry. Just because it's so many of us today, we've got the bucket coming around. If you have cash, if you want to put cash in other than that, you can take photographs of the screen and deposit into my bank account just do as the Lord tells you to do.

Sorry. right now, when we done with the buckets, I want to give this lady. All the attention. We have Sonia. Where are you Sonia? Are you ready to come on up? This woman is a mighty mighty woman of God. If Ever I need. I would love her. I love her to pray for me. She is a strong strong. And mighty woman of God, we welcome you. Sonia. Pics of project have some for people to hand out the communion, please, this full trays. It is so many of us today. Neil, maybe you could do one please.

I'll take a bread.

Thank you.

Just looking at my notes cuz I've written. everything in

nervous. Hi cause of come out of the Wilderness and come back into the spotlight. In the power of the spirit. Better introduce myself when I'm Sonia. Originally from the Northern Territory. And I was blessed 2020. When God called me to Charters Towers. And connect with this.

What can I say? Beautiful Church? Greatest Hits. We must be in the world but we are powerful in the Lord.

Well, yeah, I felt the Lord and I felt the holy spirit, so strong here and see some church ever since I've started. And I've come here. I wouldn't miss this conference. I've been here it is somewhere.

Sorry guys was I want to follow, just take me.

Trying to find where.

I've been in season tickets for 3 years. I'm in fourth for the conference ladies conference 3 years and I've seen God's hand. I seen elevation Even in my own life, I want to see a conference one thing. Anyway, I'm going to be out this and I've got off. Anyway, thank thank. Thank season church for the opportunity to bring the communion message this morning. And acknowledgement to a pasta. So the house of God Pastor Bennett and Stacy And the body of Christ. He had today. I've got this reading. Lord, which has given me to read this morning, so long passage but I hope. Going to get through it.

Honestly, I'm still looking for this. I can't find it. Must have that somewhere.

so, the reading comes from, Luke 1. Chapter 26, to 38.

Six months, after Elizabeth knew she was to become a mother. Gabriel was sent from God to Nazareth, Nazareth in the country of Galilee. He went to a woman who had never had a man. Her name was Mary. She was promised in marriage to a man named Joseph. Joseph was a was of the family of David. The angel came to her and said, you are on a very much. You are a favor woman, the Lord is with you. You are chosen from Among many woman. When she saw the angel, she was troubled at his words. She thought about what head Bean said, the angel said to her Mary, do not be afraid. You have found favor with God. See, you are to become a mother and have a son. You had to give him the name, Jesus, he will be great, he will be called the son of the most high. The Lord God will give him the place way.

Is Ella father David's app? He will be king over the family of Jacob forever. The Nations will be and I will have no end Mary said to the angel. How will this happen? I have never had a man that angel said to her, the holy spirit will come upon you. The power of the most high will cover you. The holy Child, you give birth to will be called the son of God. See your cousin Elizabeth is old and she is is going to give birth as a child to a child. She was not able to have children before but now she is in her 6 months. Wow. So what God can do all things? Hallelujah. Then Mary said, I am willing to be used to view.

Let it happen to me. As you have said, then the angel went away from her. So just before we go forward, we can see that.

Elizabeth was already 6 months. When the angel visited Mary.

The Mary, The Chosen vessel, who was Jesus mother. We read all said this and discovered that God had a plan from the beginning to send. His son Jesus to bring Salvation to the world.

What is it found in John? 3:16 for God. So loved the world that he gave his only son, that whoever believes in him shall have eternal life.

Sorry. Sorry.

You know what to look for? Number one here, Set my title, from Star stay from that reading. The time had come. To marry the chosen vessel as we know she was the mother of Jesus. Mary was chosen amongst among woman and she had found favor with God. Like we read in the way Mary had a plan. This is Mary's playing. This depth was set to marry Joseph to start her life with Bob God. Would like that but they had a perfect plan for Mary to complete God's plan to bring forth his son to the world. it says, in verse 29, when Mary saw the angel and had encountered with the angel Gabriel, And she heard was he said what he said to her that she quickly thought and answered how old is happened. I am not with anyone. Even though she knew she was going to be married to Joseph.

See, the angel said to Mary or explained. This is not of man. but of God,

The holy spirit will come upon you. You will have a Divine conception. We find that scripture. Isaiah 7. Verse 14 is therefore, the Lord himself will give you a sign. Behold, a virgin shall conceive and bear a son and shall call his name Immanuel.

The prophecy was fulfilled when God chose Mary, a young unmarried woman to bed his son.


So back today, when I, when I started, I said the time had come. Now we moving forward. The hour has come Why has come the body of Christ? We go on to reading, John 19:25, that Mary was present where the crucifixion took place at Calvary. She saw his son on the cross. Imagine what she must have felt seeing all this unfolding before. Her very eyes.

As something significant took place.

Say it again that something significant took place. She remembered that what took place within her back. When Gabriel the Angel sent by God to receive the impartation of the Holy Spirit?

Coming out of that, this powerful woman's conference was another level with IV in. like I said, in all three women conference through the years, DMC. Great leadership established here in Seasons Church.

The message of Mary only came to me on Saturday to John Astley on Saturday that which was yesterday, calling message of God's love that was demonstrated on the cross. And Pasta Pasta, Lydia Lydia praying, over me.

Many of us to Lake Mary. Caring for a long time. Something God had put within us to do the work of Work of the Lord our ministry. My pride when I just was putting this together, God called us to. In time, the beginning of a butt. Cuz he said in his word in Jeremiah 1:5. Before I formed you in your mother's womb. Before you were born, I set you apart. An anointed you as my profit to the nation's.

We need to release. Oscar Renda.

I'll give him back to back to the father in order for him to take back to resurrect. It wouldn't accomplish the work of our Lord Jesus Christ on the cross.

We could not stand church.

To partake this morning.

as we take pop this morning, the Holy Communion

Maybe symbolize the sacrifice Jesus made on behalf. The wine and the bread in communion represents the blood in the body of Jesus, that was poured out and broken as a sacrifice for a free gift of salvation for a free gift of Salvation Church.

Since we partake. This morning, I will pray. Let's just have a moment with God and just this release for surrender. Something that you have been carrying a quite a while or even from beginning a bath.

Order for him.

To take it from us this morning. And let him do what he what he is. Good. What is good at?

Hallelujah. As we part 8 release.

Father, we just come this morning as a body. As your body Christ that you have on a song called my buddy, that you have paid a great deal in a great price for us. Lord, may we see the future beyond the cross. Maybe release what we had in the beginning when you plant it in there. Lord, let it be uprooted and come out and flourish Lord in Jesus name. Father, as we released, those the ones that have been been thinking and surrendering things to you, God, let it be a clarification this morning that you are at work and you want this in Jesus name. I pray and I Surrender the church into your hands, Lord, amen.

Well, that was powerful Sonia. He would have brought person for the job, my darling. Well done. Well, done, Gail. I encourage you, and you give things. Okay, so we're just going to have a short time here of two price reports of anybody who would like to share anything. If there is anyone bold enough to come up and share, something that go that's happened to you. Sure the conference, just something Greek. Is there anybody that? God has really touched that you want to share? Are we done?

Good morning said, oh my goodness, it's been 12 months and I was standing here testifying last year and God did it again. I was expecting you. It's really important to expect and I was expecting, I said Lloyd, you did it last year, you upgraded, some things you deleted me of some things and I had significant phrase. There's been a lot of things that have taken place through the year and a little personal breakthrough in my Ministry, in my own relationship with the Lord. But he sounded, and I came with the, I need shoes and I said God I I can't, I need you to do it cuz I've tried and it is a special anointing, hear a special anointing in this house and I really nice woman and I have benefited greatly this weekend. It started from the moment I came on Friday. And then it said time morning time and I started raping like I tip my eyes which is leaking and end things with surfacing I was becoming soften and God did it. Sorry. Thank you so much. Stacy and Custer Bennett and Caroline love you. The team amazing. Thank you, my darling. We love you very much, too. Good, be the same without you here. Come on. Go.

Thank you for this opportunity. I just want to say thank you to all of you. Ladies always here for the first conference and now he for the third one and it has met even more expectations and you know you're on Friday you're talking about the Avalanche of love and we were referring back to that the letter A love-letter. We write to God and I remember riding that right, love Retta, but you were inspiring to razor to turn that into a song. And when Teresa sang, her song of The Love Letter, I just started to cry. But the crime where I could feel my bottom lip was quivering, and I'm trying to sort of like, hold back the tears, but I just, I just cried that, that, that whole worship time and the tears came out and what I heard. Father God saying to me, I love you. You are my daughter and I love you, and you are lovable. And I just cried that Avalanche of love. So thank you for the song Teresa, and thank you for encouraging us to write. Yeah, I did suggest that you put it on Spotify so we could all download it.

I really want to encourage you with that and, and thank you for starting it off with having us. Write love letters to God in the first place. And I just the generosity that we, this water must have come from Townsville. And the generosity that we have felt, and the love, and the safety, and the ability to come somewhere and not feel judged or criticized. And we could just pull out a house. We've been talking about it and just thank you. Thank you so much for you.

Welcome. Thank you so much, thank you for those words. Say I treasured Woods to. Also, all of us at Seasons, especially my girls especially my beautiful girls side right now, I'm going to introduce Bennett and Stacy and say would like to say a few words.

Greetings church. Are we going to that good? Look at this place is packed to the rafters are regarded as well. Of course, I meant. I'm look, I just want to say, what an incredible weekends and before I think anyone else, I would like us to stand to a fate and just thank the Lord. Without him, none of us would be anything. Come on, let's get got a big chair in this house. Thank you, Jesus. We love you Lord, we give you all the glory. All the glory. Be unto your name.

Hallelujah. God is good. I am in, and you can take your seats. Well, God is so good.

Thank you, Jesus. Like one thing that Stacy and I really thrive on in and I'll Hearts Desire is to see live strands form for the glory of God. And when saying that this weekend was saying, that in this church was saying, God, do amazing things in our laws. I'm can can you just get rid of that buzz in the sand? That would be great.

But God is so good and it's just been amazing. Witnessing God, do we stink? Watching his hand, move watching his presence have such a profound effect on people and and being So Graceful towards us, a man. So we love you Lord and we praise your mighty name. Amen. All the glories, go to bed. I'm now, want to say this quickly. Thank you Sonia for sharing. I want to say this to you say since church and to The Season's Regional Women's Conference as well. But primarily the church, it's easy to be in a regional place, like Charters towers and to be like, Mary, it can be easy to believe that God can do little with what man considers insignificant. But God.

This is not of man, but of God. I want you to understand that. This isn't a Pastor Bennett and Stacy. This isn't about any man. This is about what God wants to do. In a Ragin is about what God wants to do an act Community. This is what God wants to do in your life, place your dependence upon any man place. Your trust and you will put your hope in, the god of Hope. Can I hear an amen?

The impact in the footprint of this church and all this conference is far beyond Charters Towers. Am I saying that already? And I'm a tiny going to grow in and you're going to be surprised what go can do with. A man, a woman who will say yes, to Jesus. so,

Just bring the yes before he met men and let him do his work cuz he's a miracle working. God. And he can do exceedingly above and beyond anything that you could they hope to dream or imagine, according to the pal. That's it. Work within you I meant sorry station. Or we just wanted to express our appreciation and gratitude with Caroline, for all the, the thoughtfulness, the planning, and the prayer that is going into this weekend. It's truly remarkable. What what she has achieved with this conference, but particularly over this weekend and hair and nail. If we're Carlos Lee with a team to put the legs on the vision,

They've done an incredible job. All I can say is, it's just being such a great privilege, and such a great blessing and encouragement, to us to witness God's hand at work. I'm in the precious lives of people like me on Caroline and seeing the vision and the, the the gifts and the coil and the dream inside people's hearts, but to see it actually manifest is an incredible thing and so I stay seen or we've got a gift for you Caroline. So would you come up here and Stacy is going to present that to you?

And we just want you to know how proud We Are of you and and Niall as well. That's just phenomenal. And we've done nothing. It's been over a year and got surprised. God, can we stand up at 4 and just on a Caroline and kneel for the work, they've done this weekend.

Praise God. You can take you sleep now and I won't take much more longer much more time, but secondly, I just want to thank the guests and a wonderful friends with time clock Miguel for being here with us and being an important part of this conference this weekend. But I'm also Stacy and I are forever grateful for the incredible prayer and support. This couple has given us in a 10-year. I've lost him and a half years is pastas. In fact, we wouldn't bring we would never have come to save his church and being part of your lives. If it wasn't for Clark and the role he played in in sensing God's Will, and so I can we just give them a big shout out. and, We love and appreciate you guys and we just a very grateful for you being here and lastly to all the wonderful women of God who of ministers to the ladies this weekend can I just say how proud We Are of you that the level of ministry is beyond amazing. Are you guys starting? I have blessed, you ought to have these wonderful women of God, just walking in the gift and the coal that God has for their lives. It's just full-on. Wow, what can you say Caroline? Theresa calling, Porsha and of course. Latoya. Thank you so much for being obedient for stepping out in five small. Lazy thing to get up and talk in front of people and and she denied many of them have had their own fears and challenges that they've had died of a calm, but they're doing it. With flying colors. They killing it. So thank you so much. Can we just give old at wonderful women? I got to be

Stacy said she didn't want to say anything.

But I just want to say that through this weekend. I felt a real Supernatural Pace come upon me with a decision to leave and just sitting back and allowing Caroline, and Neil and the team to be activated in their gifts and just to release them and let them place them has just been an incredible blessing. And I felt like God just he said to sit back and let you know he'll show off, will he showed off? And And it just gave me that pace because it's so heartbreaking to leave. But we feel it would be heartbreaking to stay because God has so much more for this church and for us and it is an individual season for Asia. And for the church as well, which is super exciting, because what he has is incredible, we wish that we had have been here for that, you know, for that. But anyway, I had the supernatural Pace on the weekend that you're in. Good hands. And it was okay to let guard will still always be a part of Seasons church but I just I needed that and God gave that to me this weekend.

Praise God.

I just really wanted to stand here and dumb and carry to church because I've experienced awesome pastas leaving, I can look how I from beaches pitch and cancel. And, you know, that church is just going from strength to strength and goes in control before I left. He said something to me while I was mowing the yard. And, you know, I just was brought to this place and what you leaving and what you will never be separated. He's joined our hearts together forever, right side.

Get on you beaches church. We love you.

Thank you to all the ladies who have attended and travel from afar from Montgomery, to Townsville, south east west and North. We love you all. It's been phenomenal. Conference wouldn't be the same without you and I cannot just give a shout out to a wonderful lady who's not here. There was a lot of prayer that went into this conference Caroline, amassed an incredible Army of Mighty, women of prayer and enjoy my life. And she, she ended up in hospital and was unable to come to the to witness what she had Pride. So effortlessly for and she senses in the spirit. That's High. Praise of being answered but I just wanted to. She put into this conference in the fact that she was not able to be here to witness what happened and I just am very grateful for the prayer team and the prayer and intercession in the discernment and the thoughtfulness, the winning to the praise. That might this conference, what? It is. So thank you so much and thank you to Geri Martin for helping Seasons Regional Women's Conference. Women's set free has been absolutely phenomenal success. Congratulations to you all without any feather, jail hand back to Caroline. But unfortunately, because we are, this is a special event today and we've had communion and stuff as service. My girl little bit. I was so just be patient with us this morning and just to let go to do what he wants to do in this next segment. And let's not be in a hurry that's plenty of food with the time for fellowship and everything off. Is not that we need any more food will not. Come on. Let's just strep a sales going to be patient and allow God to finish and put the cherry on top. I meant. Thank you Caroline.

Well, I have the great great pleasure of introducing these beautiful couple clock on the Thai. Sorry, hang on a minute. I'll just go swimming to say. I just saw when I was praying about this because I pray every year and it's going to be just the right distraught and there was one Speaking missing and I'm just like, called, who is it? Who is it? Who is it? And I was telling him the story this morning and I don't know how cops name came up and made Italy. Natalya's name wedding tomorrow. Brian and I'm like, it slow time and I had no idea what your response would be. I just rang and I just said, would you consider thinking Possibility is probably very long but I'm just going to ask anyway and it turned out that you'd would looking for an opportunity. You've been asking God somewhere to preach at preaching. God was calling you to preach. And within moments, you felt like my meds. Finally. He just responded. And said, yes, I'll be there. Sorry. It's a god-given thing that you got here. It's time for the invitation was from God, but it can't be. It's just kind to remain and I just want to only advice for everything that you've I know you've done a lot in beaches but you also applies to log into my life as well when you were here in this church and it just feels right to have you back home. So I love you. Both speaking first. Clock. That's it for me, guys.

I went going too long. And, you know, I was just sitting here thinking Lord, you know, I'm a pop. I'm all the amazing things that have been set apart. For more than making things that have taken place. It's like the holy spirit is clock, put them to the side right. Brain, what God's put on my heart to share and to encourage you this morning. So I'm just going to move on that. I'm not going to go in the bathroom faucet Bennett and Stacy. I think that they know how much I feel about them by platonic. How much we love them about Caroline and Neil Don and Indonesia. Have you not what God has put that on the back burner on? Because of the time, my sister Rachel, who I just met on Friday night, God bless you. And my brother David today is many things but for us for us with the word of God and it's so important for us to realize, what are we going to do with the word of God writes? Those you may not know I'm a senior position per minute with the ambulance service I've been for about 37 years. So I've seen many people take their last moment, their last breath, right? And it makes me aware of what God is doing in our lives to die, but God is doing in our hearts today. So when we come over Friday night and tell him, she said that word to take it back with some of us here, go to sign to pick up that meant till I gain with some of us, are they called us and pick that back up again, that dream, you know, my sister Sonia s*** about the communion powerful, bless your sister for that you shared about Elizabeth and about Marion and, you know, when I'm sitting here. So I'm trying to prepare. Just just share a little bit of encouragement. I want to save this morning, right? When the angel came to Tamara says, you know, you are highly favored and you shall have a son and you sure. Birthright. Of course, you know, Mary was excited. You know, she was young, she said house is going to. How's that possible? How that's going to happen? But God is sister Sonia, said that she had to tough Elizabeth Friday and we know that the Bible says that Elizabeth was six months pregnant, right? That's a lot of amazing. He is married young, you know yet she's pregnant is Elizabeth up the road Baron and yet she's pregnant. What God is trying to save you. Some of us feel that with being left behind that that dreaming that Vision has been left behind because you know, because the things that have taken place but when Mary comes to tell Elizabeth, I'm carrying a vision that God has placed in me. I'm carrying the word that God put in my life and I just see me down the road and he said don't worry about how it's going to come to pass you carry something. But with things you carry something right? And then it was a good high. As soon as I hit your voice, something jumped inside me cuz I carry efficient to, I carry a dream to buy. I'm not use my right you are young married and I'm a little bit wiser that we both carry efficient and sometimes you feel that that Vision has been left behind. You know, some of the words said you're not. There was f****** of this woman's conference. I think on Saturday morning I think Theresa said about eyes on him, all eyes on him. There is something that God is still in the Bible tells us in the book of Hebrews chapter 12 and this is his sister. Look unto Jesus, the author and the finisher of our faith. And I want to say this, when when I hit you with your preaching, about the Sheridan, and those are great with to you, I mean, it's amazing. I think you're right, Pastor, Ben this amazing lady cuz I didn't get to hear you say so. But anyway, there's some amazing ladies. And I thought about that when I think about that, And that with it says, look unto Jesus, write the Hebrew word for look there. It means to refocus. , Some of us need to refocus. It gives a picture with in Hebrew too hot, so he seen those Gladiators so you know that I know that, you know that there's a possibility of pasta is one of them. Oh brother. Brother in the movie, never go back. And you know, you see that picture when you see, when you look at the picture word of that word, look unto Jesus is ceased to refocus and sometimes our Focus has lost because of the lost because we've been good sometimes or distracted this morning and it says listen listen. Jesus. And we would think that song Kumbaya I look. Now there's something's not deeper than that. Spiritually, refocus refocus like that often. Remember when Christ went into Jerusalem, the Bible said that his countenance was that of an arrowhead discounts in since his Focus was that of an hour here.

And God is encouraging us this morning. When I said that God was, there was such a joy and God's hot this morning, but was taking place over the weekend. There is such a choice, brothers and sisters, who have come a long distance together because it's something that's putting it in your spirit. We're not just coming here, just so we can have country food, and Country Fellowship, which is amazing, but there's something much deeper than that, right? There's something that we can be spending our time doing instead of being here. Out in this, you're not beautiful Tropical Paradise.

It's nice and cool in here, this weekend. I'm sure when I came here on Friday, I was about the five Shades lighter than what I am now. Something else we could be doing, but they stopping that drives in those Spirits. There's something that says now. If we want to make a paper smoke, that what God is doing in my life, no one's coming to hear me or anyone else. They ones gathered here this morning to see what? Father, speaking into our lives. That's the bottom line, but I've never come to give a sermon on, never come to preach. Well, I don't care. What if you put on my heart, whatever you put in my house and when God doesn't let me tell you is what I said, I always look at it. It's never about me preparing a weirdo this so bad, but rather the will of God that is you. And I You know, what's the weather of God? Whether we are at the door you know, welcoming people and where they win the kitchen. Every part is significant in the kingdom of God. Every person is very important in the side of God, and I say that, I say that and finishing up a couple of them, know she didn't, I just want to, I just want to finish on this. And this is for us, that the Bible says, in the book of Hebrews 2:1 and it says this, listen, carefully to what is being spoken. Play choudrant from the word of God, on the back of God, that brings a difference, it's the weight of God that was you or not? 21, says, listen carefully to what Ben said. I still hear the word of God, and in the midst of everything that we see this happening today, will it be social media? Will it be the same as what I said? The other day I last night when she heard about the thoughts that come true tonight up to 6,000 to 80,000 does the signs. This is evidence-based. So it's got you out my mind within a 24-hour.

The Mikado, the external sounds like about being in the sun is set. Free is free, indeed, the sit in that space, right? To sit in that spice because the word of God comes to you and I fish this morning sis. Let him has he is there than here? Let him hear what the spirit of God is saying today. Let him hear that Clarity, then I'm here. That's that direction that God speaking into your heart, into my heart rate read right there. But we can't see it, we can feel it because we've been heard, right? And I'll finish on this scripture, the Bible must have a sniper and he jumped out of my van. That story still crazy today. You know, cuz the Bible says that when they stole something shadowy coming across the water, but if someone says something, please let me know. When do we have women conference? Has helped us. May need to learn what season did Peter call me to come. You know, if it was me I would have said, Lord of bet you remember that stock, it's storming the way the schedule. I would have to come to you if you know what I mean. I mean, what happens if I'm looking for you. Are you command me to come? And we know that Peter jumped out of the boat and he started to work. Many of us have received the Rhema But we received every month, I received every month, it was on the rim that he stepped out of that might take me to do the impossible.

Then he started to work on that water. That water break through that world of healing. Some of us still struggle today, in certain areas of our life today, but this conference is not the conference. Is it said, you know, I've often said no one's come to see my good looks right. I'm here because what about God's put on my heart to share, I'm here to deliver what garden with our marketing people at the door with, I'm cleaning the kitchen table. I don't care. I just love being in the presence. No, brothers and sisters, in the fellowship of faith is required together. Many of us have received a dreamer. And we walk and we walk, and we know that Peter was distracted, he stopped to see the storm began began to sink a lot. And I want to bring out these couple points just to quickly highlights with Jesus, say to Peter number, one year of little five. you see when we have little faith, we see God as little

So when we see God has little, we see how many ounces bigger than God, but the Rhema was there for pizza. You was working on the Rhema, you was walking on the reflection. Some of us have received the Riemann sum of us, have received the Revelation that because it's gone mad.

And look and I'm no exemption from it. But sir, Peter begins to sink, and let me tell you something. The Bible says that Jesus what he ran to Peter Someone help me out here. Did you want did you want to be there to help them all.

He reached out his hand. So how close was Jesus? How close was Jesus? How close was the Lord doing former Supreme to your life? That healing that restoration of relationship right there to help Peter. Is it come on? It's not helping me thinking. The Bible says that Jesus is God, this is the situation in size of faith. What is God doing to your life to grow in now?

Come on Church. What is God saying to us, right? Then we have little faith. We see God. It's little, but I want to say this and I'll finish on this before I walk in my wonderful wife.

Was that okay, though? Is that okay to watch? Was that okay Justin, just right. There are storms as soon as we exit this building today. There are storms and we need to know. Then there are stars when we exit this building today. And the Reason God is wanting to test our faith, like James speaks about knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience but let it have its work that you may be completely wanting nothing, right? The reason why because the storms in Airlines the storms and appear, Jesus ain't growing 5 because what he was saying to Peter when he began to see mine.

Brake shoe was like that. Change was right there. It was right there. If the storms are going to taste you and I So for us as we continue our journey with God, God is wanting us to grow our faith because the stones are bright.

The stones of right. And so we need to grow in 5 to measure that Jesus up. You folks is to the church at Corinth it comes out to see if you got something on me. Seven years ago I was here. Come on, you saying his encouragement. The one thing that God has put in my heart to finish up in this morning was that Jesus use Peter God. You speed up the preaching Isaiah Pentecost. Come on, so whatever. We stumble, whatever, we falter that weird of reima, whatever he begins to sink. It's just stay in the fight. I stay in the fight, right? Position of seasons are never easy but it's God's pour out for his church in for you. And I I prayed that the way that I should have just been the word of encouragement that song, you know. I mean, I'm a bit flat this morning, but I'll try my best next time. Can we put, please?

U.s. you make it snow.

And it's gone. I know how do you do that? How do you follow that? I've been calling that for quite some time. I'm kind of used to it.

As praise God and that's become around the way. I just want to just pray this morning. Pray father God thank you and God wearing a season mode and Lord. You're ready to quit often throughout this conference load. It just stays in the breaks through. This is a season of overflow. This is the season of suddenly. This is a season of open jewels and father God I just pray a little that we have wisdom to know how to handle this season and not like a those that were waiting on you but did not know the season load that they were in. It, did not know the timing. They did not discern that you were coming. So if I had a gun, I just prayed right now. Lord, for your spirit of wisdom, your spirit of counsel, just a flow throughout this congregation right now in Jesus mighty name. Hey man.

I was just actually marveling at my husband. Here, we have been here for over 40 years and thinking to myself his accent is so as they might smite we're going to have to start cheering for the wallabies instead of the gold black say.

You got to have.

The total of my message this morning is that that Valley shall be filled. and speaking about the preparation for Leo season,

The definition of overflow is typically refers to the exceeding, abundance of blessings, love and grace that God bestows upon his people. But it's more than that is the type of John 10:10 type of blessing. A word from God can turn a defeat into victory? It contains confusion in polarity. And despair into peace. In the very place where the enemy says he's going to take you out.

God is creating the opportunity for victory.

I'm going to read that first scripture about before we do. I'm just going to just share a little bit and give it a bit of a backdrop to it. It's in 2nd Kings chapter 3.

This isn't just a summary of them.

the more like hang on a regular basis, annual basis, word, He would take ten ten thousand shape. I'm sorry 100,000 shape and the wall of 100,000 Rams to appease the evil King. I have member I have was married to Joseph evil King. And it so happened that I have died and his son. Inherited the kingdom. then suddenly that the motorbike King decided he wasn't going to pay anything anymore. He was going to be going to deliver on his annual, gifting to the the King sir.

Seventh day.

Jehoram the successor to the shrine. He was a, she got really angry and she called his friends, he called it, the king of Judah and the, and the king of Edom to come and have them, and they're going to go in, and they're going to take out the mobike kingdom. And do you know why I should have looked at the story and I thought is this really about cheap? This is really about that issue. Was it actually about Eagan? So, even though we call these Kings in and and they said, yes, absolutely will stand and we'll fight with you. We going to? Let's go to this is not right. What? What he's doing to you, he's not given to you while he gave to your father so you know that's your inheritance. So but yeah. When they went, they gave that the armies together. And it wasn't long. It was only seven days as these muddy Ami's is 3. Muddy Ami's. We're traveling to take out this Kingdom. 7 days and they ran out of water. And how incredible it is. But sometimes when we plan to something and we come with all of us strength, and sometimes in the planning, we could get the very things that we really need to be packing. That's going to sustain us all the way. I'm just going to reach the next bus. Give me reading a vessel 11.

All right. Yes. Ghost 11 but King Jehoshaphat of Judah. Is there not a prophet of the Lord with us? If there is we can inquire the Lord through him. I'll just read out, just discussed, give you a background. One of the Servants of the king that the Prophet Elijah lived in the area. Elijah rides to him. And I arrived in time to hear the king of Israel. Blame God for that. It predicament isn't it typical it sometimes when we actually have this thing to go and take on the enemy, some time that we final to inquire of the Lord

Inside when Elijah, he is this comment, that he's making that, you know, God brought us to the desert only to take us out. Elijah makes a statement. He says, You know, I wouldn't even waste my breath on you speaking even talking to you. but he said makes Incredible statement, but if it wasn't for Jehoshaphat, And I looked at a description license thought you how many times that sometimes that we are the only ones maybe in our workplace. Maybe a nail school. That God is actually moving on Abby, huh? Maybe we're the only one in the harm that has that face. That go on, such a blessing, your home, and all your work place. So the place that your ad Because of you, have you ever thought of it like that never even thought that the fact that you standing for God has a powerful impact on on the people around you?

And slide 3.

sorry, I'm

2nd, Kings 3 16 to 18 and he said, this is what the Lord says. This dry Valley will be filled with pools of water. You will see neither wind nor rain says the Lord, but this Valley will be filled with water. You will have plenty for yourselves and your cattle and other animals, but this is only a simple thing for the Lord.

Oh, he will make you Victorious over the army. God doesn't just apply the knee that we have initially. He wants to supply above and beyond and over what? We're even asking. You sang to them. I'm not just going to give you the water that you need. Not just for yourself, but for your cattle and if we're sorry for you as Horses. And for all the other animals that you've come with, I'm going to give you victory over the enemy that you've actually sent out. Without my advice Pharisees. You say, I'm going to actually give them into your hands and you are going to overtake them. Are you going to stop up there? Waters? You going to stop them from producing. Enough said that I was flying love that God is asking us, he's inviting us into.


I'm just going to bring it from 2nd Kings 3:17, rays.

I'm at Sheetz skip this light, sorry. So intense. It's a patient of abundance. Number one, we prepare to receive the Irish flag with expectation. Number to acknowledge the promise of either fly.

You will see. Now the window, rain says the Lord, but this Valley will be filled with water. This symbolizes that something unusual was about to happen. Haven't we heard that prophetically? Have you heard about the words to be spoken in a church of your lies, some things that that symbolize unusual things in a happening? Unexpected Open Door moments. If we don't acknowledge that God is the god of the impossible, we limit his ability. And then clock even said that this morning. We live in his ability to move. Now lives, if everyone saw the invitation Caroline Santana out,

and I'm decided to take that invitation if you lady, so that invitation to started to get in the drawer, And thought to yourself, while I'll just pick that up whatever. How prepared would you have been to come here? And if you Caroline said that invitation and cheese, she received a response back from you. And she decided, while I'll just leave in maybe someone to the end of the week, will go to the week before I can tell you, just watching her than into staying downstairs. So we can stay preparation, has gone on for quite some time. Even without us saying, anyting, the just walking into this place, you can see that God is amazing. Women have that she not just thought about the conference and just, you know, to provide food, but they've actually gone above and beyond. Is that right? Is that how you feel when you step through the door? It's amazing.

Sometimes we like that with the word of God. when I speak the word out of our lives, Prophetic words. How do we handle that? How do we treat the word of God when we hear something dumb spoken divert us you know it's true measure of of knowing how with a way complacent with the word of God is and some of that she said this to me. What did you do with the last word? That was spoken of you. How did you respond to that word?

Luke 2:19 says about Mary Mary treasure. We speaking about Mary this morning, Mary treasured. All these things that she heard. Pondering them in her heart. Do you take the word of God and pondering you hot?

And the last one is it caused by faith in God's provision.

This aging says, but this is only a simple thing for the Lord that he will make you triumphant over the Omni of mud. How do you count by faith in God's provision? God wants to steal your Valley to overflowing but not only, I need that. He promised to defeat the enemy God wants to bless you pressed down shaken together running over. He is a god of the amount of abundance, you may be praying for water, but he wants to, to say sorry, he wants to subdue your enemies.

He wants to stop the enemy from withholding what is rightfully yours. He wants your business, to flourish, your children, to be blessed, and your ministry to move into a place of abundance.

For many of us here, we know. We have an aid. God not only wants to feel that need, he wants to do more, he wants to bring you into that life and have it more that Abundant Life And bring you into a place of expansion and overflow. if you'd like crazy this morning,

I just want to invite you this morning if you sense anything and gone that

The ending of the woods that was spoken this morning.

In fact, any of the woods are so I can divert the the entire weekend is that something that you wanted to respond to, it can be something that was spoken by Caroline. Ocala, North Resort.

A Porsche. Encourage you. Come forward and clock.

I'm going to drop my husband off. He said he's got something for the church.


And you know what? I do to prepare, right? And I've always been like that and many, the times when we share that would ask me if the various churches, I was present. They said, you got the scriptures us now. I'm just going to go

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