The King Comforts His Own
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2 Corinthians 1:3-7
We Need Comfort.
We Need Comfort.
The word used for comfort in 2 Cor 1 is “parakaleo” (para - parallel/side, kaleo - called) A “calling to one’s side”.
This same word is often translated as exhortation or encouragement. We need this in our lives.
We face times of difficulty and threats. Maybe not like Hezekiah did, and certainly not on the level that Jesus faced, but we can have the same shortcomings and fears.
The Lord wants us to trust in Him. That kind of trust does not come automatically or easily. It is built over time on the foundation of faith.
Hebrews 11:1 - Living Faith causes us to accept everything God tells, shows, and implies in His word.
Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.
True Comfort comes from our growth and development in the Kingdom.
Growth and Development Is Difficult, But Results in the BEST comfort.
Kingdom advancement depends on the condition of the heart.
Kingdom advancement depends on the condition of the heart.
Mt 13:3-8; 18-23 - This is a parable of comfort!
There are two things which must be present for the kingdom to thrive:
– the “word of the kingdom” – since seed brings forth after its own kind, only the right seed will produce the desired result (see more in the parable of the tares)
Matt 13:24-30
– an “honest and good heart” – only such a heart is capable of hearing and accepting the unique aspects of Christ’s kingdom.
How do I know I am getting better in my King’s service?
By looking at my own life in reference to the revelation of God.
The visible kingdom is spread by “sowing”.
The visible kingdom is spread by “sowing”.
We do not spread the Kingdom by conquest, but by voluntary submission.
Earthly kingdoms are normally established and spread through force and coercion (the territory to be gained is physical and geographic).
Usually one kingdom is planted over the demise of the one going before. And, while Christ’s kingdom attacks “territory”, the spiritual kingdom does not seek to acquire land or human institutions.
Kingdom citizens are made by a spiritual transformation, which must be voluntary. It is the HONEST, the GOOD, heart – one which is ready and willing to respond to the kingdom call.
The fact that only a few actually enter the kingdom is explained by the reality that only a few hearts are receptive.
The results of “sowing the seed” are determined by the quality of the soil into which it falls.
This is the meaning of that parable! It is interesting to note that among the four kinds of soil mentioned, only ONE is suitable for kingdom growth – even though THREE soils represent various levels of “kingdom people”.
There is a “preparation” or “terraforming” of the soil implied in the parable.
One aspect of this parable that rarely receives attention, but which seems to be important, is that there is implied the PREPARATION of the soil (the effort to obtain and maintain the proper attitude regarding spiritual things).
Either these “soils” are born that way (and thus condemned to unavoidable destruction in three out of four cases), or the “hardness”, “shallowness”, “distractedness” are traits which can and should be modified to become “honest and good”.
People CAN change – to go to heaven, they MUST change! And we must not underestimate the power of Christ’s gospel. If a person will only be open to it, ANYTHING can be overcome, and ANYONE can make his way to the final crown. Among other things, there is the fact that God is “no respecter of persons”, and what He demands of man is possible for that man!
The Sower is not the main thrust of this parable, yet we ARE accountable for sowing, and must work as God intends.
It is good for us to remember that “sowing” involves more than the mere teaching (either by word or pen) of the “word of the kingdom”. Equally powerful, and equally an obligation, is the way one himself lives the word!
God not only provides the instruction which will gain a kingdom citizen, He exerts an added influence by developing godly lives which become daily illustrations of the principles of the kingdom – and calls upon each one to “practice what he preaches”. Many a soul has been motivated by the word in action!
The Exhortation of the Soils
The Exhortation of the Soils
The “Wayside” Hearer
This is the person described in v. 10-16, who “sees not”, “hears not”, and “understands not” – as a conscious decision.
For him, the response to the word is to resist and reject it. In this Satan plays no small part.
The fact that such might be the INITIAL reaction does not always mean that the heart is impenetrable! We are not always sure until the full course of life is run.
Some have fought the word for years, only to finally be softened by its appeal and give their lives to the King! The important thing to remember is that the gospel will not help as long as the heart is too hard to allow it to enter in.
If one receives it, the power of God is unleashed to accomplish the desired end. Jas 1:21
Therefore lay aside all filthiness and overflow of wickedness, and receive with meekness the implanted word, which is able to save your souls.
Both God and man play a part in the process.
God’s revelation, if allowed to enter the mind of man, is able to overcome ANY obstacle, and soften the heart to salvation.
Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me.
This tells us:
That Christ WANTS to enter our heart
That it is up to us – He “offers”, we must “accept”
The “Rocky” Disciple
For this soil, the initial reaction is exactly opposite to the first type.
The seed gains immediate access to the soil, and quickly springs up. The initial joy is dampened by the inevitable and costly struggle to live as a kingdom citizen.
Not having the depth of character and commitment needed to successfully face trials, this shallow disciple is discouraged and falls away.
Evidently, though he sees the positive side of truth – it has the power to lead us to God– and is at first affected tremendously, he does not have “root within himself” real inward change takes place!
The development of real character and “staying power” has not followed the initial enthusiasm generated by learning truth, and he is unprepared to face the “negative” side of life: trials, disappointments, afflictions, persecutions. They prove to much for his unaided confrontation with them, and so he falls.
WHAT IS THE ANTIDOTE TO THIS “flash in the pan” type of soil? Lu 14:25-33
The “cost”?
– denying self
–developing character (faith thru knowledge, patience, strength, bible peace, etc.)
It is important that we not only look for the benefits of the gospel, but that we also realize that it demands a transforming of our very thoughts and capabilities. The excitement that we have “found the way” to life must be followed by a serious consideration of what it tells us we must become in order to gain it!
If one is unwilling to give EVERYTHING in service in the kingdom, these times will identify him as “not fit for the kingdom” (Lk 9:62 )
But Jesus said to him, “No one, having put his hand to the plow, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God.”
The “Thorny” Disciple
For these, the seeds of ruin are there along with the seeds of victory.
Here, too, the word makes an initial impact. Any progress that they could make toward spiritual maturity is thwarted by the appearance of two main obstacles: the “cares of the world” and the “deceitfulness of riches”.
Evidently, these tender plants have neither the time nor the environment in which to thrive and strengthen. The comparison between the material and spiritual “soils” is valid here
New plants are delicate, and need time and nurture to become strong enough for survival.
While young, the choking effect of weeds and thorns is most keenly felt, and less likely to allow the proper growth.
Just so, the “newborn babe” in Christ (1 Pet 2:1-2) is highly vulnerable, and less able to deal with the inevitable distractions which will mark his path to maturity.
Therefore, laying aside all malice, all deceit, hypocrisy, envy, and all evil speaking, as newborn babes, desire the pure milk of the word, that you may grow thereby,
Those of you who are “green” to all this -I say with encouragement and love- seek out the pure milk of the word. Read and study more. Set aside time to invest in this. Build your foundation before the thorns keep growing and choke out your future in the Kingdom!
The “Good Ground” Disciple
The good ground is diverse in the amount of its fruit. Matt. 13:8, 23; Mark 4:8,20
Matthew 13:8 But others fell on good ground and yielded a crop: some a hundredfold, some sixty, some thirty.
Matthew 13:23 But he who received seed on the good ground is he who hears the word and understands it, who indeed bears fruit and produces: some a hundredfold, some sixty, some thirty.”
Mark 4:8 But other seed fell on good ground and yielded a crop that sprang up, increased and produced: some thirtyfold, some sixty, and some a hundred.”
Mark 4:20 But these are the ones sown on good ground, those who hear the word, accept it, and bear fruit: some thirtyfold, some sixty, and some a hundred.”
The good ground hears the word with a noble and good heart, keeps it, and bears fruit with patience. Luke 8:15
But the ones that fell on the good ground are those who, having heard the word with a noble and good heart, keep it and bear fruit with patience.
The good ground does everything good the others did, without the distractions, shallowness, and refusal to hear that they others indicated.
Consider the Comfort we bring to others when we are “good ground”!
Acts 3:19 - our repentance is supposed to lead to “times of refreshing” from the “presence of the Lord”
Acts 4:36-37 - The Son of Encouragement!