Isaiah 43: 11-15 There is None like Him Isaiah 43: 11-15

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There is None like Him Isaiah 43: 11-15 I remember an e-mail I received from Brother Todd Payne several years ago. As he was traveling in India, trying to minister to those who need Christ, he came upon a crowd in a particular village gathered around a box. The people there believed one of their gods was in that box. (Todd jokingly said he had seen god, with a “little g,” in a box.) It turned out, the god they worshipped was a green snake. Those people were standing and waiting for the snake to look at them. Todd replied that he was glad his God wasn’t in a box nor could He be put into a box! I stand amazed at the lengths men will go to seek out and worship a god. We live in an age where many deny the existence of the true and living God, but men are spiritual creatures and they will worship something. They may worship God’s creation or His creatures, but they will worship something. Those who deny having any faith at all are actually revealing they have faith in no faith. There seems to be no end to idolatrous worship. I rejoice that I have met the Lord and have trusted Him for my salvation. I am not depending on the false gods of this world. I know that my Redeemer lives and that He is well able to meet my needs, whatever they may be. I want to look at the truths within these verses as we consider the thought: There is None Like Him. I. We Serve a Matchless Lord (11) – I, even I, am the LORD; and beside me there is no saviour. The Lord makes an emphatic statement in the text. I, even I, am the LORD. There can be no question as to what He means. He alone is God and there is none other besides Him. Is.40:25 – To whom then will ye liken me, or shall I be equal? saith the Holy One.
 I am glad to serve the One and only, true and living God. I don’t have to seek for other gods to meet my needs, because I serve the Lord. He alone is God and there is none other, except in the minds of men. I have never found Him to be lacking. There has never been a problem that was beyond His power or ability to solve. When you serve and belong to the Lord, He brings satisfaction and peace.
 I don’t have to worry about my Lord growing too old or feeble to work on my behalf. I don’t have to fear Him being overcome by the adversary and another taking His place. There are none that can compare to Him. He alone is the Lord and that will never change. We need not fear that we will wake up one day and discover that our Lord is no longer there. 1 Tim.1:17 – Now unto the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only wise God, be honour and glory for ever and ever. Amen. P a s t o r Chris Benf ield, Fel lowship Missionary Baptist Church Page 1 March 22, 2015 II. We Serve a Mindful Lord (12) – I have declared, and have saved, and I have shewed, when there was no strange god among you: therefore ye are my witnesses, saith the LORD, that I am God. As I looked at this verse I thought of our Lord being active and present in our lives. He reveals three specific areas that He is active and present among us. We discover that: A. He Speaks – I have declared. This is a blessing. The word declared means to “manifest, announce, or expose.” God will manifest Himself to those who seek Him. He will expose His presence, power, and glory to those who are right before Him. I’m glad we serve One whom we can experience in our lives. I’m not serving one whom I never hear from or feel His presence. God will declare Himself to those that seek Him. (Do you think that snake in a box could manifest itself in a positive way?) B. He Saves – I have declared, and have saved. This is also a tremendous blessing. It means that God will “deliver, set free, and succor.” He will come to our aide, running to us in a moment of difficulty to relieve our burdens. I rejoice that Christ has saved my soul, but I also rejoice that He has no left me to bear my burdens alone. Do you remember reading about Jesus being asleep on the boat in the midst of the storm? The winds and waves didn’t bother or disturb Him, but when the disciples cried, Master, we perish; He rose from His sleep and met their need! C. He Shows – I have declared, and have saved, and I have shewed. The Lord has showed us the path that we must take. That reveals One who is concerned with our daily lives. The word shewed has the idea of “listening with attention and interest.” God is mindful of us and we must be mindful of His direction in our lives. Often the Lord will speak, desiring to lead us, but we are so consumed in our daily lives and desires that we miss His direction. We need hearts in tune with the Lord.  Notice the latter part of the verse before we move on: when there was no strange god among you: therefore ye are my witnesses, saith the LORD, that I am God. God wants to be active and present in our lives, but we must meet His conditions. We must keep our lives free of anything that would come between us and Him. We don’t have groves like the Israelites often did, but if we aren’t careful we can erect an idol in our lives as well. I want all that the Lord has for me. I want to live in such a way that I can receive His blessing! III. We Serve a Mighty Lord (13) – Yea, before the day was I am he; and there is none that can deliver out of my hand: I will work, and who shall let it? Our minds cannot grasp the eternal nature of our Lord. Before there was time, He existed. He has no beginning and no ending. John 8:58 – Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Before Abraham was, I am. Who could prevent God from P a s t o r Chris Benf ield, Fel lowship Missionary Baptist Church Page 2 March 22, 2015 accomplishing His will? Man may try, but it is a futile effort. He is the One who has the power to part the seas, give victory over giants, calm the storms, and even raise the dead! Serving a God of such sovereign power, what could we possibly face that He couldn’t control or handle? He is mighty in power, mighty to save and mighty to deliver, Vv.2-3!  We face situations that are beyond our ability to handle, but we need to remember whom it is we serve. If He is able to create the heavens and the earth and keep it all in order, surely He is able to meet our needs. There is nothing that can separate us from the mercy and grace of our Lord. He is an ever present help in our times of trouble. IV. We Serve a Merciful Lord (14) – Thus saith the LORD, your redeemer, the Holy One of Israel; For your sake I have sent to Babylon, and have brought down all their nobles, and the Chaldeans, whose cry is in the ships. God is speaking of the coming destruction of Babylon. The Jews would be carried away captive, but they would not be forsaken. In His time, God would deliver them from their despair. It was their sin that led to captivity, but even in judgment God was merciful. He would bring them out and restore them again.  He is the Redeemer of mankind. This is a beautiful concept in the Word of God. Redemption carries the idea of “ransoming with a price.” It has the idea of “a slave being purchased and set free from the bondage of his slavery.” I’m glad He came to me in my sin. I’m glad the Lord paid my debt and redeemed me so I might become a child of God. Isn’t that mercy? He would’ve been God to have left us in our sin, allowing us to die lost and go to Hell, but He chose to extend mercy to those who were undeserving. V. We Serve a Majestic Lord (15) – I am the LORD, your Holy One, the creator of Israel, your King. There can be no doubt that we serve the Lord of lords and King of kings. He alone is worthy of our praise. There are no other gods beside Him. Notice: A. His Person – I am the LORD. This is His name; He is Jehovah God, the Self-existing One. It is a name all men know. They may not recognize Him or worship Him, but they know His name. His name is holy. It is to be revered, respected, and worshipped. His name is a name that is above every other name! Never has a name brought such hope and transformation as His name. Acts 4:12 – Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved. Phil.2:10-11 – That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth; [11] And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. I’m glad to know that name in a personal way. I’m glad that I have bowed and confessed Him as Lord! P a s t o r Chris Benf ield, Fel lowship Missionary Baptist Church Page 3 March 22, 2015 B. His Purity – He is the Holy One. We cannot begin to understand the holiness of God. He knows no sin. There has never been a time when sin entered into His heart. There has never been a time that He has had to repent. He is higher and holier than we can comprehend.  Isn’t it amazing that a God such as He would desire to fellowship with us? I stand amazed that the holy, sinless Son would come in the form of a servant, take my sin upon Himself and die in my place. If we could ever fully grasp the holiness of God it would change our lives. We would live much differently. We would come to the house of God in a different frame of mind and worship Him for who He is! C. His Provision – He is the Creator of Israel. He is the One who set them apart as a peculiar people. He established them and gave the Land of Promise. All they had and could ever hope to have came from the good hand of the Lord. All they were was a result of the Lord.  I am humbled when I think of the Lord’s provision in my life. I have been blessed beyond measure and all that I have received has come from Him. We are what we are because of the Lord and we will enjoy all that heaven affords because He has prepared it for us. Psalm 8:3-4 – When I consider thy heavens, the work of thy fingers, the moon and the stars, which thou hast ordained; [4] What is man, that thou art mindful of him? and the son of man, that thou visitest him? Who has done for us what the Lord has? D. His Position – He is our King. He is the One whom we serve. He is the sovereign of our lives. We have been purchased by His precious blood and we belong to Him. I rejoice that I have been giving the privilege to serve the King. There is no greater privilege than to have a personal relationship with the King of glory, the Redeemer of my soul.  As I thought of His sovereignty, I was reminded of the way the world treated Him as He came the first time. He was despised and rejected of men. He came unto His own and His own received Him not. He was not treated as the King He was, but was tried and crucified as a common criminal. They hung my Lord upon a cross and crucified Him. He died there, but He rose again. He will one day return for the church and then He will establish His kingdom, Rev.19:11-16. Conclusion: I am glad to know my Lord can’t be put into a box. This world can’t even contain His glory and His power. We live in a day of uncertainty, but we serve a Lord who will never fail. Keep your eyes upon Jesus and trust Him. If you’ve never met Him, I can’t begin to tell you what you are missing. He stands ready to save if you will respond by faith. Why not come as the Lord leads? P a s t o r Chris Benf ield, Fel lowship Missionary Baptist C
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