Staff Focus - Establishing Churches
Start with setting up the series
Here’s one for starters - if you want to start, grow, succeed as a church - according to this passage - you think I’m going to say you need 4 things.
However, it is not legitimate to argue that these experiences should be simply replicated in the life of every believer or contemporary church. Acts 2 is a narrative about the historic fulfillment of God’s covenant promises to Israel by the renewal of his people in Jerusalem. Luke is highlighting the faithfulness of God and outlining the way salvation was provided for believing Israelites by Messiah Jesus.
Luke is giving a description of the ministry of these disciples to one another in a variety of contexts, not simply telling us what happened when they gathered for what we might call ‘church’.
This is affirmed in 4:32, where a similar statement about having ‘all things common’ (hapanta koina) is prefaced by the words ‘All the believers were one in heart and mind’. That relationship brought a certain sense of responsibility to one another.
Breaking of Bread - NOT THE LORD’S SUPPER
But these meals were doubtless given a special character by the fact that they were associated with teaching, prayer, and praise. They ate together with glad and sincere hearts (v. 46), and this gladness issued in praising God (v. 47). Perhaps as they gave thanks for their food they focussed also on the person and work of the Lord Jesus, reminding one another of the basis of their fellowship in him. In this way, a meal could be given the same sort of significance that Paul ascribed to the community suppers at Corinth (1 Cor. 10:16–17; 11:17–34).