YOUTH NIGHT • Sermon • Submitted • Presented
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When you respect and follow God, it shows that you are His best friend. And just like a best friend, God will tell you His secrets.
God did not give us rules to make life hard, but to guide us to be kind and loving.
God gave Moses the 10 commandments (list them off).
I fear the Lord, keep His commandments, and receive His secrets.
I will be kind and loving to all.
I will honour the 10 commandments and walk in holiness and love.
Jesus said to him, “ ‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.’
This is the first and great commandment.
And the second is like it: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’
On these two commandments hang all the Law and the Prophets.”
For this is the love of God, that we keep His commandments. And His commandments are not burdensome.
Vision of how I train horses
I cannot move and accomplish what I do with my horses if my horses are not obedient to me.
It is the same thing with us and the Holy Spirit.
If we do not obey His commandments and listen when God speaks to us and go where He tells us to go, if we have not been trained by the Holy Spirit, to move in oneness with Him… connection and obedience.
The best obedience comes from a place of love. It is the love connection.
They obey commandments because they spend time with me.
Show video of Moses. Only way this is possible is obeying commandments.
Who has heard loves (or has heard of) Moses?!
Don’t worship other gods
Avoid using idols
Don’t misuse God’s name (use his name in vain)
Keep the sabbath holy
Don’t kill
Don’t commit adultery
Don’t steal
Don’t lie about others
Don’t covet
These commandments are the moral law (show us what is right and wrong, what is good and bad).
God did not give us rules to make life hard, but to guide us to be kind and loving.
Jesus wants to show us the things that are right and wrong because doing the wrong things can hurt us and hurt other people.
Just like when your parents tell you not to do something, because they want to teaching you right from wrong. And they want to protect you and keep you safe.
For this is the love of God, that we keep his commandments. And his commandments are not burdensome.
When we are born again (love Jesus), The Holy Spirit (Jesus) lives inside of us. Holy Spirit helps us to obey God’s commandments so it isn’t hard or burdensome. It is actually fun!
He took our old stoney heart and gave us a new heart that loves God.
We obey God because we love God and we are his friend.
When you respect and follow God, it shows that you are His best friend. And just like a best friend, God will tell you His secrets.
Can I tell you my secret?!
When I first bought Moses, Moses wasn’t trained very well. And he was scared to jump even little jumps even though he is so big! He didn’t understand what I was asking him to do. Picture of coming out of the world. Sometimes we don’t understand why our parents, teachers, or God are telling us to do soemthing. Sometimes it feels hard and even scary.
So I had to completely retrain him. And teach him how to jump. And needing to retrain ourselves, renew out minds for the older kids.
Moses had to learn to trust me when I was asking him to be obedient to what I asked him. He had to trust that what I was asking would keep him safe. It is important that we learn to trust God, our parents, and our caregivers.
When Moses learned to trust me and be obedient to my commands, he was able to jump far better and far bigger. We started winning AND Moses started having so much fun. He wasn’t scared anymore! How he is happy and dances to the show ring.
Look what you can even do with your parents, your friends, the things you love when you are obedient. You accomplish more. It is fun. God loves to give us the desires of our hearts, he wants us to win in life. But we need to trust him and listen to his commandments. If Moses didn’t trust me and listen he would just knock the jumps down or even get hurt.