THE LIFE OF ABRAHAM: Faithfulness (Genesis 11:10-12:20)

Genesis (Abraham)  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented
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real thing—sitting disease
1/4 population sit 8 hours or more per day
sitting for long periods can lead to
increased blood pressure,
high blood sugar,
excess body fat around the waist
unhealthy cholesterol levels
Mayo Clinic “Researchers analyzed 13 studies of sitting time and activity levels. They found that those who sat for more than eight hours a day with no physical activity had a risk of dying similar to that posed by obesity and smoking.”
simple solution
move more
God designed our bodies to move
sitting disease doesn’t just apply to the physical world
it can apply to the spiritual world
has your faith been sitting for more than 8 hours per day?
faith is like a muscle, it gets stronger when exercised
the reason our faith should increase and grow
is because we consider the object of our faith
we look back on what God has done
and we believe He has the power to do it again

Faithfulness (Genesis 11:10-12:20)

back in Genesis—The Life of Abraham
before Christmas
Genesis (beginning) of what???
at first glance, Genesis 1:1 “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.” (universe)
Gen 1-11 screaming through centuries and centuries at the speed of light
then stop abruptly on 1 man and his family
and never lose focus of him
is it the genesis (beginning) of the universe???
or the genesis (beginning) of God’s chosen people???
genealogy 1
start with Adam and his descendants
focus on Seth
God starts creation over again with focus on Noah and his descendants
special attention given to Shem
then focuses on Terah’s descendants
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11:27-32 (pew Bible # 10)
the setting of much of what will unfold is alluded to in these short verses
specifically—Sarai’s barrenness
genealogy 2
add Lot
with the Biblical backdrop of the Tower of Babel
where humanity wanted to make a name for themselves
God calls one man and promises, “I will make your name great” (12:2)
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we must see this as a divine invitation
not because Abram deserves it (likely worshiping gods of ancestors)
but God’s gracious invitation to have a people set apart for Him
God makes promises to Abram
1. I will make you a great nation
2. I will bless you
3. make your name great
4. so that you will be a blessing
5. I will bless those who bless you
6. him who dishonors you I will curse
7. in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed
phrase later reaffirmed to
Abraham (22:18)
Isaac (26:4)
Jacob (28:14)
this final promise can be fulfilled only in Abram’s great son, Jesus Christ (Matt 1:1),
who will send out his followers to ‘make disciples of all nations’ (28:19).
7 is the Biblical number for perfection (completeness)
God’s promises to Abram are perfect (complete)
unbelievable that God issues these promises to Abram
a divine invitation
what will Abram do???
Canaan is not known as the promised land of riches like found in the United States
Abram would have to make a complete break with his past
leave his family—leave his country
leave his identity
what will Abram do???
Abram’s trust in God is the theme of these verses
great faith to believe all is true
Abram is told to trust that God will lead him to a favorable land without seeing it first
we don’t hear Abram questioning God
simple obedience
no small move
his travel from Haran to Canaan alone is an ordeal
map of journey (map / satellite)
400 miles
before anyone thought about moving across state lines
U-haul changed that but not until after WWII
crazy amounts of people
later 318 male servants joined to rescue Lot (14:14)
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while in Shechem, God makes another promise and Abram responds in worship
1st time Lord is said to appear to anyone
God promised land to offspring (seed) while Abram still childless
Sarai’s barrenness stands in the way of great nation
wealth is great but doesn’t produce an heir
Paul picks up on this verse in Galatians 3:16
3:15—can’t help but think about the seed of the woman crushing the head of the serpent
but for Abram, this promise is NOT a reality or even possible
yet Abram responds in worship
but sermons are not intended to be just history lessons

your faith in the Lord should move you to make bold actions of obedience

God’s divine invitation and promises are unbelievable
Abram’s trust in God is unbelievable
notice Abram’s response to God’s invitation was immediate and unquestioning
great faith is highlighted by Jesus
Mark 2:5 “And when Jesus saw their faith, he said to the paralytic, “Son, your sins are forgiven.””
Matthew 15:28 “Then Jesus answered [Syrophoenician woman], “O woman, great is your faith! Be it done for you as you desire.” And her daughter was healed instantly.”
Matthew 8:10 Centurion “When Jesus heard this, he marveled and said to those who followed him, “Truly, I tell you, with no one in Israel have I found such faith.”
as followers of Jesus, we should look to Abram’s faith as an example of faith
Galatians 3:7-9
Abraham is the father of God’s people not because he is the biological ancestor of the Jews
but because he has a family of spiritual children who follow in his footsteps by believing as he did
Abraham started out as a pagan, not an Israelite
and God justified him by faith
Abraham’s actions are often explained by a growing faith in response to the Lord
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when has your faith in the Lord moved you to make bold actions of obedience?
when we are convinced the God of the Bible is real
we are moved to action
not here to play church
not mystically trying to hear the voice of God
BUT listening to Him in accordance to what He has already said (THE BIBLE)
regarding salvation
convinced of Jesus
God in the flesh, virgin birth, sinless life, vicarious death, physical resurrection
surrender everything to Jesus
Jesus is saying, “Follow Me
what is the one thing you are holding back from total surrender to Jesus?
want to know God of the Bible
CONSISTENT quiet time (God will transform you through His Word)
reading Bible
praying (opportunity cost)
what is standing in the way of your quiet time every day?
God placed someone on your heart last week during Pastor Mark’s sermon
will you share the hope of Jesus with them THIS WEEK?
change of job
to serve Lord more faithfully
be more faithful on Sundays
be more present with your family
is God calling you to change your job?
giving to the Lord
when not sure how you will have enough money to pay bills
watch Him show up!
is God calling you to be faithful with your finances?
call to ministry
no one else in your family called to ministry
but maybe God is calling you
to pastoral ministry
to women’s ministry
to youth/children’s ministry
to the foreign mission field
is God calling you into ministry?
if you believe God is as big as He is revealed in the Bible,
we should be less and less shocked when someone acts in faith towards our ALMIGHTY GOD
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we could stop with 12:9
easily God is gracious
and Abram is a hero for being so faithful to respond to God’s call
BUT we will look at all of 12
the Bible doesn’t just record victories (like FACEBOOK),
but failures too
In nearly every account which follows,
the promise of a ‘numerous seed,’ ‘blessing to all families of the earth,’ or the ‘gift of the land’
is placed in jeopardy by the actions of the people
great expectations get our attention at the beginning of Gen 12
only to be let down before we finish the chapter
the hero is not quite so heroic
famine—twist of events
God’s promise of the land seems to be in question
appeal of Egypt
Gift of the Nile
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Sarai quite attractive woman
at both 65 years old and 90 years old—25 years later (20:12)
Abram doubts that God can protect Sarai with the whole truth
so devises a scheme with half truth to hide her true identity
despite divine protection promised in 12:1-3
this account is almost a polar opposite example of the faith in 12:1-9
it is like Abram’s faith is unreliable
Gen 12:1-3 is in great question
will there even be a descendant from Abram?
will the promised land be given?
strangely, Pharaoh is more concerned about morality than Abram
Abram is not being a blessing to the nations
Abram’s plan backfires
God promises protection and provides rescue even when Abram’s faithlessness prevailed
there’s a word for us in this

your faith in the Lord can and likely will waver under the trials of life

have you ever found your faith flounder under pressure?
committed to Amanda staying home when kiddos were young (and not born)
not enough money to go around (Annawood)
have felt like the Lord was leading you…
to be more faithful in your finances BUT flat tire this week???
to change jobs BUT not as much money so questioning if God will provide???
Spirit leads you to share gospel
know you have been promised divine presence of Jesus in making disciples
Matthew 28:20And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.
but prejudice, fear, or apathy takes over
don’t open your mouth even after a clear leading of the Holy Spirit
in one moment we look like we are giants in the faith
only to realize we are ashamed of our faith moments later
are you trusting in your faith?
OR are you trusting in God Almighty?
In nearly every account which follows,
the promise of a ‘numerous seed,’ ‘blessing to all families of the earth,’ or the ‘gift of the land’
is placed in jeopardy by the actions of the people
the purpose—only God can bring about His promises
Human failure cannot stand in the way of God’s promises.

your wavering faith will not stop the unwavering faithfulness of God

if you want to rely on someone’s faith, don’t let it be on your faith
let it be God’s faithfulness and not your waffling faith
it is God’s faithfulness that prevails
not Abram’s
our hope and trust is not in our faithfulness (which waivers and falters)
our hope and trust is in God’s faithfulness
we rest in the faithfulness of Christ on our behalf
2 Timothy 2:11-13—even when we falter (not fully deny)
all the while knowing our faith (and faithfulness) will be ever increasing
Abraham lived 175 years
God called him at 75 years old
God fulfilled His promise at 100 years old
Abraham had bouts of unbelief along the way
Abraham’s last 75 years were of rock solid faith (much of what NT highlights)
Abraham’s journey wasn’t always filled with unwavering faith
but looking back, Abraham’s life was typified by growing faith
not until the birth of Isaac was he unshakeable in his faith
so in summary he can be viewed as a man of faith
how the NT looks back on Abraham
what was the constant? WHO never wavered?
it was God’s unwavering faithfulness that prevailed
your faith NEVER should be in your faith, but in Almighty God

Faithfulness (Genesis 11:10-12:20)

what is the trajectory of your faith?
is your faith growing?
where is your faith stagnant?
where do you need to step out in faith and trust the Lord?
in the end, don’t trust in your faith
trust in the faithfulness of God to do what He has promised
and you will notice that your faith will be increasing
GOSPEL—God promises to save sinners that repent of sin and believe in Jesus
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