Jesus; Fulfiller of the Law and Prophets Matt 5:17-20
The Sermon on the Mount • Sermon • Submitted • Presented
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In this portion of Jesus’ sermon he addresses a misconception that because of Jesus “new” teaching he was abolishing the law of Moses, Jesus wasn’t disregarding the law and prophets, he wasn’t destroying the law and prophets, he was fulfilling the law and the prophets, through his life and through his death.
Tonight we are going to look at Jesus’ relationship with the Law and the Prophets
The Law and the Prophets Fulfilled in Christ.
The Law and the Prophets Fulfilled in Christ.
It’s important to note that Jesus was not presenting a rival system to the Law of Moses and the words of the Prophets, but a true fulfillment of both.
Lets start first with the Law
Jesus begins this sermon by directing the audience to the law of Moses, the foundation of Jewish national life, and the moral, ceremonial and religious code under which he lived.
The law is made up of 613 laws and there was never a moment in Jesus’ life where he didn’t fulfill every detail of the Law.
It would go against the very nature of Jesus to not fulfil the law and the prophets.
Philipps said this “In Old Testament times the most sacred object connected with Israels richly symbolic system of worship was the ark of the covenant that stood within the holy of holies, which was behind the vail. Inside the ark was an unbroken copy of the Mosaic law.