NBBC Kids’ Club: Mark 1:35-38

NBBC Kids’ Club Fall 2024  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented
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Listen to and obey the Lord always.

Introduction: Friends, so far, we’ve looked at what it means to be a follower of Jesus.
Last week, we saw how Peter, Andrew, James, and John demonstrated for us that, when we know that someone has a need, we can seek the Lord about that in prayer, confident that whatever answer He gives, it’s the right one because He’s good.
Friends, … (introductory lead-in that connects what they experience with getting caught up in the crowd and what Peter experienced)
Content and Explanation: Mark 1:35-38
Mark 1:35–38 “35 In the early morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house, and went away to a secluded place, and was praying there.
Friends, what is it that we see Jesus doing here?
He prays.
What time of day does Jesus pray?
In the morning.
Early in the morning (it was still dark).
Where does Jesus leave in order to go and pray?
The house.
A place where people would naturally be.
This is probably Simon Peter’s and Andrew’s house.
Does anyone remember what it is that Jesus did at Simon’s house that we considered last week?
Jesus healed Peter’s mother-in-law, that’s right!
And, friends, Jesus has also healed a whole bunch of other people with various health issues and being afflicted by demons.
Friends, the day before this time of prayer that Jesus slips away to offer to the Lord was a busy day!
Friends, when you’ve had a busy day prior, do you want to get up early the next day?
Not normally.
Usually, it’s because we’re pretty tired if we’ve had a busy day.
Friends, did Jesus get tired?
He sure did.
Jesus was a man, a person like you and me.
Friends, do you think that Jesus might have been tired?
So, instead of getting extra sleep, what does Jesus do?
He goes off and prays.
He intentionally chooses to do something other than get extra rest.
Friends, Jesus did this on purpose.
He planned it out.
But, why would Jesus leave the house?
Couldn’t Jesus just stay at the house and pray, even silently?
Think about it, friends, why does anyone ever get away from others to be alone?
It’s because they don’t want to be distracted from doing something else that they think is important.
Illustration: when you’re doing your homework, is it good to have the TV on or for your siblings to be playing loudly to help you get it done?
You need to concentrate to give it your best effort!
Notice, friends, that just like sometimes you can’t get away from distractions, so here a distraction came to find Jesus!
36 Simon and his companions searched for Him;
Notice, friends, who was it that was looking for Jesus?
Simon and his companions (or the other disciples, Andrew, James, and John).
They weren’t just casually looking for Jesus like it didn’t matter if they couldn’t find Him.
No, they were looking hard for Jesus, like they were searching for a treasured friend or family member that had been lost.
Friends, if you were looking for a lost member of your family, what might you do?
Call their name loudly!
Go to others nearby and as if they’ve seen them.
Call the police to get authorities involved.
Friends, I want for you to follow me as we go looking for Jesus!
Friends, we do this kind of searching because we care about the one that we’re searching for.
However, friends, sometimes we can do this kind of searching for other reasons.
Notice, friends, what it is that the disciples say to Jesus
37 they found Him, and said to Him, “Everyone is looking for You.”
Friends, when you find someone and the first thing that you say is what is most important to you.
For example, if you found someone and said, “Where have you been?” what are you indicating is most important to you?
To find out where the person was the whole time!
You’re trying to account for what would have happened that they would have been gone so long.
Friends, what is it that the disciples say to Jesus?
“Everyone is looking for You.”
What are the disciples indicating is most important to them based on this statement?
The crowd of people looking for Jesus.
Friends, the disciples could have said a whole number of other things.
Jesus, we were looking for You because we wanted to learn more from You about God.
Jesus, we were looking for You because we wanted to learn how to pray like You.
However, friends, by talking about the crowd looking for Jesus, the disciples are more concerned about the crowd than they are with Jesus!
Friends, when you’ve got a crowd after you, our desire to have attention is filled to the max.
We usually respond by giving the people what they want, especially if it’s more of us!
However, notice what Jesus does in the next verse.
38 He said to them, “Let us go somewhere else to the towns nearby, so that I may preach there also; for that is what I came for.””
Friends, what does Jesus do when His disciples share that a crowd is looking for Him?
Let’s go somewhere else!
Friends, this goes completely counter to what we normally think!
If a group of people want to see or hear us, we normally want to go to them!
But Jesus does the opposite!
Friends, what reason does Jesus offer for doing the opposite of what the crowd wanted?
Because Jesus has a message to share with others.
You see, friends, this crowd was not coming to hear Jesus.
They were coming to see Jesus in order to get a glimpse of the fantastic things that Jesus does.
Friends, who remembers what fantastic thing Jesus did last week to Peter’s mother-in-law?
Jesus completely healed her from a fever and sickness that left her in bed.
This wasn’t the only miracle that Jesus did.
Word was getting around about the wonderful things that only Jesus could do.
You see, friends, people wanted to see Jesus for the wrong reasons.
They wanted to see something wonderful.
Rather, they should have wanted to hear His important message - Believe on Him to save you for He is the only One who can save from sin.
You see, friends, Jesus did not come to be watched like an entertainer.
He came to give a message to the people about Himself and their sin.
Friends, Jesus was teaching His disciples something very important here.
Rather than giving into what people want, Jesus came to give people what they need.
What the people needed more than anything was God’s Word.
Just like today.
Application: Listen to and obey the Lord always.
Friends, you remember when Jesus got alone to focus on seeking His Heavenly Father?
Friends, Jesus got alone because He wanted that time to concentrate on His Heavenly Father.
Friends, if you have believed on Jesus to save you from your sins, then that means that He’s your example for how you are to live your life.
If Jesus made this kind of effort to pray to the Lord without distractions, so should we.
What are some ways that you can help yourself to not get distracted when you pray?
You can make a list of the things that you want/need to pray for.
You can go to your room and close your door (telling your parents that you’re going to be praying).
You can get up early like Jesus and pray.
Make sure that where you’re going to pray does not have noisy things going and that it’s clean so that you won’t be thinking about how you can clean it (your room).
(Take suggestions).
Friends, these are all great suggestions that I hope you will also put into practice when you pray.
Friends, do you remember what the disciples said to Jesus when they finally found Him?
“Everyone is looking for you.”
The disciples were interested in finding Jesus because that’s what the crowd wanted, not what the disciples wanted.
Friends, just like the disciples, we too can be caught up more with what others want instead of following Jesus.
For example, let’s say that there’s someone at your school being picked on.
Someone is calling them names or making fun of them in some way.
You think it’s funny and start to laugh at the kid being picked on.
Friends, laughing when someone else is being made fun of or making fun of someone else is wrong.
You’re not making the other person feel better but worse.
And, since God made them, you’re putting down what God made.
Friends, following the crowd and making fun of someone is not following Jesus.
Friends, Jesus can forgive you of this sin and all sins if you believe on Him to save you and ask Him to forgive to and help you to live to please Him instead.
Friends, if Jesus is your Savior, you can ask the Holy Spirit to help you to follow Jesus rather than the crowd of people who would lead you away from following Jesus.
Scripture Memory - Mark 1:38 “38 He said to them, “Let us go somewhere else to the towns nearby, so that I may preach there also; for that is what I came for.””
Explanation - Friends, Jesus recognized His mission and purpose was to please His Father by going and telling others that they must believe in Him to be saved from their sins!
Friends, the most important thing to do is to listen and obey the Lord, even when there’s a crowd that has a different plan.
Admonition - Friends, listen and obey the Lord always.
Repetition - Mark 1:38 “38 He said to them, “Let us go somewhere else to the towns nearby, so that I may preach there also; for that is what I came for.””
Discussion Questions:
What did Jesus do early in the morning? - prayed
Where did Jesus leave in order to go and pray? - the house, probably Simon Peter’s
How early in the morning was it when Jesus decided to go and pray? - early enough that it was still dark outside
Where did Jesus go to pray? - somewhere away from other people
Who went in search of Jesus? - Simon Peter and the disciples (Andrew, James and John)
Did Simon Peter and the other disciples ever find Jesus? - yes
What did they do when they found Jesus? - they spoke to Him “Everyone is looking for You”
What did Jesus say in response? - Let’s leave so that I can preach elsewhere
What did Jesus say was important about His preaching? - that was the purpose of His coming
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