Evil for Good
Psalm 119:145-152
As Christians we believe God uses all things for our good. That includes our enemies. Generally, we do not think in those terms. We think “all things” means circumstances. “All things” includes circumstances but it also includes people. Psalm 119 has often referred to the enemies of the godly. This section makes a direct reference in verse 150 to the enemies:
“they draw near who persecute me with evil purpose”
While there is only one direct reference, it is clear the entire section is inspired by an attack of the wicked upon the righteous. As I studied this section, I began to see an outline that made sense, and I thought would be edifying. From our text tonight I am going to show you God uses our enemies for our own spiritual benefit.
1. Our enemies drive us to prayer (145-148).
His prayer is from the heart.
“with my whole heart I cry”
Anguish is the point. The heart does not have eyes, but it can still cry. In fact, we give out of tears, but our heart will continue crying when we do. Enemies bring about a heart felt sorrow that is not easily shaken.
Have you ever been misrepresented by an enemy?
Have you ever been hated by an enemy?
Have you ever been made to feel small by an enemy?
It is even more difficult when our enemy is close by.
Family member
Fellow student
Our duty is to love our enemies. That makes it all the harder. We are to love a person that is making us miserable. God uses the sorrow we experience to drive us to prayer.
Heartfelt prayer- Hard to fake this kind of attitude.
Anxious prayer “Answer me!”
Sanctifying prayer- “I will keep your promises”
Notice how simple the prayers are:
Answer me! (145)
Save me! (146)
Sincere prayer is always better than eloquent prayer.
Short prayers that come from the heart are better than long prayers that come from the head.
His prayer is continual.
I feel certain that without sorrow we would pray far less than we do.
“Before dawn” (147)
“awake…Before the watches of the night”
Israel divided the might into “watches” for military reasons. The point the Psalmist is making is he prays rather than sleeps. All through the night he prays to God.
It is no secret that our enemies keep us awake at night. There is little to do late at night. In the Psalmist’ day there was no TV or phone he could look at. There was no radio to turn on. Perhaps it would be better for us if things had not changed.
When you can’t sleep pray.
His prayer includes meditation on the Word of God. Look at the end of verse 148. “That I may meditate on your promise”.
Part of his prayer life was to think about the Word of God. When your enemies keep you awake do not think about them. Think about God.
Read the Bible.
Meditate on a portion of Scripture
Pray God’s Word. Read it aloud.
Thinking can make you a more spiritually immature person or a more spiritually mature person.
If you choose to think of your enemies: Bitterness, worry, unforgiveness, selfishness
If you choose to think of God: Patience, joy, forgiveness
When your enemies keep you up at night do not waste the opportunity. God has orchestrated your life for His glory. Pray.
2. Our enemies remind us of God’s love (149).
“hear my voice” the prayer continues. It is important that we continue to pray to be reminded of God’s love. If we allow our enemies to harden us toward God, they have won the battle. Talking to the Lord is proof we still trust Him.
“according to your steadfast love” This phrase is often used in the OT. It refers to the covenant love of God. Those who have entered a saving covenant with God are objects of a special love from Him.
It is the goal of the enemy that we only remember that people hate us. If he can do this, we will be miserable.
When the hatred of the enemy fills our thoughts, we should be reminded that God loves us. God uses their hatred to remind us of His own love.
How does this happen?
We want to be loved. God created us for the purpose of relationships. We are looking for love whether we realize it or not. When we feel as if everyone hates us, we go searching for One who loves us. God’s love is:
Unconditional – We don’t have to earn it
Eternal- It never stops
John 3:16 is an amazing verse because it reminds us of the great love of God.
God is not like our enemies. God is not even like our friends. His love is far greater than human love of any degree.
To be loved by God is the greatest of all things. Sadly, it is often the least appreciated. Sometimes God must remind us that He loves us and His love:
The most important love
The greatest love
Listen closely: Sometimes our enemies say awful things about us that are true. Even then God is using them.
Spurgeon said this about criticism:
Brother, if any man thinks ill of you, do not be angry with him; for you are worse than he thinks you to be.
You ask, “How does that help?”. It reminds you that God loves you anyway. His love is not based on your performance.
George Whitfield responded to a critical letter by writing back:
“Thank you, sir, for your criticism. If you knew about me what I know about me, you would have written a longer letter.”
It’s ok folks. They hate you. They think you’re awful. God knows more than they do about your faults, and He loves you.
Our enemies are God’s ways of pushing us to seek a love above this world. We need a real love. We need a love that will abide. We find that love in God.
3. Our enemies help us to draw near to God’s Word (150-152).
“They draw near who persecute me with evil purpose”
Is this a Judas situation? Are they drawing near under the cover of friendship?
Probably most of you have experienced a traitor. Someone pretends to be your friend. They get what they want and then throw you away.
Does this refer to them drawing close publicly? They come near him with torch in hand. They are loud and clear in their intention. It is sad that there are some people we hate to see coming. We know they are not coming with blessing but cursing. They are not for our good. They come with threats, accusations, and insults.
“They are far from Your law” they don’t care that their actions are sinful. They are not interested in:
Loving their enemy
Blessing those that curse them
Doing good to those who do evil
This means you can’t reason with them from Scripture. They don’t care what God’s Word says.
“But you are near” Even when our enemies are near, God is still near. God never gets out of the way when our enemies crowd in. He can’t be bullied or intimidated.
“and all your commandments are true” This is where he experiences the nearness of God. The presence of God can be experienced through His Word.
The enemy is probably telling lies. They usually do. God always tells the truth. Satan can use our enemies to confuse us. When we are attacked, we go to the Word for clarity.
Have you ever noticed you are often more spiritual when times are hard?
You pray more
You read the bible more
You are more teachable
I have been attacked by false teachers concerning doctrine. Do you know where that sent me? It sent me to the Word. It challenged me to study.
It’s not always an answer we need when our enemies attack us. Sometimes it’s comfort. Many times, my enemies have sent me to the Psalms. There I found encouragement.
“Long have I known your testimonies” The mere existence of our enemies sends us to the Word. The Psalmist said he had been in the Word for a long time. When is the time to be prepared to face your enemies? Before you experience them!
The Bible is our sword. We draw near to it learn to fight. If you wait until you are in a battle to learn the bible you have waited too late. You will likely lose that battle.
Jesus told us we would be hated.
Jesus told us there would be false teachers.
Now is the time to draw near to the Word.
“that you have founded them forever” God’s Word is older than our enemies. It was here before we were, or they were.
Imagine for a moment you had an enemy who had written you letter after letter. They were filled with vile insults and exaggerations. You chose to hold not all those letters. Each day you chose a letter and read it. How do you think that would affect you?
Now imagine you have someone who loves you. They had written you letter after letter reminding you of their love for you. They were honest about your faults but gave you instruction on how to overcome them? Each day you chose one of those letters and read it. How would that affect you?
God has written you a book of letters to read. Reading these letters will give you:
It is your choice. What will you read? What will you believe. Your enemies draw near. They have much to say. God is near. Open his Word. Learn His ways and His truth.
We see from this section how God uses our enemies for our good.
They drive us to prayer.
They remind us of God’s love.
They encourage us to draw near to god through His Word.