The Only Source

In 1871 the New York Herald sent Henry Stanley to Africa in search of the missionary, David Livingstone, who was long overdue. After unbelievable hardships, the journalist found the explorer in central Africa, where he spent four months with him. Stanley went to Africa a conceited and confirmed atheist, but Livingstone’s influence, gentleness, genuineness, goodness, and zeal won Stanley. Stanley became a Christian, saying, “I was converted by him, although he had not tried to do it.”
1. Solomon worshiped at high places, since there was no temple (1 Kgs 3:2–4)
2. Solomon gains wisdom from God (1 Kgs 3:5–14)
3. Solomon abandoned high places to worship at the ark of the covenant (1 Kgs 3:15)
4. Solomon built the temple and placed the Ark within it (1 Kgs 5–8)
5. Solomon turns away from wisdom (1 Kgs 11:1–4)
6. Solomon returns to the high places, in defiance of the temple (1 Kgs 11:5–8)