Obadiah: A Man Who Feared The LORD Greatly

Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented   •  32:46
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Turn to 1 Kings 18:1.
While you’re turning to our text, I have a question for you to consider: what is the very first human emotion that is recorded in the Bible? Fear
Genesis 3:10 KJV 1900
And he said, I heard thy voice in the garden, and I was afraid, because I was naked; and I hid myself.
Fear is the very first human emotion that we find in Scripture. As soon as Adam and Eve sinned, they felt shame, yes, but even more, Adam says, he felt fear grip his heart as a thrice holy God called for Adam.
Fear is an emotion that we know all too well. Each of us are intimately acquainted with fear, although it may be for different reasons.
For some of us, it’s a fear of crowds.
For others, it’s a fear of public speaking.
Sometimes, it’s triggered by that random spider or mouse that is out to get us.
In our culture, fear is generally regarded as a negative thing, but that is not always the case in Scripture.
Holman Illustrated Bible Dictionary (Fear)
In the Bible…fear is…often regarded not as pure emotion but as wise behavior.
This evening we’re going to consider a wise man who feared the king, but he feared God even more. We’re going to see how this affected his decisions and his behavior.
Read 1 Kings 18:1-6.
When you hear the name Obadiah, perhaps the first thing you think of is that little book of the Bible over in the minor prophets that is next to impossible to find. Not that you often have to.
This Obadiah is not the same guy as Obadiah the prophet. 1 Kings 18 tells us about Obadiah the governor of the house of Ahab. In fact, this is the only time in Scripture that we find this man. So what was significant about this Obadiah?
Verse three tells us. What made Obadiah special is that he feared the LORD greatly.
There’s a lot wrapped up in that thought. A proper fear of God includes several things:
It includes a terror of God - Isaiah 6.
It includes reverence for God.
It includes submission to God.
It includes worship of God.
In summary, a proper fear of God changes how a person lives their life. There’s two ways that Obadiah’s life was changed by his fear of God:
Next slide here:
Obadiah was moved to action - 1 Kings 18:1-6.
Obadiah was in charge of Ahab’s palace. He managed the affairs of the royal household. His responsibilities are not detailed, but his authority is clear: Obadiah was a man of great authority.
Application: a proper fear of God will move you to act.
When it was time to step up and be a man of action, Obadiah was there. He was ready to act.
Next slide here:
Obadiah was moved to overcome his other fears - 1 Kings 18:7-16.
Read 1 Kings 18:7-16.
Application: A proper fear of God will move you to overcome your other fears
Fear of man
Getting out of your comfort zone


It is natural for each of us to have fears. My question for you tonight is will you be controlled by your fears, or will you be controlled by your fear of God? Will you be moved to action when it is necessary? Will you fear God enough to be moved to overcome your fears?
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