Four Snares/Distractions
v. 1-5 | Finances
The example that is given here is when you have provided a money for another, whether it be a neighbor or stranger, to have that debt resolved quickly so that you are not on the hook for it.
This is just one example of how finances can be a distraction for us. There are many other times when finances have the opportunity to
v. 6-11 | Laziness vs. hard work
Go to the ant, consider her ways, be wise.
The ant does not work because they are told to. We are not told why it is that they work but simply that they do and do so with a hard work ethic.
Compare the ant to the one who is lazy. Sluggard, lazybones. The result of laziness is poverty.
v. 12-15 | Troublemakers
Actions that are there.
v. 16-19 | That which leads to discord in community
A numerical saying, found primarily in proverbs 30. All of these point back to sowing discord among the brothers
-Haughty eyes, those who see themselves better than others
-Lying tongue, one who does not practice telling the truth.
-Hands that shed innocent blood, the person who does not seek peace but only violence.
-One who makes plans for wicked acts
-One who desires to do evil
-A liar