The 23rd Psalm • Sermon • Submitted • Presented
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· 13 viewsGod Leads Us. Where: In the Path of Righteousness. Why? For His Name Sake.
Follow God’s Lead To The Path of Righteousness
Follow God’s Lead To The Path of Righteousness
3 He restores my soul. He leads me in paths of righteousness for his name’s sake.
“The Path You’re Walking On…”
There’s something you need to understand right now: The path you’re walking on is shaping your life. The steps you take today will determine your tomorrow. The decisions you make in this season will echo for years to come. And I wonder, how many of us are walking down a road without ever stopping to ask, “Am I on the right path?”
Oh, I know we think we’ve got it all figured out. We’ve got our plans, our goals, our dreams. But let me ask you this: Who’s leading you?Who’s guiding your steps? Who’s charting your course?
Because I’ve learned this—you can be on the wrong path and not even know it. You can be heading in a direction that feels good, that looks good, but leads to destruction. Just because the road is wide, doesn’t mean it’s safe. Just because the path is popular, doesn’t mean it’s right.
And here’s the thing—we all want to be led. Deep down, we want someone or something to show us the way. We’re all following something. But the question is: Who are you following? Are you following the world’s ways? Are you following your own desires? Are you following the crowd, the trends, the culture?
The Psalmist said, “He leadeth me in the path of righteousness for his name sake.”
I came to tell you today—God is leading. He’s not a passive bystander in your life. He’s not leaving you to fend for yourself in this dark and confusing world. He’s leading. But the question is: Are you following?
In ballroom dancing, one partner leads while the other follows; if both try to lead, the dance falls apart.
In a successful orchestra, the conductor leads and the musicians follow, if everybody play the way they want to play, its not music, its noise.
On a road trip, one driver navigates while the passengers trust the directions, because without a clear leader, they risk getting lost.
So before we go any further, let me ask you a question —do you want to be led or do you want to follow God’s voice? Because He’s calling. He’s guiding. He’s leading.
But here’s the catch—He’s only leading you to one place.He’s not leading you to wealth. He’s not leading you to popularity. He’s not leading you to what the world calls success. He’s leading you in the path of righteousness.
And let me tell you something—if you’re on a path that doesn’t bring God glory, you’re on the wrong path. So, let me ask you again: Are you leading, or are you following?
Psalm 23:3 says, "He leadeth me"—and aren’t you glad that God leads? Come on, somebody! He doesn’t leave us to stumble around in the dark, trying to figure out this thing called life on our own. No, He leadsus! He’s not the God who watches from a distance; He’s the Shepherd who walks right there with us, step by step, moment by moment.
And just like sheep rely on the shepherd, we’ve got to lean on God! Sheep don’t have the sense to find the right path on their own. They can’t navigate the rocky terrain; they don’t know where the safe pastures are. Sheep are totally dependent on the shepherd for everything. And guess what? So are we! The truth is, without God, we don’t know where we’re going. Without God, we’re lost. Without God, we’re just wandering aimlessly through life. But when God steps in—when the Shepherd calls our name—we find our way!
A shepherd doesn’t just send his sheep off, saying, “Good luck!” “Have a good trip.” No, no, no, that’s not how God works. The Shepherd goes before them. He’s out in front, leading, guiding, and protecting! And the sheep don’t follow just anyone. They follow the one whose voice they know. Jesus said in John 10:27, "My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me." They don’t follow strangers, they don’t follow wolves in sheep’s clothing—they follow the Shepherd!
And let me tell you something about the Shepherd—He knows the path. He’s been down this road before. He knows where the dangers are, and He knows where the good pasture lies. He sees the traps the enemy has set; He knows where the rocky terrain will trip you up. He knows when to slow you down and when to speed you up. He knows the way because He is the way!
But listen—just because the Shepherd is leading doesn’t mean the path is always smooth. Oh, I need you to catch this today! Sometimes, He leads through rough terrain. Sometimes, the way is steep. Sometimes, you’ll have to climb over some rocks, push through some thorns, and cross through some valleys. But don’t get discouraged, because if the Shepherd is leading you through it, He’s got a reason. If the path is hard, that doesn’t mean you took a wrong turn. Somebody needs to hear that today! Just because the way is rocky doesn’t mean God’s not leading you.
In fact, sometimes He leads us into those tough places for our own good. There are some lessons we can only learn on the rocky path. There are some blessings we can only receive in the valley. And there are some heights we can only reach after we’ve climbed through the difficult terrain. So trust the Shepherd. Trust that He knows what He’s doing. He’s leading you not away from danger, but through it—so that you can come out stronger, wiser, and better on the other side.
So, we know that He leadeth me—God is leading! And let me tell you something, when God is leading, you’re never lost! You might not always understand where He’s taking you, but when God’s hand is on your life, you can rest assured that He’s got you on the right path. So here’s the question: How does He lead us? Where is He leading us?
Let’s start with the Word of God: He leadeth me in the paths of righteousness. Oh, somebody needs to catch that today! When God is leading you, He leading you in the right direction. He is leading your in a way that lines up with the Word of God. He’s not leading you into confusion, He’s not leading you into chaos, and He’s not leading you into sin. No, no, no! If God is leading you, it’s always in the right direction. If God is leading you, it’s always on a righteous path.
You see, God will never lead you in a way that contradicts His Word. He’s not going to take you down a road of disobedience or a path that pulls you away from Him. If God is leading, it’s a path of righteousness. It may not always be easy, and it may not always be the most popular, but it will always be right! Somebody ought to shout, "The right path!"
Illustration: Trusting God’s Lead
Let me illustrate it like this. Imagine a man walking by a church and noticing two lines—one long line that stretches around the block and another short line that barely has anyone standing in it. Now, not knowing what these lines are for, the man does what most of us would do—he assumes the long line must be the better choice, because everybody’s standing there. So, he jumps in, thinking he’s made the right decision.
But after waiting all day, he finds out that the long line is full of people waiting to register their complaints—complaints about what they don’t have, what they think they deserve, and what hasn’t gone right in their lives. That line was full of misery, frustration, and bitterness. He had wasted his entire day to end up frustrated and miserable.
But then he looks over at the short line. That line wasn’t full of complaints; it was full of thanksgiving! The people there were giving thanks for what they already had. They were counting their blessings instead of focusing on their lack. And in that line, there was peace, there was joy, there was contentment.
Point: Let me tell you something—be careful which line you choose! Be careful which path you go down. Just because the line is long, just because the path looks easy, just because everybody else is going that way doesn’t mean it’s the best way. The crowd’s path ain’t always the right path. The world’s way might look appealing, but it leads to frustration and emptiness. God’s path, though it may be harder, leads to peace, joy, and contentment. The Bible says, "Wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat. But narrow is the gate, and difficult is the way that leads to life, and few find it" (Matthew 7:13-14).
But catch this: Just because the way is rocky, doesn’t mean you’re on the wrong path! Sometimes, God calls you to walk the hard road. But let me tell you something—just because you’re facing difficulty doesn’t mean you took a wrong turn! The righteous path may be narrow, but it leads to life. Somebody shout, “It leads to life!” Some of life’s rockiest roads have lead me to some of God’s greatest blessings.
I think it is worth repeating: God never leads you in a way that contradicts his Word. If it goes against the Word of God, it is not the will of God.
Discerning God’s Will
Now, in order to follow God’s lead and walk in the path of righteousness, you’ve got to know His will. And let me tell you, you can’t follow the Shepherd if you can’t hear His voice. Jesus said in John 10:27, “My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me.” If you want to know which way to go, you’ve got to be able to recognize the voice of the Shepherd.
Sheep have spent so much time around their shepherd that they can detect his voice from all the others. You can’t walk in the path of righteousness if you don’t have a relationships with the shepherd.
But how do we hear His voice?
First, the more we get into the Word of God, the clearer His voice becomes. Psalm 119:105 says, "Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path." If you want to know the way, if you want to discern God’s will, get in His Word! The Bible is like a road map that gives us clear instructions for life. The more we immerse ourselves in the Word, the more we align our hearts with God’s heart.
And listen—God also leads us by His Spirit. John 16:13 says that the Spirit of Truth will guide us into all truth. When you’re not sure which way to go, the Holy Spirit will nudge you, He’ll whisper to your spirit, He’ll guide you into the truth. You’ve got to be sensitive to the Spirit’s leading! The Holy Spirit does not always shout. Sometimes the Holy Spirit will speak in small still voice. In order to hear it, you have quiet your spirit, stop your actions, and tune your ears to God.
Other Ways God Leads Us
And God doesn’t just lead us through His Word and through His Spirit. Sometimes, God leads us through prayer. James 1:5 tells us that if we lack wisdom, we should ask God, and He will give it generously. When you’re unsure about the next step, when you’re uncertain about the path ahead, take it to the Lord in prayer. He will guide you! Every now and then, you just have to have a little talk with Jesus.
God leads us through Word. God leads us by the Holy Spirits. God lead us through prayer. But God also places people in our lives to help lead us. Proverbs 11:14 says, "In an abundance of counselors, there is safety."God uses mentors, pastors, and wise Christian friends to give us guidance. Sometimes, the wisdom you need is in the mouth of someone God has placed around you. Don’t be too proud to listen to godly counsel! And let me emphasize: GODLY COUNSEL. Not every opinion is God opinion. Every piece of advise is not the right advice. You see a Godly Counselor will tell you to listen to the Wonderful Counsel. A Godly Counselor will challenge you to listen to the voice of God.
And listen—when you’re in God’s will, you’ll experience peace. Now getting to the place of peace may be hard and even unsettling. But when you final make the decision and choose the path, you will have peace about. Philippians 4:7 talks about a peace that surpasses all understanding. If you’re on the right path, God will give you peace in your spirit. You might be facing challenges, but deep down inside, there’s a peace that lets you know you’re exactly where God wants you to be. If you are not at peace in your spirit, you are not in the will of God. Notice I said peace in your spirit. When you are in God’s will, you have trouble in your life, but in the midst of the trouble, you will have peace in your spirit. Peace is not the absence of trouble. Peace if the confirmation of God the lets you know deep down on the inside, you are walking in the right path, going in the right direction.
Confirmation of God’s Will
Not only will have peace, but God will give you confirmation. Sometimes, God will confirm His will through open doors or closed doors. Just because a door opens, doesn’t mean you should run through it without praying first! If the door is open, there is peace in your spirit, the open door will glory God and lines up with the Word of God, and there is confirmation from God, then chances are you are walking the in the right path.
By the same token, just because a door closes, doesn’t mean it’s the end. Sometimes God says yes. Sometimes God says yest. Sometimes God say wait, not yet. Pray and wait for confirmation. Whether the door opens or closes, trust that God is guiding you every step of the way. He leadeth me! In the path of righteousness for his name sake. That leads me to the final thing. Why is God leading us: for his name sake.
For His Name’s Sake
Now, the last part of this verse says, “For His name’s sake.”Oh, that’s a word right there! When the Good Shepherd leads us, He’s not just doing it for our benefit—He’s doing it for His name’s sake!That means that God is guiding us not just so that we can walk right, talk right, and live right, but so that His name gets the glory!
The Shepherd’s Reputation is on the Line
You see, just like a shepherd’s reputation is shaped by the outcome of his sheep, God’s reputation is on the line with how He leads us. A good shepherd takes pride in leading his flock, in caring for his sheep, and making sure they’re on the right path. If the sheep are wandering all over the place, getting lost, or falling into danger, it’s a reflection on the shepherd. The shepherd’s honor is tied to the well-being of his sheep. The better the sheep are, the greater the shepherd’s reputation.
In the same way, when God leads us in the paths of righteousness, it’s not just for us—it’s for His name’s sake. He’s leading us so that His name is glorified! He’s leading us so that when people see us, they don’t just see us—they see Him! Come on, somebody! The outcome of your life is a testimony to the greatness of God. The way you walk, the way you live, the way you carry yourself, ought to point back to the One who is leading you!
It’s About God’s Glory
Now hear this—if the path you’re walking on doesn’t bring God glory, you’re on the wrong path. Let me say it again—if the choices you’re making, the lifestyle you’re living, and the decisions you’re following don’t bring glory to God, you’re on the wrong road! Everything you do, every step you take, ought to be for His name’s sake. That means it’s not about you, it’s not about your comfort, it’s not about your status—it’s about God’s glory!
We are called to live for His name’s sake—that means our lives should reflect His righteousness, His goodness, and His love. It’s not about making a name for ourselves; it’s about lifting up the name that is above every name—the name of Jesus! Everything we do should point people back to Him!
The Wrong Path Brings the Wrong Glory
Oh, I feel this right here—if you’re walking a path that doesn’t bring glory to God, you’ve got to turn around! Some of us have been walking on paths that glorify our pride, our selfishness, or even our sin. But let me tell you—the wrong path brings the wrong kind of glory. You don’t want people giving you the credit for things God is supposed to get credit for. You don’t want to be on a path that points back to you and not back to God. For His name’s sake!That’s why He leads you. That’s why He guides you. So that when people see you coming through, they’ll know it was nobody but God who brought you out!
God Gets the Glory
When God leads you in the path of righteousness, it’s for His glory! And I don’t know about you, but I want my life to give God glory. I want my walk to glorify God. I want my talk to glorify God. I want the way I live, the way I love, and the way I serve to give Him all the praise, all the honor, and all the glory!
Because in the end, it’s not about me—it’s about Him! It’s about His name. It’s about His goodness. It’s about His faithfulness. It’s about His power to lead, guide, and direct our lives. So, when God leads me, I know I’m walking in the right path, because it’s all for His name’s sake!
Hoop Section:
Somebody shout, “For His Name’s Sake!”
Come on, church, that’s the reason right there!
That’s why He woke you up this morning—for His name’s sake!
That’s why He put breath in your body—for His name’s sake!
That’s why He didn’t let you fall when you could’ve fallen, didn’t let you die when death was knocking at your door—for His name’s sake!
Oh, I wish I had a witness in here today!
He did it for His name’s sake!
Every time He made a way out of no way, it wasn’t just for you, it was for His name’s sake!
Every time He opened a door that no man could shut, it wasn’t just so you could walk through, it was for His name’s sake!
I don’t know about you, but I’m so glad that God’s name is on my life!
When He leads me, He’s not just leading me for me, but He’s leading me to show the world who He is!
When people see me walking in righteousness, they see the Shepherd!
When they see me standing strong in the storm, they see the Good Shepherd who brought me through!
And let me tell you something—when God’s name is on the line, He will never let you fail!
Come on, somebody!
When God’s reputation is tied to your outcome, He will bring you out with a mighty hand!
He’s not just leading you anywhere, He’s leading you to victory!
He’s leading you to glory!
He’s leading you to righteousness!
It’s for His name’s sake that the devil couldn’t have you!
It’s for His name’s sake that sickness had to flee!
It’s for His name’s sake that depression had to bow down!
I don’t know who I’m talking to, but somebody ought to praise Him because He’s leading you for His name’s sake!
And here’s the best part, church—when God gets the glory, you get the blessing! Hallelujah!
When God gets the praise, you get the promotion!
When His name is lifted high, you’re lifted right along with Him!
Somebody shout, “For His name’s sake!”
Can I get somebody to praise Him?
It’s all for His name!
For His glory!
For His reputation!
For His honor!
Shout for His name’s sake!
Shout because He’s worthy!
Shout because He’s leading you!
Shout because He’s good!
It’s all for His name’s sake!
Somebody ought to give Him glory right there!
It’s all for His name’s sake!
God, get the glory out of my life, get the glory out of my walk, get the glory out of my story!
I give You the praise, I give You the honor, I give You the glory—for Your name’s sake!
Now shout hallelujah, because He’s worthy, He’s leading you, and it’s all for His name’s sake!