Kingdom Principles for Possessions

The Character and Content of Kingdom Citizens  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented
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KC's are to focus on heavenly gain as opposed to earthly possessions


Open: Loss & Devastation in WNC as a result of Hurricane Helene. Thousands of residents lost everything, and entire towns wiped out. The testimonies of at least 4 residents (FM volunteers) was the joy of helping others even in difficult circumstances. Also, Rodney and his family lost their mountain home and a few days later were helping others as well.

Transition: Sadly, that is probably not the testimony of the majority of those who lost most or all of their worldly possessions. The storms of this life are brutal reminders of how rapidly our circumstances can change. Today’s text is a challenge from Jesus on how His followers are to handle material possessions.
READ the Text: Matthew 6:19-24.

KC’s are to invest in the Eternal (Matt 6:19-21)

Explanation: Jesus gives a command against storing up treasures in this life. His declaration should be interpreted in light of the Bible’s overall teaching on material possessions.
It is not wrong to own things.
It is actually good to have certain things. Home ownership, vehicles, food, and clothing - these are all good things (1 Timothy 6:8)
It is also good to save and plan for the future (cf. Proverbs 6:6)
It is sinful to be a hoarder - one who “treasures up treasure” just to have them.
Illustrate: Old saying: Get what you can, and can what you get.
Argument: Jesus is prohibiting the sinful practice of being greedy. The problem is that many who ARE greedy do not view themselves as greedy. How can we know? Consider v. 21 in light of the connection between your heart and your treasure. It is very possible for us to allow our possessions to own us, instead of viewing them as tools God has given us to be used for Kingdom service.
Application: Ask yourself this question - “What is that thing that if it was lost, your life would cease to matter? Whatever that is, if it exists in your life, is an idol.

KC’s are to maintain a singular focus (Matt 6:22-23)

Explanation: Jesus tells us that our “eyes” are the lamp of the body. He declares that if our eyes are working properly (single = healthy), then we will be able to navigate life in a positive or whole manner. Jesus also declares that the one whose vision is impaired (evil) will walk in darkness.
Illustrate: People who are physically blind can still function and are capable of many things, but they cannot see - their vision is blocked.
Argument: Just as we physically need light in order to navigate our physical direction, we need His “light” in order to navigate spiritually. Our physical eyes are the organs that allow light to enter, and our spiritual “eyes” act as the gateway to our minds. What we entertain mentally, what we focus on as a regular habit will influence our choices.
Jesus’ next statement should gain our attention: He states that IF the light that one has is darkness, how great is that darkness! (v. 23). Jesus is declaring to us how easy it is to be deceived. There are many who consider themselves to be IN Christ, who claim to have the light of Jesus within, while the reality is that they are still unregenerate, lost and undone, and living in spiritual darkness. This darkness is great because this person thinks he or she is OK.
Application: Examine your life and your heart. Who and what are you living for?

The answer is to submit to the proper Master (Matt 6:25)

Explanation: Jesus brings the issue into sharp focus when He declares the impossibility of serving two masters. He states that a person cannot serve God and Mammon. Simply stated, mammon is a term for riches or wealth. Jesus declares that we cannot pursue the riches of the world and serve Him at the same time.
Argument: This is NOT able having two jobs or having a side “hustle” to gain additional income. This is about the overall direction of one’s life.
Illustrate: Consider the idea of a marriage in which one of the partners will only commit adultery part of the time. He or she will only cheat on Tuesdays and Thursdays, but will be present on the other five days of the week.
Application: That arrangement will not work in a marriage, and divided loyalties are NOT allowed in the Kingdom of God. [This is why the slogan TRY JESUS is a terrible idea and totally unbiblical.]
Conclusion: The teaching of Jesus in today’s text reveals the struggle that many have in the area of wealth and possessions. Not many of us will consider the thought that we are greedy and living for ourselves.
Reflect on where your treasure is and ask if it is temporal or eternal.
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