The Church of Sardis
The Revelation of Jesus Christ Series • Sermon • Submitted • Presented • 40:20
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What would it look like to be in a dead church???
Their pastor graduated from a theological cemetery.
They sing “Amazing Grave, How Sweet the Ground.”
You might describe their worship as stiff.
At the Rapture, they’ll be the first churches taken up because the Bible says, “The dead in Christ shall rise first.”
They drive to church in one long line with their headlights on.
Whenever someone joins their membership, the church office immediately notifies the next of kin.
Each week they put an ad in the obituaries.
The church sign is a tombstone.
Their motto is, “Many are cold and a few are frozen.”
Our passage today is speaking of a dead church in need of the Great Physician to do an autopsy on it. However our dead church did not appear as the church I just described… Revelation 3:1-6
“To the angel of the church in Sardis write: He who has the seven Spirits of God and the seven stars, says this: ‘I know your deeds, that you have a name that you are alive, but you are dead. ‘Wake up, and strengthen the things that remain, which were about to die; for I have not found your deeds completed in the sight of My God. ‘So remember what you have received and heard; and keep it, and repent. Therefore if you do not wake up, I will come like a thief, and you will not know at what hour I will come to you. ‘But you have a few people in Sardis who have not soiled their garments; and they will walk with Me in white, for they are worthy. ‘He who overcomes will thus be clothed in white garments; and I will not erase his name from the book of life, and I will confess his name before My Father and before His angels. ‘He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.’
A town known for dropping its guard… Stay Alert, Be Watchful, Stand Guard
A city on a hill with what appeared to be impregnable cliffs and high walls became relaxed in the appearance of safety
Watchmen grew complacent, failing to see the enemy as they attacked by the cover of night like a thief.
Around 547 BC Cyrus attacked and sacked the city… you would think this would put them on guard
Almost 300 years later in 214 BC Antiochus III did the same
Twice they had failed to be vigilant… now about another 300 years later Christ is giving the call to WAKE UP!
Who is standing guard, who is alert!!!???
Christ had come to analyze the condition of this church’s heart… shock advised! (get AED out)
No Excuse!
No Excuse!
The way Christ presents Himself here gives the church NO EXCUSE!
The seven Spirits is referring to the Holy Spirit and His completeness and fullness
The Holy Spirit is the One who brings life to the believer
The Gaithers wrote a song: “Fully Alive” (Mid-Valley Quartet)
… Fully alive in Your Spirit
Make me fully alive (alive)
Fully aware of Your presence, Lord
Totally fully alive, Lord, make me fully alive
… Don't let me wait for some far off forever
To say what I feel to the ones I hold dear
Risking the pain, and the joy of loving
Keep me awake and alive while I'm here
The seven Churches in the hand of Christ!
We see relationship and closeness here… Christ has given the church (called out ones) His Spirit that they may be fully alive in Him and complete.
As the church we are capable of doing what He ask of us because of the Spirit and because He is the One who holds us, there is closeness and intimacy in this relationship, therefore He knows… what others cannot see.
WARNING! Looks Can Kill!
WARNING! Looks Can Kill!
There is no commendation for this church… you don’t compliment someone on how they look if they need CPR!
We have a real church, that looks real alive! I wish dead or dying churches were easier to spot
This church was busy, they even had a reputation of being alive!
They most likely had even convinced themselves that they were alive!
Concerned with what people thought, what other churches thought striving to impress (1 Samuel 16:7)
But the Lord said to Samuel, “Do not look at his appearance or at the height of his stature, because I have rejected him; for God sees not as man sees, for man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.”
They had the latest presentation equipment (flannel-graph)
They had an amazing worship team, dynamic pastor
The ministries that they could boast of, everyone was in a small group of some sort
They had a food ministry that was helping even those other churches like Smyrna
They would pray the most eloquent prayers
The church was possibly growing in numbers, they even had to take on more staff!
“I know all the things you do, and that you have a reputation for being alive—but you are dead” NLT
I think of Jesus when He confronted the Pharisees… He called them “white washed tombs”!
Complacent in what they were doing how they looked to others and themselves, failing to grow Spiritually in fact they were dying!
Repent & Wake Up!
Repent & Wake Up!
To WAKE or WAKE UP! is to be in continuous readiness and alertness to learn—‘to be alert, to be watchful, to be vigilant.
Their actions did not meet the requirements of God,
Dead spiritually, poor quality, low moral quality
This church needed to stop having an affair with the church and start falling back in love with Christ!
Their personal relationship with Christ, their spiritual walk was on life support
Strengthen what little remains… REMEMBER!!! (KEEP on bringing to mind)
Your instruction in the Words of God (God’s moral code)
Then KEEP it, do it (sanctification of our hearts before God)
Repent (change direction, about face, a change of mind and heart)
Christ wants to breathe new life back into this church! (Resuscitation)
BUT… if you don’t Christ will come to discipline, reveal their hearts as a thief in the night.
Insights on Revelation (Application: Five Marks of a Dead Church) Charles Swindoll
First, a dead church worships its past. It’s always about the way they were—amazing stories of conversions, remarkable revivals, and great former pastors. In contrast, living churches diligently build on their past and intentionally work toward the future.
Second, a dead church is inflexible and resistant to change. New approaches to ministry are met with skepticism, resistance, and/or fear. In contrast, living churches are open to changing methods so long as they accurately and effectively communicate the unchanging message.
Third, a dead church often has carnal and lazy leadership. Shot through with sins of pride, complacency, and entitlement, pastors and staff members are complacently riding the ship into the harbor of retirement. In contrast, the leadership at living churches is enthusiastically engaged in ministry because of devotion to their calling, not clipping the coupons of their career.
Fourth, a dead church neglects children and youth. Because of a combination of the first marks, children, teens, and young families are either turned off or driven away since their needs are ignored. In contrast, living churches invest in the lives of children and young people, knowing they are valuable to God and will shape the future of the church.
Finally, a dead church lacks evangelistic and missionary zeal. Turned inward on their own needs, preferences, and comfort, unhealthy churches give halfhearted attention to the conversion of the lost. In contrast, living churches devote time, resources, and energy to both local evangelism and worldwide missions.
What condition is your heart in?
When is a good time to wake up… NOW
When should I think about living again for Christ… NOW
Wake Up Church!
God’s Kine Life For Real!
God’s Kine Life For Real!
Christ offers a PROMISE
5“Everybody dat fight an win ova da bad kine stuff, Dey goin wear clean white kine clotheses lidat.
I no goin wipe out dea name eva From da Book Dat Tell Who Get Godʼs Kine Life fo real!
I know dea names, An I goin tell my Fadda an his angel guys Dat dose guys stay my guys.
6“If you guys can hear dis, you betta listen an go do wat Godʼs Spirit stay telling da church peopo.”
HWCNT Hawaii Pidgen
Simple isn't it yet so amazingly profound!
There were those FEW who were living! The “kine” life God offers and desires us to live.
They “walk with Him” intimate relationship
In white… they are worthy because of the amazing work of the Holy Spirit in their life
Verse 5 “overcomes” he who is victorious! The wonderful hymn “Oh Victory in Jesus!”
Over-comers too could join in wearing white (cleansing from sin)
There was still time to strengthen what little remained
The One who holds the churches and gives Life through His Spirit
That same Spirit seals those who are His… so that when Jesus opens the books including the Book of Life those who are His will be found in that book!
Blotting out is NOT speaking to one loosing salvation, rather it is an encouragement to those who have recieved God’s gift of Salvation through Jesus Christ! … there is record, remembered, written down… but thos who reject Christ work at Calvary… they will be blotted out.
Those who find their victory and life in Jesus will on that day not only be known, but Jesus will boldly and gladly confess your name before His Father and the heavenly host!
… This is Jed, he is mine, he is a child of the King! WOW!!!!!
What an amazing way to live here and now, known by Jesus Christ, the Son of God!
Allow God to do a heart check and may Jesus Christ have victory in your life...
If you guys can hear dis, you betta listen an go do wat Godʼs Spirit stay telling da church peopo.