Scripture Alone: God’s Creative Word
The Eternal God has spoken in His Word, and you were never meant to live without His Word.
Luther was committed, even in the face of persecution, to seeing the Word of God translated into the vernacular so that the people of God could read it for themselves and see the gospel truths that had so transformed his own life.
The God who dwells in eternity.
It all began when Marduk battled the ocean goddess Tiamat:
The Lord spread out his net, encircled her,
The ill wind he had held behind him he released in her face.
Tiamat opened her mouth to swallow,
He thrust in the ill wind so she could not close her lips.
The raging winds bloated her belly,
Her insides were stopped up, she gaped her mouth wide.
He shot off the arrow, it broke open her belly,
It cut to her innards, it pierced the heart.
The Eternal God’s Word is Creative — “Ex Nihilo”
We do not find God. God finds us and makes himself known to us. God is the speaker, we are the listeners. It’s not enough to say the biblical authors wrote about God or even wrote for God. We must say much, much more: God himself speaks! And he speaks for himself.
The Eternal God’s Word is Powerful.
Creating the form of creation.
Forming the fullness of the form.
The Eternal God’s Word Reveals His Nature
The Eternal God’s Word is Covenantal to Make Promises
Humans were never meant to live apart from the Word’s of God.
The Eternal God’s Word recreates sinners.
His best word has come to us in his own Son, the Word. In Jesus, God has a message for the world, a word that is meant for all people in all places. As the recipients, we are summoned to listen and embrace the good news of the Word with faith and repentance.