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Ephesians 2:11
Ephesians 2:11
read passage today all rise
For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.
talk about meeting people for the first time
Noticed? we always ask Where you’re from …
and where your from always Influences → How you talk—How you think—What you do.
Visit different parts of the world …Speak differently—Accent/Language—Values—Behave differ..
talk about high school and my friend Bronson
where your from really influences everything…
talk about this series and todays message and order of series…
New in Christ—From?—Not from here…Citizen Heavenly Kingdom.
Because you’re not from this world—Not aligned w/ The Values & Behaviors—Earthly world.
Because you’re loyal to Your Heavenly King you Talk differently—Think differently—Live differently.
preach on this for a bit…
Peter reminds us of this
Dear friends, I warn you as “temporary residents and foreigners” to keep away from worldly desires that wage war against your very souls.
Greek words here
παροίκους παρεπιδήμους
paroikous parepidemous
• To live near, but not in.
• To be close, but not from.
• To be in, but not of.
These words are, you're a foreigner, you're an exile, you're a stranger, you're a sojourner, you're not from here.
These words literally together, they mean to live near, but not in. Or it means to be close, but not from. It means you may live in the world, but you are not of the world.
You may be close, but you are not in. You may be near, but you are not of.
So if you are a citizen of heaven, if this Earth is not your home, where are you from?
Paul said it very, very clearly.
But our citizenship is in heaven, and from it we await a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ,
So where are you from?
Your citizens of Heaven…
preach it!!
Good News—Did Jesus thing—Checked box im going to Heaven when die—That’s it?
Sort of … Might be—Little more—Living devoted to Jesus.
so the question is If—Truly Citizens/Heaven—How—Live for Jesus on earth?
we love context here, we are all about teaching reading preaching in context and we see a But
lets read deeper
For many, of whom I have often told you and now tell you even with tears, walk as enemies of the cross of Christ. Their end is destruction, their god is their belly, and they glory in their shame, with minds set on earthly things. But our citizenship is in heaven, and from it we await a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ,
preach on this
the part that convicted me the most??
Minds set on earthly things…
I’m convicted—Guessing you might be too. Easy to obsess about life on earth—I’m citizen of heaven … But …
We all want—Comfortable—Good income—Nice things.
Nice home—One day—House cleaner—More time for me-time.
Everyone’s living this way—Deep down—Know—Isn’t all there is.
Something in your soul knows—You were made for more.
point number one i want to hit on this morning
Because You’re a Citizen of Heaven
• You will think differently from this world.
romans 12:2 says it beautifully
Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.
This culture will tell you …
Love yourself—Live your truth—Doesn’t matter what do …
Not from here—Treasure’s not here—Don’t get value—Here.
If then you have been raised with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth.
So instead—Thinking about me—Consider others better.
Instead thinking—What I can get?—What can I give?
Instead obsessing—What matters now—What matters eternally
Not from this world—You will “think” differently from this world.
Point number 2
• You will live differently from this world.
Dear friends, I warn you as “temporary residents and foreigners” to keep away from worldly desires that wage war against your very souls.
Set mind things above—Changes everything—Changes how you …
Spend time—Manage money—Treat people—Work—Treat people at work—.
When marry—Treat person marry—When kids—Parent kids.
Because you think differ—Live differ—Want to be different
Because you think differently, you're going to live differently, and you want to be different from this world, don't you?
Have you looked around recently at what is normal in this world? You want what's normal?
This world is pulling us down into everything that is not God.
What's normal? I mean, let's just be practical, not even spiritual, normal is broke.
Normal is spending more than you have to impress people with what you have, so much so that you can't even breathe financially.
Normal is divorced and splitting the kids on the weekends,
normal is lonely, scrolling all day long, acting like you have friends on screen but don't have real intimate connection in life.
Normal is jealousy, and normal is numbing yourself out on alcohol or drugs.
And normal is experimenting sexually and saying, "Well maybe this is who I am and this is what I can do, and now this is who I am really,"
normal is being ticked off at the world.
Normal is being skeptical of everyone that you meet and not trusting.
Normal is walking around with a bitter attitude, being a victim, and everybody else is out to get me.
I'm not getting my peace, and normal's being miserable and discontented and never having enough and never having joy and not having,
normal is anxiety, and depression, and stress, and cutting.
Normal is hating life.
Normal's not working.
You're not from here.
You're not supposed to be like here.
I urge you, I warn you, as aliens, as strangers, as foreigners, as exiles, you're not from here, you're citizens of heaven.
So you wage war, you don't tolerate it, you rage war against the very things that hurt your soul.
So who are we? We're citizens of heaven. And I wanna give you a moment just to say that.
I am a citizen of heaven
I am a Citizen of Heaven. My life belongs to God. Because
earth is not my home, I think differently, and I live
Why do—Remind ourselves—Who we are—(If we don’t—Drift)
Played in Ocean with grandpa and starting drifting off…life guard saved me…(joke)
i didn't even realize i was drifting off until i looked up and seen how far i was getting and couldn't swim back…current was to strong…
Parents—Teach your kids—Example
Follower of Jesus—Different.
Must intentionally resist the cultural current— it will pull you Away from Jesus.
• If you don’t actively resist the current of culture, you’ll
drift into the deception of this world.
Not from here—God calls you to be holy—Set apart—Different.
Don’t worry if you’re different from the world. Worry if
you’re not.
bring up fish out of water story…
Oxygen doesnt staisfy the fish
You are not made for this world—Stop acting like it’s your home
your Looking for something to satisfy that never will.
Where are you from > Who are you?—Know who you are—Know what to do.
Who are you—You are God’s masterpiece
Created in Christ Jesus—Good works—Prepared in advance.
We will deep dive this next week
Because your life—Not your own—Earth is not your home.
Your past won’t define you—
Trials won’t stop—
Fear can’t control you.
Doubters can’t deter you—
People can’t break you.
Money can’t buy—
Haters can’t silence you—
Demons can’t defeat you.
Who are you? → I am a Citizen/Heaven
My life belongs to God. Because earth—Not my home therefore I think differently—I live differently.
Know where your from > Know who you are > you'll Know what to do.
Lets Pray