The Bride’s Revival
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The Bride's Revival
Text - Revelation 10.1-4
Revelation 10:1–4 NKJV1 I saw still another mighty angel coming down from heaven, clothed with a cloud. And a rainbow was on his head, his face was like the sun, and his feet like pillars of fire. 2 He had a little book open in his hand. And he set his right foot on the sea and his left foot on the land, 3 and cried with a loud voice, as when a lion roars. When he cried out, seven thunders uttered their voices. 4 Now when the seven thunders uttered their voices, I was about to write; but I heard a voice from heaven saying to me, “Seal up the things which the seven thunders uttered, and do not write them.”
The Bride’s Revival
Let’s look at Revivals in Church History
30 A.D. - Upper Room revival; Jerusalem; 12 apostles 120 there
Acts 13 - beginning of Paul’s missionary work
1382 - Lollard revival, England, John Wycliffe;
1481 - Florence, Italy; Girolamo Savoranola; 3 years
1517 - Luther starts reformation
1523 - Swiss reformation; Ulrich Zwingli;
1525 - Anabaptist movement; Conrad Grebel and Felix Manz;
1630 - Shotts, Scotland; John Livingstone
1726 - Great Awakening; American colonies; Jonathan Edwards;
1739 - London, England; Moravians, George Whitefield, John and Charles Wesley
1781 - Christmas revival; Cornwall;
1787 - Second Great Awakening; U.S.;
1801 - Cane Ridge Revival; Cane Ridge, Kentucky;
1836 - Hawaiian revival; Titus Coan
1839 - Kilsyth revival; William Hamilton Burns;
1857 - Hamilton, Ontario; Walter and Phoebe Palmer;
1857 - prayer meeting revival; New York City; jeremiah Lanphier;
1860 - Jamaica; Moravian chapel;
1875 - Keswick convention; Keswick, England; Dwight L. Moody
1904 - Welsh Revival; New Quay, Cardiganshire, Wales;
1906 - Azusa street Revival; Long Angeles; William J. Seymour;
1906 - Mizo people; Lushai, India;
1933 - William Branham; healing crusades
1947 - William Branham proclaims the Message of the hour
The Jesus Movement (1960s-1970s):
1994 - Christian revival that began in January 1994 at the Toronto Airport Vineyard church
1995 - Father's Day June 18, 1995, at Brownsville Assembly of God in Pensacola, Florida.
2023 - Asbury revival was a Christian revival at Asbury University in Wilmore, Kentucky.
Characteristics of these Revivals
revivals were ignited through prayer and fasting
revivals were started by as few as a single person
revivals can spark another revival
revivals spreads beyond its origin
revivals start movements
revivals result in mass conversion of souls
revivals produce churches and ministries
The Role of Revivals in the life of the Church
Revivals reignited the presence and power of the Holy Spirit in the church
Revivals helped the church live through trials, persecutions, and circumstances.
Revivals helped spread the gospel all over the world. They moved men and women to go places preaching the gospel and establishing ministries, congregations and outreaches.
The Prophet’s View
The Bride hasn’t had a revival yet. See?
There’s been no revival there, no manifestation of God to stir the Bride yet.
See? We’re looking for it now. It’ll take those seven unknown Thunders back there, to wake Her up again,
see. Yeah. He’ll send it. He promised it. The Third Seal | Rev. William Marrion Branham
Sermon Points
The Bride hasn’t had a revival yet
There’s been no revival there, no manifestation of God to stir the Bride yet.
Rev. William Marrion Branham Quotation
Now that’s what’s the reason today, that, the revivals that we’re supposed to have, we have denominational revivals. We haven’t had a real stirring. No, no, no. No, sir. Don’t think we got revivals. We haven’t. Oh, they’ve got millions and millions and millions of church members, but not a revival nowhere. No. No. The Bride hasn’t had a revival yet. See? There’s been no revival there, no manifestation of God to stir the Bride yet. See? We’re looking for it now. It’ll take those seven unknown Thunders back there, to wake Her up again, see. Yeah. He’ll send it. He promised it. The Third Seal | Rev. William Marrion Branham
“manifestation of God” is the key phrase
“There is no manifestation of God to stir the Bride yet...”
Different Manifestations
Manifestation of the Spirit - 1 Corinthians 12.7-11
Manifestation of the truth - 2 Corinthians 4.2
Manifestation of the Word - Titus 1.2-3
Manifestation of the Son of God - 1 John 3.8
Manifestation of God - 1 Timothy 3.16
In Christ God was manifested in the flesh.
the fulness of Godhead dwelt in Him bodily
Colossians 1.19
Colossians 2.9
The prophet was looking forward to a manifestation of God in the endtime.
WMB Quotes
284 Now I feel delivered, I feel that God has brought us the Message. I believe that we’re at the end of the road, I believe that the hour is here for the manifestation of God to be made known among us. And I don’t know how much longer it’ll be, but the hour is soon at hand. 60-1211E - The Laodicean Church Age | Rev. William Marrion Branham
And one of these mornings, there’ll be a disappearing, and one of these nights, there’ll be a disappearing; and the church will be changed and caught up to meet Jesus in the air. And woe unto this bunch then. They’ll gnaw their tongues for pain, when the atomic sweeps into the nation, burns eyes out, and runs like water down, and tongues are gnawed for pain, and screaming, just one bomb bursting after another. You’ll remember how much it was mental telepathy, how much it was a bunch of holy-rollers or fanatics. Remember, God knows what He’s a doing. Yes, sir. 86 The next thing waiting is for that elected and called-out seed of Abraham, who’s recognized the manifestation of God among His people and standing and waiting. That’ll be the one that’ll be caught up to meet Him in the air. 61-0423 - Abraham And His Seed After Him | Rev. William Marrion Branham
The Seven Thunders will Wake the Bride again!
What the Bible says about the 7 Thunders
They will arrive on the scene at the time of the coming of the Lord (Revelation 10)
They will utter their voices when the Mighty Angel (Christ) roars (to claim His right as the Lion of the Tribe of Judah)
They are men of God who will speak His word
180 We find out that he gets killed with the sword, too, the sword of the Word. God’s Word, sharp, two-edged sword, slays him, puts him right down. Wait till them Seven Thunders utter Their voices to that group who really can take the Word of God and hand It there, It’ll slice and cut. And they can close the heavens. They can shut this, or do that, whatever they want to. Glory! He’ll be slayed by the Word that proceeds from His mouth, is sharper than a two-edged sword. They could call for a hundred billion tons of flies if they wanted to. Amen. Whatever they say, is going to happen, because It’s the Word of God coming from the mouth of God. Yeah. Amen. God, always, It’s His Word, but He always uses man to work It. 63-0321 - The Fourth Seal | Rev. William Marrion Branham
They will utter a “great revelation” for the Bride of Christ
392 Did you notice, when the Jews asked Him that? When we compared the Scripture here with Matthew 24, with the six Seals, the Seventh Seal was left out. Because, you see, Christ said, “Only God Himself knowed; not even the Angels.” No wonder, It wasn’t even written. You see, they hushed; nothing take place then. Angels don’t know It. Nobody knows when He is coming. 63-0324E - The Seventh Seal | Rev. William Marrion Branham
393 But there’ll be Seven Voices, of these Thunders, that will reveal the great revelation at that time. So, I believe, to us who…If we don’t know It, and if we…It won’t be knowed till that time. But it will be revealed in that day, in the hour that it’s supposed to be revealed in. 63-0324E - The Seventh Seal | Rev. William Marrion Branham
What the Seven Thunders mean for the Bride of Christ
The Seven Thunders will initiate the Bride’s Revival.
their ministry is not to evangelize the world
their ministry is only to spark “rapturing faith” in the Bride for the Rapture
The Seven Thunders will spearhead the “manifestation of God” in the Bride.
signs and wonders will be manifested AMONG THE PEOPLE OF GOD - not just a single man
the supernatural demonstration will climax in the manifestation of Christ Himself among His people.
The Bride’s Revival will be the Final Revival!
428 Every one of you, cleanse all your heart. Lay aside everything, every weight, keep it out of your way. Don’t let nothing bother you. Don’t be scared. There’s nothing to be scared about. If Jesus is coming, it’s a very…It’s the moment that the whole world has groaned and cried for. If it’s something breaking forth now, for a new coming, a new coming of a new gift or something, it’ll be wonderful. If it’s coming time that the revelation of the Seven Thunders will be revealed to the Church, how to go, I don’t know. I have just stated what I saw. Oh, my, what a time! It’s serious and solemn thinking. 62-1230E - Is This The Sign Of The End, Sir? | Rev. William Marrion Branham
1 Corinthians 15.51-54
Isaiah 25.6-9
in this mountain - exalted condition
feast - revival, rejoicing
choice pieces - special things from God
wine on the lees - stimulation of revelation
destroy the covering, the veil - death over all men
swallo up death - body change
Behold this is our God - manifestation of God