Breaking the Chains: Overcoming Satan's Contract

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Breaking Chains: Overcoming Satan’s Contract

Colossians 2:14 KJV 1900
14 Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to his cross;
Introduction: Unmasking the Enemy’s Schemes
Beloved, today we’re going to uncover some powerful truths about how Satan operates and how he attempts to gain a “legal” foothold in our lives. But we will also reveal the undeniable power we have through Christ to cancel any claim or contract Satan tries to establish. We’ll look at Satan’s failed attempts to hold a “contract” over Jesus and how Jesus’ victory has made it possible for us to break free from any legal grounds Satan might have on us as believers.
A legal contract in the spiritual realm refers to an agreement or “right” that allows spiritual forces—whether godly or demonic—to exert influence over an individual’s life. In this context, a "contract" doesn't involve physical signatures but is often established through actions, choices, and words that align with spiritual laws and principles outlined in Scripture. This can work both ways: individuals can invite God’s blessings by aligning themselves with His laws, or they can inadvertently invite demonic influence by opening doors through sin, unrepentant attitudes, or engagement with occult practices.
Just as physical contracts have legal terms that, if violated, bring consequences, the spiritual realm operates on similar principles. Sin or disobedience creates legal grounds or rights for the enemy to act against an individual:
Sin as a Doorway: Ephesians 4:27 warns believers, “Neither give place to the devil.” Sin creates a foothold or “place” for Satan, giving him rights to influence, accuse, or even oppress.
The Role of the Law: The Law, as given in Scripture, defines sin and righteousness. Violating God’s laws, even in thought or motive, gives Satan legal grounds to accuse and exert influence. For example, harboring bitterness or refusing to forgive (as warned in Matthew 18:34-35) gives Satan legal right to oppress the individual.
Repentance and the Blood of Jesus: Conversely, repentance and faith in Jesus’ sacrifice cancel out these legal grounds. 1 John 1:9 states, “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” This act of confession and repentance breaks any foothold the enemy has gained.
Today’s message is about Victory—how Jesus shattered Satan’s claims and how we can follow His example to break every chain that binds us. Let’s walk through this, beginning with Jesus’ temptation, progressing through His triumph over sin and death, and finally applying this victory to our lives.

1. Satan’s Failed Contract on Jesus: The Temptation in the Wilderness

Scripture Reference: Matthew 4:1-11
Illustration: Imagine a merchant trying to get someone to sign a contract that promises wealth, comfort, and pleasure—only to reveal in fine print that the signer will owe everything to the merchant, including their freedom. This was Satan’s tactic when he tried to make a “deal” with Jesus.
Explanation: After fasting 40 days in the wilderness, Jesus faced three temptations from Satan:
First Temptation: Satan challenged Jesus to turn stones into bread, urging Him to rely on His power apart from God’s provision. Had Jesus obeyed, it would have established a small “agreement” with Satan, implying reliance on him instead of God.
Second Temptation: Satan took Jesus to the pinnacle of the temple and suggested He throw Himself down, using Scripture manipulatively. This was an attempt to make Jesus test God, aligning with Satan’s rebellious spirit.
Third Temptation: Satan promised Jesus the kingdoms of the world if He would bow down to him. This was the ultimate power grab, where Satan attempted to bind Jesus to him in exchange for authority.
Application for Believers: Satan’s tactics haven’t changed. He still offers us deals that seem beneficial but come with a steep spiritual cost. He may present temptations like wealth, comfort, or popularity, but each agreement carries hidden consequences—a progressive binding to sin. Jesus demonstrated the power of Scripture and reliance on God to break every attempt Satan makes to gain access to our lives.
Illustration of Power in Christ: A soldier under enemy fire seeks cover, but his weapon is his protection. Jesus wielded the “Sword of the Spirit”—God’s Word—and in doing so, gave us the weapon we need to resist every advance of the enemy.

2. The Cross: The Ultimate Breach of Satan’s Contract

Scripture Reference: Colossians 2:14-15
Illustration: Imagine a courtroom where someone stands accused with undeniable evidence against them. But in a powerful twist, the judge steps down, pays the penalty, and then dismisses the case. The accuser leaves defeated, his power stripped away.
Explanation: The cross represents the moment when Satan’s claim over humanity was decisively broken. Jesus, who was without sin, took on the sins of the world. Through His sacrifice, He canceled the “handwriting of ordinances” that was against us—removing Satan’s power to accuse or hold us captive. By paying the debt of sin, Jesus legally canceled any foothold Satan might have on those who believe in Him.
Power Over Sin and Death: Death, which is Satan’s ultimate weapon, was defeated when Jesus rose from the grave. Through His resurrection, Jesus showed that Satan’s contract had been voided, his “legal” hold over humanity severed.
Application for Believers: The enemy may accuse and attempt to bind us in sin, but the blood of Jesus covers every believer. When we confess our sins, Jesus is faithful to forgive and cleanse us (1 John 1:9). Because of the cross, Satan has no hold over us unless we give him permission through ongoing sin or unrepentance.
Illustration of Power in Christ: A prisoner held by chains finds the door suddenly unlocked and the chains falling away. Jesus’ sacrifice has done this for us; the chains of sin, death, and the accusations of Satan are all broken by His blood. All we need to do is walk in the freedom He has provided.

3. Breaking Satan’s Legal Rights Over Believers

Scripture Reference: Ephesians 4:27"Neither give place to the devil."
Illustration: Imagine signing a lease with someone to occupy a small part of your house, only to find them bringing in more belongings, expanding their presence, and trying to take over more space. This is how sin and Satan work if given a foothold in our lives.
Explanation: Believers can unknowingly open doors to the enemy through what may seem like “small” sins or unconfessed sins that progress over time, leading to deeper bondage. This progression can look like:
Curiosity and Initial Compromise: Engaging in “small” compromises, like dabbling in worldly influences or harboring bitterness.
Agreement and Engagement: Embracing sin more openly or relying on things outside of God for security, comfort, or identity.Bondage and Dependence: Becoming so entangled in sin that it feels as though breaking free is impossible.
Entrenchment and Full Control: When unconfessed sin becomes habitual, the enemy gains greater authority, often leading to spiritual oppression.
Application for Believers: To break these rights, we must sever any “contracts” we may have unintentionally made with the enemy:
Repentance and Renunciation: Confessing and renouncing any involvement with sin or anything contrary to God’s will (2 Corinthians 10:5).
Forgiveness and Release: Choosing to forgive others removes Satan’s foothold of bitterness (Matthew 6:14-15).
Applying the Blood of Jesus: Plead the blood of Jesus over your life as a declaration of freedom. His sacrifice erases every legal ground Satan might claim.
Illustration of Power in Christ: Imagine a bill that accumulates interest daily, impossible to repay. Jesus steps in, pays the entire debt, and tears up the contract. Just as the debt is erased, any claim Satan has over us is canceled when we are washed in Christ’s blood and stand in God’s righteousness.

4. Living in Victory: Walking in the Freedom Jesus Has Provided

Scripture Reference: Galatians 5:1"Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage."
Illustration: A runner who was once bound by weights now runs freely, leaving the past behind. Though free, he has to remember not to pick up the weights again.
Explanation: Jesus has provided complete freedom, yet we must choose daily to walk in that liberty. The enemy will attempt to reestablish old patterns, but we have the authority to resist him (James 4:7). Walking in victory requires us to maintain our commitment to Christ, filling our lives with His Word, prayer, and fellowship.
Application for Believers: Living in freedom means we’re proactive in maintaining our spiritual defenses. Through daily repentance, forgiveness, and reliance on God’s Word, we keep the enemy from regaining any ground. By staying close to Jesus, we prevent old sins and influences from creeping back.
Illustration of Power in Christ: Imagine a fortress guarded day and night. Each prayer, each declaration of God’s Word, each act of faith reinforces the walls, keeping out any enemy that would try to reclaim ground.

Conclusion: Walking in the Victory of Christ

Beloved, Satan’s contracts are null and void because of Jesus. His temptation, His victory at the cross, and His resurrection broke every chain that could hold us. When the enemy tries to remind you of past failures or present struggles, stand firm in Christ. Declare the power of His blood over your life, renounce any foothold, and walk boldly in the freedom He has secured for you.
Closing Quote: "The blood of Christ is the believer’s deed of liberty, a contract that cannot be revoked, sealed by heaven itself." — Charles Spurgeon
As we leave today, remember: you are free indeed. Every contract the enemy tries to enforce has been torn up by the hand of Jesus. Stand in that truth, and live in the victory He has won for you!
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