Obedience is Sacrifice
Act or instance of submitting to the restraint or command of an authority; compliance with the demands or requests of someone or something over us. The general words for obedience in both Hebrew and Greek refer to hearing or hearkening to a superior authority. Another major Greek word includes the idea of submission to authority in the sense of arranging or ordering oneself under someone in a place of command. A third Greek word suggests obedience that is a result more of persuasion than of submission
I. Pay attention to God’s voice
II. Prioritize Heartfelt obedience
III. Practice Genuine Repentance
When we do not repent, our voice rules our life or we are ruled by the voices of other people. But when we repent, it is God’s voice that shapes our lives. That is the test: are we listening to the voice of God? Are we submitting to his word? Are we letting God’s word rule our lives? A repentant person is a listening person—a person who listens to the voice of God.