A Promise
How would you describe life right now?
How would you describe life right now?
What words come to mind when you think of life?
We need a word from the Lord.
We need a word from the Lord.
As we enter this week I hope this message will help you hear the Lord. I will try even more than usual to be brief and straight forward.
Israel’s world was being turned upside down.
Israel’s world was being turned upside down.
The nation of Israel was not in a “good place”.
Life was full of anxiety, despair, injustice and turmoil.
Life was full of anxiety, despair, injustice and turmoil.
Sound familiar? Very similar to the world we live in.
Another object lesson.
Another object lesson.
Jeremiah 24 provides us with another object lesson. Figs, or in our case apples.
A difference based on grace.
A difference based on grace.
Were the ones taken into exile inherently better? Not at all. Some where, think the prophet Daniel and Shadrach, Meshach and Obendego. But others like Jehoiachin Jeremiah would not see as being “good”.
God gives a promise of grace.
God gives a promise of grace.
By the grace of God alone do we have the promise of verse 6.
God gives new hearts.
God gives new hearts.
Do you need a heart like Jesus? I know I do. In this world we need to have the heart of the Good Shepherd.
Communion reminds us of Jesus’ promises.
Communion reminds us of Jesus’ promises.
This time of worship is important. It reminds us the promises of our savior. It reminds us of grace. The grace we need this week.