A Very Present Refuge

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I spoke this morning and made mention of the truth that we can allow our feelings to dictate our actions, or our actions to dictate our feelings.
I want to share a story concerning this psalm that is relevant to that.
(Ill.) Years ago I traveled every week for my job. It was a good job, paid well, lot of perks - but I was gone more than I was home. Now, if you know me, you’d know that there’s no other earthly place I’d like to be than home - and it broke my heart leaving my family each week. One day I had made my way to the hotel & I was so distraught. I did something very wise - I opened my Bible for help. And God directed me to this passage of Scripture - and I saw the various things here: God would be my refuge. I could ‘be still and know’ that God was with me.
I’d opened my Bible sad, yet by the time I closed it, I was encouraged!
As I considered what to share with you tonight from the Word of God, the LORD directed me here - and I pray that I can convey a blessing unto you tonight, that God conveyed to me that evening so many years ago.
In the first 3 verses, we see that there is a Safe Place amongst Shifting Sand

I. A Safe Place amongst Shifting Sand (v1-3)

Our Refuge and Strength is God (v1)
Refuge (def) shelter; a trust; a place which protects from danger, distress or calamity
This is how the Bible describes God. HE is a place to which we can resort and find safety.
(Ill.) When I was a young boy (5 or so) I was up the street playing with other kids and this boy and I (who was taller and 1 year older) got into an argument. Long story short, I ended up popping his nose & making it bleed. He ran home and his mom came up there after me. My friend Greg kept shouting at here ‘You’re not allowed in my yard’. After she left, I ran home. Later that day I was out in the front yard playing and I heard my brother screaming. Peddling his bike up the hill as fast as he could. He got to the driveway, dropped his bike, ran past me and into the house. THEN I saw what the problem was. That boy’s older brother was chasing him. He then proceeded to beat me up in my own front yard.
Why do I tell that story? Because we see a contrast. My brother was in danger - and he knew it! So what he did was ran for the shelter that his Father could provide! I on the other hand, didn’t seek shelter - and paid the price because of it!
We have a Heavenly Father - who will provide the shelter from the storms that we need!
(Ill.) Going back to that story, the boy that I fought figured out he couldn’t handle his problem on his own - so he went to his big brother. His brother had the strength to fight back.
You and I are in the same boat - I don’t care how big and bad you are - there’s things that you’ll face that you can’t handle by yourself! But for the Christian, God is our strength! He will fight for us! There’s safety in the storm.
And we see that we’re not alone!
…and we are Not Alone
He’s not just present, but very present.
Jesus, just before He went to the Cross spoke to His disciples and said: John 16:32 “Behold, the hour cometh, yea, is now come, that ye shall be scattered, every man to his own, and shall leave me alone: and yet I am not alone, because the Father is with me.”
To the naked eye, Jesus was all alone during the trials and tribulations of the Crucifixion - yet save for the 3 hours of darkness, he was not alone!
Church, there are times when you and I go through trials and tribulations when to the naked eye, we too are alone - but know that:
Like Shadrach, Meshach & Abednego, when we’re in the midst of the hottest fire, God is very present
Like Stephen when the stones are being slung our way, God is present!
Like Peter, when we’re sinking in the midst of the Sea - God is present!
We as Christians are NEVER ALONE!
The World is Full of Calamity (v2-3)
We see great description of a world full of calamities in these verses. I feel as thought they speak to the times in which we live.
You hear from both sides of the political isle that this election is going to change America forever. And while that may be true, I want to share some insight unto you:
First: We’re going to get the government we need or the government we deserve. God would be Just either way.
Secondly, consider the COI for a moment. They endured various different governments ruling over them: The Mesopotamians, The Moabites, The Philistines, Babylonians, Medes, Persians, Romans, etc. But we must recognize a few things:
Each time, they experienced that because of their sin.
America has entertained sin for far too long for God not to bring Judgment upon us in some form or fashion.
Through the different governments that bore rule over them, they were still God’s people - and God still saw them through it all.
God sent Judgment to bring them unto repentance.
My point is this: Even though there’s much calamity around us, it need not be IN us! - we Need Not FEAR!
…yet we need not Fear
Why? Look at the ‘Therefore’ in v2.
We need not fear because:
God is our Refuge
Our safety, our shield from the enemy
God is our Strength
He’s far stronger than our enemies
God is VERY Present
Regardless of how we FEEL, God still is God!
While the world is full of calamity, we need not fear
We see there’s a Safe Place amongst Shifting Sand

II. A Shining City to Remember (v4-5)

Now the psalmist pauses and begins reflecting on a city. One that stands in great contrast to the world around him.
A Place where Blessings Flow (v4)
This is an interesting verse & I believe you can view it two different ways:
Rivers flowing unto or flowing out of.
Rivers flowing are a picture of blessings. Water is a necessity of life, and a picture of God’s providence in the wilderness and Judgment in Egypt.
If viewing the Rivers flowing unto:
We could recognize that blessings are flowing unto the place of God and the tabernacle - which is the OT church house.
Listen, there are blessings to be had in the house of God!
If viewing the Rivers flowing OUT of:
It’s a picture of God’s providential blessings flowing unto us - and by blessing us, it pleases God.
Do you know that just as an earthly father is blessed by blessing his children, our Heavenly Father is blessed by blessing His children!
But it’s a Place where Blessings Flow
A Place where God is the Center (v5a)
Church, there is a place, where God still is the center!
Our society, our country - and a lot of Christians place God in the fringes of life. God is on the outside looking in. He’s relegated to the back. But in Heaven, God is the center!
Church, God should be the center of our lives! Everything in our lives should revolve around God and the things of God!
It shouldn’t be our Job, our Finances, our Possessions - even our Family. God should be #1! He should be the center.
A Place where God is the Center
A Place that is Stable and Sure (v5b)
When you have God as the center of your life - you’re on solid ground!
(Ill.) If I make my wife the center of my life and she leaves me or dies - where does that leave me? It leave me on shifting sand!
But when God is the center, you then have a life that is stable and sure.
Jesus said: Matthew 7:24–27 “Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them, I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock: And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell not: for it was founded upon a rock. And every one that heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them not, shall be likened unto a foolish man, which built his house upon the sand: And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell: and great was the fall of it.”
The Place where God is in the Midst is a place of Stability
We see there’s a Safe Place amongst Shifting Sand; There’s a Shining City to Remember

III. A God Able to Subdue the Heathen (v6-9)

By the Utterance of His Voice (v6b)
The Destroys the Heathen (v6a; 8)
We see in v6 in a few words the raging of the heathen & the moving of kingdoms! This great affairs demonstrating the power and might of the kingdoms of the heathen
But now we see that God is able to subdue them - by the Utterance of His Voice
God need not gird up a sword and charge into battle - All God needs to us speak a Word! THAT’S THE POWER OF MY GOD!
A Couple things:
It’s futile to fight against God.
That’s a losing proposition. The heathen can clamour their swords and shout and make noise, but they are NOTHING COMPARED TO MY GOD!
The Word of God destroys the Heathen
(Ill.) I know of one instance where I witnessed first hand this take place. About 24 years ago there was a Heathen in NC - but once he heard the Utterance of God, a Heathen was destroyed and a saint was born!
God is able to subdue the Heathen - and bring about peace
He Brings about Peace (v9)
This verse we see God destroying weapons of war.
Now - 24 years later - God has broken the weapons of war that I wielded against Him and has brought me peace!
He Brings Peace
In the Midst, He’s our Refuge (v7)
We see in the midst of all this, that God is with us - and He is our refuge
In the Midst, He’s our Refuge
We see there’s a Safe Place amongst Shifting Sand; There’s a Shining City to Remember; There’s a God that’s Able to Subdue the Heathen

IV. A Stillness to Enjoy (v10-11)

Let Go and Know” (v10a)
Be still (def) be calm; quiet from tumult; chill out; rest - (def) grow slack; release; let go
Oftentimes in life we feel that we need to be in constant control - when in fact we rarely are.
Here, God is saying - Let Go, and know that I am God!
In other words, He is God, so let Him BE God! Give control unto Him instead of clinging to it yourself!
(Ill.) Some of my most enjoyable times at church are the times when I’m not responsible for nothing. I can sit back and relax and enjoy.
God wants that for us! Just sit back and trust Him to lead and guide your life!
Let Go and Know
Give Glory to God (v10b)
God will be exalted. There’s no question about that!
Philippians 2:9–11 “Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name: That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth; And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.”
I will give Glory unto God when I see Him face to Face - but I’ll not wait until then - I want to give God glory now!
Give God Glory
At the Last, He’s our Refuge (v11)
Finally we close this Psalm with a reminder that God is with us - and He is our refuge.
Notice this: I’ve mentioned it, but not dwelt upon it:
We begin with a statement of God being our Refuge (v1)
In the midst of calamities, we’re reminded that God is present, and a refuge for us.
At the end we see God is present, and a refuge for us.
What this tells us is that God is present - and a place to hide no matter what time of life, no matter what time of day we’re in.


In each point, we see the presence of God - and a reminder that God is our refuge.
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