Gospel Impact- 1 Thessalonians 1:2-10
Jesus, who delivers us from the Wrath to come. This is God's word. Thanks be to God. Heavenly Father, we thank you for your word. We thank you for your Holy Spirit. We thank you for Gary who is going to come and share now from your word and we pray Lord that you would give him the strength and the power of your holy spirit. So that we might understand by your Supernatural power, Lord. How to live out this word and how it applies to our lives and how it touches our hearts, and how we are lured to view the world around us, because of your word and through your word. We ask this in Jesus name, amen. Please come Gary and share with us.
Thank you for coming here today.
Good morning, everyone. It's always a joy to come here. I don't live too far. I literally drive maybe 10 minutes from Apex area. I literally live by downtown Apex that it's really cold. And I drive down the street to go to work 5 days a week cuz had to go right by here to head toward Morrisville. So, it's good to be here. But once again, I'm also has blessing to hear about what the ABC world is doing out here. On, when I was in California, was very friendly with a number evfree church, is there too. So it's need to see God's work through the EV Free Church and I had a good chat with mr. King back here in as a delight, to hear about your trip to Uganda, excited about that. So, be joining you guys in prayer with that, before I pray, I just want to give you a heads up. I will be kind of toggling through this message. Play it won't be as deep but I am trying to serve a couple things. I understand one at the commune message, post a message to, I do want to encourage you to church of Trinity community church this morning and a very Gospel Center Way. And this past week I had a friend that I met in nineteen ninety three or four who reached out to me and said basically I've been tracking with you for the last 34 years of your life and ever since you came to Christ and his last 20 years. He's already said I listen to tons of messages about you online and what if God has been doing it. So I gave him a call and we just caught up. It was just encouraging cuz really he encouraged me as a young believer when He came is this very enthusiastic faith-filled, hopeful hopeful joyful person and he doesn't realize he didn't realize, is that time feel like there is a season where I didn't have a car to drive as a conscience and he would pick me up, leave to go to work an hour earlier and we would drive it half an hour to drop me off the college, I was at, and you head off to his work. But during that time, all I did talked about Jesus and we prayed and cheated and because of that, I went to school an hour earlier, and I said, Okay, God, I'm at zero. With the Lord at college. And so I just said, I'm going to read the Bible and pray and God, the lady changed my life dramatically that year a little late, I had zero pray to Jesus and I start obeying what he said and I saw God use me to do a number of things so I promised him or so much he asked for a testimony to kind of recapture God's work in my life. So I let her we my testimony with So you could kind of see me toggle back and forth and you don't understand why, okay, then I got to go down to Greek and Hebrew really deep today. I'm tired of laying across the board to be a blessing to you and a blessing back to my friend. So was I that in mind? Yes, I have played a lot of pic of all coached, a lot of students over the last four months, since I've been here has been a blessing and I still hold my offer out to you guys. If you want to throw down to pickleball party for all people would consider that Thanksgiving Christmas, New Year's whatever will put it out there. Father, we thank you for this time to look into your work together. We thank you that indeed is living and active. And In one sense, reveal is your will your love, your Redemptive plan for us as individuals and for, for the Nations. And so we do pray, Lord specifically here. Now that you would meet us together here at Trinity Community Church that you speak to us as a community, as individuals, as couples as families as, as parents as children as grandparents and so far that we pray, Lord, that your spirit would work. Powerfully might have Lee diet divinely. As we open your word and see how your gospel impacted the church, that's the one I got and the Church of Trinity Community Church here in Cary and even my own life in Christ name we pray. Amen. Send me, you guys may know that I was born and raised in California. Actually born to 73 live there to 2000. 17. So, we moved here almost eight years ago. Come this January, and there's a little bit of number movies, written and round. California Hollywood stuff Bay Area stuff. There's one movie that was entitled the 10, and that was a movie that depicted, hypothetically, that in California, that there would be a earthquake. One day hitting 10 in the Richter, scale, and cutting this major theme to the San Andreas fault and that's breaking California as an island into the Pacific. Ocean off the coast than that, though. It would be the result of it. And so they got me thinking about a couple things. Some of you may have watched the World Series in the Yankee. People are people who care about the Dodge and maybe not so much are by the World Series went by too fast. Game, 7 should have been today or something like that, but it just didn't get there. But in 1980. I know what I was. I think a freshman or sophomore in high school. It was a pretty big earthquake. There was a big, big Bay Bridge series at the time. Is one of the least watch the world series ever. When the A's play the Giants, little a cross, the bridge from each other and that that particular earthquake was in October the Richter Scale. Hit us 96.6 .9. It was interesting in that World Series cuz the halted the World Series after game 2 and gained three and four were paid like over a week later. It actually allow the A's to pitch their number one and number two picture on the same world series for game one and Dave game 2. And then again at 3 came through and gave for which is kind of, not fair, cuz you don't normally get to do that. One picture I remember is that Bob will take he pitched. He won 30 games at year and states to attend 125. So he did two A's pitchers pitching in that series. But my bigger Point is that an earthquake? Even a 6.9 is powerful. 63 people died, nearly 4,000 were injured around, 10,000 people were homeless during that season. And so I think about that and I think of the destructive power of what East Coasters think. Oh, it happens all the time, are the movies to pick that have enough time and it does happen typically at the one and two level quite often. But earthquakes up above six-and-a-half, seven and more don't happen that often and so but in the next Greenlee, do we do get a little picture of the earthquake's magnitude. I believe there's an X graph on the next picture and next one yet. So you see the damage on the freeway, see how that is a slide in the plates? About 60/70 miles, south of San Francisco and you see different magnitude of earthquakes from left to right? A Michael run, a Michael 12, a great one and the Damage that it causes and in California, who are you thinking first place? We don't name them, we just think of the date and when it happens and the scale is it in terms of the magnitude of power, which it took place. Now, coming to the east coast, particularly the southeast what you're talking about, the Southeast region in churches and gospel work there. Moving in around hurricanes have been a unique braids to me and how they write them as cat one and Cat to cat 3 and Cat for and CAT5. And then lion, and tiger is not just getting a bears. No. Do the whole bunch of cats, right? Bigger magnitude, then
And and we name our hurricanes with the letters of the alphabet. And it's me that's like funny. We like named hurricanes out here. Like I did a little pets. We just give him names and they come and they hit us in different ways. But what I want to point out to you and I will get this land into the message. The gospel is supremely powerful. And gracefully constructive, unlike the hurricane, or the earthquake, which brings much destruction in Hurricane, you have. And I of the storm and earthquake, you have an epicenter with the gospel in many ways. What we will also see that as gospel unfold to self in different places and different region. It has the beginning Point, oftentimes an individual and expands out, or you might even call it epicenter and it goes forth, and we'll look at that today. So, simply this morning, I just want to remind Trinity Community Church at the power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ to redeem to build his church. Just church. Not just this chart for every church built upon, Jesus Christ, his son and entitled today's message from 1st Timothy Chapter 1st. Thessalonians chapter 1 11th or 10th is really just four ways to remember how the gospel impacts. It's interesting. The business next door I believe is called impact to put gospel next to the name of the Churchill called gospel. In fact anyways
In my own life, your life and the life of Trinity Community Church, instead of the four ways in which the gospel impacted the Church of death than I could with the remembrance Redemption reflection and reception so forearms right there so that you can track along and that we would remember Christ. Well, so the first one we were looking at Clemson versus two and three impacting and remembrance of the gospel. Paul and his associates, his buddies and Industry bodies and first to pray the following. So we're at 1st Thessalonians. Chapter 1, verse 2. He says here, we give thanks. To God there. Get thanks is directed to God. I'll always for all of you constantly mentioning you in our prayers. So Paul and his ministry buddies all-new on the Torso and Aika was a gift from God. It wasn't deserved, it was a gift given to God and because of that, they thought to look to God through Thanksgiving, they actively gave God, thanks for each person in the Church of this, when I can recognize you, that each person that God redeemed. The local church had baptized brought into the life of this church Community. They recognize each one was a gift from God. And so likewise, as you participate in the Life hair at ECC, each one of you are a gift from God, a gift to each other. Whether you were here at the church of the very beginning or whether you come to this church. In the last year, sometime we think of the people at the very beginning is like, all these has been here to like a fixture to the church building. We just kind of think it would take him for granted, or they just always been here, gives me, but I want to point out that Paul sincerely Gates. Thanks and there's a place to get thanks for the person has been here since the beginning. There's a place to give thanks to the person that's been here, the most recent at everyone else in between. I did some time at church live. We can kind of put people in different groups and and maybe these groups are the one that will enter. Maybe your mind. You say the ones that are like the one that word and these other people like that, maybe they're the ones that come just once a week. We get things to them ones that come every week, we give thanks to them when they give a lot. We give thanks to them as much as when they're able to just simply give my being here, physically being present were to give. Thanks and so I think that's healthy to recognize that. This is what ultimately God's church God, am I sense? This is God's church. Every out of church church out here. Wasn't purchase by JD greear or D. Steven datadigger churches around here. These churches were purchased by the blood of Christ on. This is not Jim's church. This is Christ Church, Gym is under sherbet and a Shepherd at this church and what they do for him. And his wife in the same way that around here to extend your blessing here in different ways. But you guys all stand blessings to each other. As God channels, his grace through you to one another. And so you are to give, thanks to God. And we have to do this with each other and so
So we don't need to think of a wait till Thanksgiving to give thanks. That's just one day that helps us remind us to do that or pastors appreciation, day, which was last month. I give thanks on a regular basis weekend and week out, they don't need to wait till like the big event happens to get. Thanks for the big things and the little things both matter to God and everything in between. Let's all give thanks hair pasta wrote this letter and he has a fond affection as he recalls the gods work, in the gospel work, and the Church of, that's, when I said, I was sitting out here in the first three, remembering before, God and Father, your work of faith and labor of love, and steadfastness of Hope in our Lord Jesus Christ. And so so let's remember God's work here. And it's red. The people here at Trinity Community Church and I said out all go, I'm forever grateful for the first church, I went to in Sacramento Chinese Grace Bible Church and it as a young kid, just come in and tries. I literally took them for granted but I look back, I'm in there were so kind to me and Senior Pastor disciple. To me, I had a group that encourage me and prayed for me. They literally gave me books by j.i. Packer and MacArthur and Swindoll and stuff like that. They said, read this, listen to this and guess what? I listen to it, I learned a lot and there's a early days. I didn't know that. They're loving me in those, why they would invite me over for four meals and they were just loving on me. I'm so thankful for them. And in hindsight I like that church at that time start in the early seventies, I was there in the early nineties, that church was there as a teen. I saw a 20 amp in the 20-something years of his business people where they're working out their faith exercising late. Love and stuff. As a hope, I'm to that point, it's been another 30 years since it's a 50-year old church. And so, looking back by, wow, you guys are living out the gospel and here,
At Trinity, Community Church. I want to stay the same. You guys are living out the gospel. I know you do through ups and downs, but the gospels, there's this thing, you and I want you to see that. So before we look at these fruits and greater detail, hope faith & love. I want to jump down to verse five and remind us at the source here on the source, in which we get Faith in labor and hope and love comes from the gospel. So I'm going to talk to his back all the way back to the gospel. It is bring us to the big picture of the Gospel to remind us is why we're here if it wasn't for the gods but we have no reason to meet there to be no reason to be diverse or multi-ethnic or stay to love. Our neighbors, are go to Uganda without the gospel. We have no reason whatsoever. I would not even be here, all you would not have to invite me when I had to think about it, a membership meetings and what to do about property and all that stuff. Cuz without the gospel Thanks meaningless. So we're going to accept back to the gospel of this. This outline is it was designed by can have he has a good perspective on the gospel live at Bitter perspective than just the four spiritual laws. But he starts with saying, hey God, created this world. He is the creator, he spoke and he made everything out of nothing. And that's a God thing. Only God can make things out of nothing. And in this case, he made the world, the universe and everything in it. And so, as the creature of the Cradle, we don't have a right to complain to the Creator. He has created perogative. He has created a right on that as a creation. We don't you got to accept that sometime we don't have those, right? So we are the clay and relationship to the Creator. And so as the traitor, he also I got to say this during this time but he he's the one who said, Hey, I'm Going to make mankind. I'm going to make him male and female, God made two specific genders. He didn't make any other genders, this male and female. That's all he designed. And we don't have the right as human being to legislate laws and puts forth money in different ways to change. An altered genders, that is not an AR scope. That's a God thing to make to tenders and and that's it today. So if you have an issue with your gender, you have an issue with God, the Creator. Okay. Who's going to pay for your change of gender are all turning of your gender or whatever, but your gender is given specifically designated from God himself and he's given us and he made us What In His Image that we might reflect him and glorify him in that way. The guy made us in His image but this didn't last long so big picture in Genesis chapter 3, Adam didn't obey the Creator. He didn't trust God standing Grace just literally in the earliest days of creation. So Adam said he represented mankind is the Once he's in sending her to the world and everyone experience What corruption and sin and Brokenness and following us because Adam who represent all of us failed to obey his father. And so by eating, not the Apple, just the forbidden fruit. This is sometimes we get those things wrong. So my testimony I didn't know or think about God. Much does a kid, I drove to the Catholic church. I knew about the Ten Commandments and I thought that was it, you should be impressed by me. I know you're Ten Commandments but I didn't obey his Ten Commandments, I just knew them. Cuz what the Catholic Church forces you to memorize all of them as I thought. It is impressive. I know you're Ten Commandments but I didn't realize the Ten Commandments, but until much later that these commands are given to know about God's holiness. But also to point out the fact that I'm a sinner to reveal and show them Center Clayton says that the log guys serves as a tutor 2.0, Merced. And I didn't know, he know that my mindset was. I can always find someone worse than me and so if I can find someone worse than me, I'm not so bad. But I don't really think about me and a holy God and I go, okay, there's a little different perspective there so that's corruption. We know in history, that was there was a great catastrophe after Adamson their kids and multiple Generations, man showed himself to be ever ever more wicked and evil, and God did what? Well, he brought a big big flood. Not just a localized flood, but a worldwide flood and wiped out all of humanity, set for people, one family that I don't know, his family who went on the ark. And so, from there, Things continued. And and we have confusion with Noah's, descendants, and afterwards as people spread to different places around the world. My baby big Point here is that
As we spread throughout the world, we kind of understand why we look different. Not so much that we have different DNA or we have a different crater but we just live in two different Geographic. Sound effects are what melatonin and pigment color. You know, every one of us are hundred percent human, our DNA is pretty much the same, there's no monkey d, n a r, a d, n, a n, a s s is not what it is. And but my bigger point is that we have all Fallen. We live in a fallen race and we are broken. We cannot achieve our own righteousness or Merida unrighteousness. Such a way to please a holy God. In fact on the Bible says that our righteousness as filthy rags before. Holy God, so that brings us to Christ Christ, the anointed Messiah, the Redeemer in Greek. The Chris. He's the anointed one that would come. How to be the perfect lamb. The god-man 100% God 100% man that he could represent, God and His holy Perfection, and also represent man and are following us and needing to take a place for man to have someone to take our place to be that land, to be that substitute for you and me and so Christ, the promising of a Savers are out to all the New Testament Christ coming in the New Testament, King born, living his life perfectly, Is key. Cuz if you said, once he wouldn't be that perfect lamb for us. And so that is key, that Christ would come and Christ would come. And at the end of his 33 years of life, just filled his mission, he went to a cross where He would die in our place as a substitute. He would, he would go before the cross and bear the wrath of God, he would be sacrificed and satisfy the demands of the law. And would be only by faith alone to Christ Alone that we could be what forgiving of our sins. And so when I think of my own life, I am thankful for God's Sovereign work, for the gospel to save me on that day in August at camp in 1992, where I first heard the gospel, I understood the bad news of the Gospel, I knew that is centered. I knew there's problems with that, but I didn't really have a clear picture of the Savior for whatever reason I just needed. There's something about the Savior. I knew about jelly beans and Easter bunny is biting, always think about the cross much, maybe because with highlighted and jelly beans, at least, but he's too much and forgot about the cross in my upbringing. And so I got a camp out here on the cross a little bit longer. We know of this verse you see it in the back of football end zones, I can't help think about football. Little Bits fall season, so it's all over us. And we have these three big schools around us that get excited specially when they win in people's moves in a little better when they went and then when they lose. So this is a good week. I think they both want are all three of them one or something like that. But it says this John 3:16 for God. So loved the world that he gave his only begotten, son, that whoever believes in him, will not perish, but have eternal life, and Isaiah 53. Verse 10, the first half a, it says that the Lord Why would do, what will crush his son for us? I don't know if you've heard this story but it's one of my favorite as a new believer hearing and I'll never forget, even tell today but it's not the perfect illustration but at least it was straight and highlight the sacrifice of a son for others. John Griffith worked as a controller in the railroad. Draw bridge across the Mississippi. Mississippi River, one day in the summer of 1937, probably one of my grandparents were teenagers. Took his eight-year-old son Greg along with him to work at noon John put the bridge up so that ships could sail through the Mississippi under the bridge safely. The bridges are up and said he would sit back with his son, eating lunch and just enjoying the day, and then John was startled by the whistle of a train coming from the East. He knew it was a Mississippi Express. A 400 passenger train headed over the Mississippi, from the east from St. Louis. So what did Sean do? He raced back to the observation deck of the control tower, just before he threw down, the lever to lower the bridge. He glanced over to see if there's any ships passing below and at that same time, he noticed that his son slipped from the observation tower and had fallen down to the gears of the bridge. He could not get out. His leg was stuck in the clogs. Between two, the two main gears. And so the Father John Griffith froze and thought for a moment.
And fear the Memphis Express, was nearing the river, he had this Choice, leave the bridge of and allow the bridge. That's just gives me the train to go over the bridge and into the water, or to lower the bridge and allow his son to be crushed and allow these four hundred people to live.
The drawbridge.
Man, the Father, John knew what to do. He grab the master, switch and lower the bridge. Seeing the bridge go down looking at a sun simultaneously, he shouted out to the Sun. I love you, son. Watching his son, be crushed and died. At the same time, allowing the 400 people pass. Over the bridge.
To safety. No one on that bridge. I knew what happened. They had no idea that his son was crushed for their sake. John looked and shouted, English. I have second, My Sacrifice, my son for you, but you don't even realize or acknowledge the sacrifice that took place. Is that we're going to spend this around. There's a world out there that don't recognize what Christ has done for them and is you the church that have recognized what God has done for you and saving you. And if you're in this room and you don't recognize this, it's time to do so it's time to recognize that it's not just about Christmas trees and jelly beans and Jesus the Redeemer, the Savior, The Rescuer of your soul and you and I had this amazing Mission commission and purpose of life to reflect God's glory. And to tell others about what Christ had done that, he stood in our place, he was Put on a cross to die for our sins. We hear this over and over but me and not get older boring to us, may this be what yet freshener are mine. And so that's why I think Paul said to give thanks and he's thinking them for what God's work that occurred in the church as that's when I can make. Every time we take communion we do it for those that we would remember the gospel could like we forget and so this day, all the more might we remember that God saved you and he and this is always a call to look back to look forward to look within and to look out to our community. So we'll continue this gospel story so we went to the cross in the last Point can have you as his confirmation one day God will judge the living and the dead one day, God will set up the new Heavens in the new Earth and there will be no more tears. So that's our hope. I hope our future Glory. And so was faith, hope and love, and why we can manifest these fruits as individuals. It has the local church and other churches here. So, when Paul talks about the work of faces, a chest hurt. If that's when I got faith. Yes, it one hundred percent is saves you. This is a vehicle's. Did God pick to to save you by trusting and believing like Christ died on the cross? And that's how we're saved by faith alone. Justification by faith. Lonely tweet. We love that doctor and it's huge. But we also called not to be saved by faith only, but we all still live by faith. This is why we please God, according to the Hebrews 11. And so it doesn't just stop with who I'm saved. And I have fire church, Christianity know we go on and we press on and because of the face, we have in Jesus Christ, we do what we work out, our faith with fear and trembling, we work out our faith, When we struggle, we were kind of face when things are difficult. We worked at a face one. We have trials and this church. When we have disagreements in the church, every church has disagreements. Because we still have Drape over rust known as the spin, that's into welded into our being, we have a new where we have a new heart. We have tried to do, and we have a new nature and Theological opinion. Some people say we are to Nature's. I believe they have one primary nature. We can talk about that on the side, but you are to work out your face in fear and trembling as an individual works out, his relationship with Jesus Christ. Personally, as you work at your relationship in your local church as you work to manifest Christ. Interactions in our Deeds. For God's blowing are good in this city and the cities around us and cities of other countries. I'm also afraid of the Gospel that God loved us. We see that in the illustration in these passages, God loved us with an amazing. What we just sung that and not only loved as he also gave us the Holy Spirit. Empowers us with a third person of the Trinity to compel us to advance the gospel. And so because of this great love, that's at work in our hearts and moves us to labor. If you want, if you didn't know the love of Christ, you have no reason to to labor, to be honest, if you're in your relation with your husband wife, you don't love each other. They'll be no reason to press on together as husband is stuff. You just be grinding each other in on each other. You get sick of each other after a while but because there's love and cuz you care about your relationship because you push on and you continue to seek each other's best. And so you labor because of Christ love for you and because of God's love and he labor for the gospel. Last, the last. Harris steadfastness of Hope as Christians. We have the best. Hope of all I'm, we might be hoping for something to go our way, come Tuesday. But I'm not really worried about that. The bigger president that I care about, is that the fact that Jesus is King of Kings, Lord, of lords. And what will matter most day today and everyday is, how much does the King of Kings? And the Lord of Lord, the president of all takes resident in your heart is that's good hair. Your heart. You're good in any situation because Jesus resides there and he will lead you and help you. But we have this amazing hope a future glory and eternal hope. And because we have hope Future gain of Glory that will help us and in comparison to the present temporal pain. We may experience in this life to know that there's future gain. Does that make sense? So cuz the steadfastness of hope this future Glory? It will help us to press on more and more and more. No matter how hard, no matter how difficult it gets, cuz, you know, we have a sure hope so, for Trinity, Community Church. I see grace in your lives here. I don't know you super well but every time I come here, it is a joy. I see you smiling. I see you want to do Fellowship afterwards. You're sending five teams to Uganda, I see your ministering to the neighbors that keep pressing on, don't give up. That means you don't have the gas money like you would not do this but as awesome as me to take more more opportunity as you do your normal life, you don't need to just think I guess like myself and just be like super Christian, throw a touchdown by the time this be diligent move one inch Ford ever. Day 2 in 5 in. Go forward. When do you find a snow day? Christian. Well, as it gives you the gift of repentance number way. Number to impacting Redemption, Paul recognizes them packing, Redemption of the Gospel, verse 4 and 5. So Paul is continuing to extend the ministry of the Gospel to the Church of Des tonita and he recognizes how they're not ashamed of the gospel, and they also said, God's Sovereign work, as they knew experience God at work in and threw them in verse for says, for we know Paul and his associates have this amazing confidence. Of this particular statement Brothers loved by God. He knows that this church just went to church at the Saint. Michael would love by God. He know that Christ died for them. He sees the love of God at work in the Church of Tesla nykaa. So he knows God's love objectively. I believe, he knew it, they, they knew it and emotionally experientially and so forth. It, they knew of the gospels work in the life of this church. And so Because of that, I believe. The church SF when I got and the Church of Tsetse. You guys, if that's true, you have an amazing identity. You are a son or daughter of God. The Father, you have an undeniable identity that will shape you. You're no longer an orphan that runs towards, then we don't know what to do. But you function and act like a child of God, you run to God, we need help. I know sometime we start acting or if I'm like Karen. There we run, two, sinful things to music to, hopefully God's grace kicks in and brings you back. But as amazing as I think of God's grace, in my own life, I didn't wasn't my plan that my mom would die at age 10, and when I was a senior in high school, my best friend would commit suicide, but that My friends call me as soon as I kicked off everything for me and made me think about my own life where I'm going to end up in eternity weather, smoking or non-smoking section Heaven or Hell. At that point. I have a ton of friends reaching out to me from the local church, Saint Gary come to our church come, try to use Cove and I started coming, that's God's Tarvin work right there and they loved on me for 8 months until I came to price at camp that summer. And then God, I don't know what, dynasty, a Chinese whatever I come from. But from all I know, humanely, I was a very first person in my family to come to cry. I don't know. Any great-uncle's, our great-grandparents. I was a very, very, very first one. I don't know how far it goes back. 1,000, 2,000 3,000, 4,000 years. I don't know, I just only one I know, but since I became a Christian, my brother, my sister came and Rice, mother says, I can price my Grandma. Can we try uncle came to try as my cousin came to Christ and my other cousin came across from a non-Christian back on. A Buddhist little is going to my buddies church. And I just got baptized, I'm Blown Away, saves and God redeems and got started this church for a reason here and carry for a reason to reach out to you that we might reach out to others. And that this may continue, then people will come and go and then hopefully, they go to other churches and be a blessing to that church. But this what the gospel does, it's amazing. The impacting a redeeming Focus hair is not on Paul and his associates than the focus is on what is God? And the gospel DC Universe 5, because our gospel came to you not only in words but what also in the power of the Holy Spirits with full conviction, sometime I confess I Minister the word of God In My Own Strength and effort. I don't know what I'm doing right now hopefully with all his holy word and the Holy Spirit together. But we look to God to bring the spirits work. A full conviction that you would not just Believe and know about God's word, but you'll be convicted it to the points that you are changed and you are transformed and that you repent and that you will live by faith. Hope, and love when the world looks at the church, may they know the faith hope and love the only. The gospel can't give it. Does give in producing life of his local church. We look at each other, you should be encouraged each time you see each other because of the faith, hope and love this manifested in your life because of gospel lives and each one of you to be there of the Gospel to read Bears of Christ Image here, and around the world, Paul's Ministry was so impactful. To the Church of like this one. I could they have high credibility at the very end of this verse. I believe first five. They proved, what kind of men, we proved to be a monkey for you, for your sake. And other words, they had an incredible level of Integrity as a minister. They resembled Christ in every accurate ways, and when people came to Christ, they knew what it meant to live for Christ and fall cries because it's all right before. So that's what we want. I'll never forget this person that came to Christ and I was pastoring in Berkeley. Like she was in our community for a while and then she professed faith and home home mindset change like Chris and I'm a Christian. Now I go to church all the time. I'm in Fellowship all the time, I read the Bible, all the time. I where did this come from? Did you guys do it? Why do it now? I invite my friends all the time is that is exactly what she did is like that. You're more fired than almost anyone else in this church, and you only just a couple days old, but she knew that cuz you learned it from us. The local church in Scio. Never forget. I know it's really cute, but she's gone through a lot of Trials and stuff, but she still remains Baseball number three, way. Number three The mpac Ting reflection of the Gospel in verses 6 through 8 at the end of the auction, I said that the gospel had an impact Like An Earthquake and epicenter or maybe like a hurricane. But this gospel impact is the impact in the lives of people change life change hearts and then impacting of a regions and communities. Since I always see it right here in versus 6 7 and 8, it says, and you became imitators of us. Paul is speaking to the churches, that's when I go and he said, you have became imitators of us and the Lord and other words, they became imitators of Christ. That's a very good thing. They reflected Christ, they follow Christ, I want you to see here, it says, imitators, it doesn't say, imitation Christians Pretenders, these are legit. Christian's that are imitating Paul as he follows Christ and so they are following Christ as a community at the amazing. They're not following this political party that political party is so sad. I never forget in my last church for years ago, and things are dicey. And there's only asked each other you Republican or Democrat. And if you didn't answer though, they went the whole face from sound as if you're the enemy, what are you guys doing? We're not enemies. We are Brothers and Sisters in Christ that have different views on less than ultimate things. And so they were in a imitators of Christ. These things should divide our primary identity is on the essentials. The person work a Jesus Christ and so they were followers of Christ on his. So sad, when the political party, has a higher place in your life than Jesus Christ. That's not the place for a Christian when we've got our views twisted and mangled a little bit but they became intimate imminent. Imitators of Christ in the Lord. How I see her that they received the word in much Affliction. They did. So with a joy of the Holy Spirit and that's this key and a couple ways, it's one thing. When you like kind of a joined, the church, like as a social club, but if you join it and much Affliction, you know, we'll just simply by joining it. You're going to alienate maybe your family or relatives and Inn Express even more affection. A Hallmark of a new believer is Joy. You show not just a new believer, any believer. Use brings Joy to the fruit of joy is in your life with seeing for 7, so that you became examples to all the Believers in Macedonia, and in a Kia That is very significant. If you look at the video or the slide hair, you see where these two regions are, the gospel went forth, beyond their own region. We see in verse 84, not only has a word of the Lord sent forth from Macedonia and a care, but your faith has gone forth everywhere so that we need, not say anything there, lies were so radically change. It was recognized by everyone around them. And first aid, I want you to, I want to point out one word. That the word said, fourth is the idea of reverberate, the gospel, literally, reverberated from undercity to other cities to other regions and to-the-point, it reached Us in the United States is gone around the world and still needs to go in some particular places. Does reverberate. By the way, I thought that's a cool name. To name a church reverberate. Argo at the church as is to remember, I'm into coasters names. All right, so if you ever think about church planning one day and the EV free world named it reverberate from this passage is I think it's a great name and you can have cool shirts and everything. Not that is cool. Not that Christians have to be cool but the whole point is that the gospel 1/4 and they not need cigs and their testimony was so strong without a doubt. People knew Or with smell or was sense that this is the work of God to change my eyes like this. Lastly way. Number 9, impacting RAC, reception of the Gospel. Was he there in a 9 and 10, the gospel came and made an amazing impact in terms of its reception and response in verse 9 is said by 9:10, it says this for they themselves. Pause, not making this report that the witness is coming home. They themselves. They reported concerning us. The kind of reception we had among you. How you turn to God from items to serve the living and true. God. So, the one sense of proof is in the pudding. In the people, they ministered to the proof. Came directly from those whose brain, God's Amazing, Grace, to save to redeem, to regenerate, to transform individuals. A community region a nation. You wonder how to change our world, how to fix United States is not more for republicans, and that's not more Democrats. Jason Democrats Democrats is by living out your faith love and hope so. Faith means Lily turning to God from Idols, from your sin. I know being cry. It means to love the true and living God as he loves you. It's basically means to love him back. Love and back through obedience to follow him through membership. The baptism the service is committed to your local church and being a committed disciple here and everywhere and then hope we get that from first 10 that we see that it says here to wait. For his son from heaven. We had this amazing hope that. What Christ will come back? If you came the first time his birth, he will come a second time. There's prophecies for both that he will promise and he will return it. This is to happen in a sense of imminent. See, it happen quickly when it happens, we just don't know when it will happen, but we could be a hundred percent sure that it will happen one day. And so in summary the gospel of Christ, truly impact my life, your life, the life of this and a Life to Come As we think about gospel impact in terms of remembrance Redemption reflection and reception Let's pray. Father, we thank you so much for these 9 versus or so. With a kid that your gospel is not some kind of weird therapy or getting high and Anna drive or some mind trick or some weird philosophy. But it is the good news of Jesus Christ who died for Sinners. Broken people that they might be restored. Once it, once again to image the image of Christ to Bear the image of God, which we were created for in this life, as individuals as the local church, and with the hope that one day, this will be reflected in the new Heaven and new earth perfectly. In Jesus name, we pray. Amen.