June 26, 2016 AM Walk Worthy
And it's packed last week. I was going to
the Broadway and the narrow way
Matthew Chapter 7
as we were having this conversation about Rose
I was thinking about something that I haven't I haven't prepared for some future date as far as a message.
I'm not sure if that's how I explain the narrow Jay-Z's last week.
I know that sometimes you might not be able to remember every message that I
but I want to beat you up this morning with.
Remind him ourselves. Why is the narrow gate?
Why do Cheese's?
Because Jesus used that were Daryl to describe that there was only one. Remember I talked about. Scripture regarding John's gospel chapter 14 verse 6 the way the truth and the life. No one comes to the father.
Going to God have to enter one way.
Until we get to the web.
We choose about the Brock Road Bible says that it's easy and leads to destruction. I believe that it says.
You don't have to work.
There needs to be a conscious.
The king of what?
It's the weekend that way. And then there's an office question. When you do once you're on that narrow way.
Before I begin to think about what that means to be on that narrow road.
I do occasionally like to go hiking.
I remember buying a book on hiking trails in that there are around St. Louis area.
And I found one that I really like.
Was near me.
No, I got to go on it twice before I figured out exactly where the trail bus. All the first time I went on a couple things my mom's number one, I forgot.
As soon as I started walking this Trail probably about 20 feet into it. I was attacked by mosquitoes. I think the same mosquitoes live in Waupaca the last couple days with us.
And I mean there's the biggest horse fly.
and the second problem that I ran into What's that kind of there were times when I couldn't speak?
And so I made an assumption problem was it was?
And so I started in going down the trail that we came off.
I wasn't really on a train. And I went through a Ravine and I was trying to figure out how I was not.
I don't know about you, but I don't like it in the Box. Yeah, I'm so finally I was able to backtrack enough to where I was able to find what I needed to do. And so I decided to hide it now. I knew where the trail was that.
So one more on the Kingsway. What the weather what should we experience? What should we have in mind on walking the way that uses price called every believer. What does the snare Elway look like that you just described as hard?
Not easy.
It means we have to go against sometimes are our natural inclination to find the easy way through things. We need to find the direction that God has for us and we need to walk in the door.
I'm sure if I was thinking about you because I don't just think about this message to talk to you about the right direction.
Friday you're going to get. bagels near me okay. And you're going to have a wonderful. celebrating exchange vows and frames and you're going to go to a reception and everybody's going to
What happened?
or next year hi, Galaxy.
Okay. And it's going to be hard because the world said when things get difficult.
Google what is going to be called Center?
illustration of God's love
Open settings. It doesn't it doesn't just automatically happen. Every one of you in this room.
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So, what are we doing?
car wash
beginning with verse number
the Apostle Paul is writing this letter to be people in Vermont.
phone number for swing set
daily tarot
images from the day
we have not ceased to pray.
Asking that you may be filled with the knowledge of his will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding so as to walk in a manner worthy of bearing fruit in every good work and increasing.
Then when I drink something like that much. I have to ask myself why. Why do I need to be reminded of these spiritual truths? video calls in life
difficulties and challenges struggle
Stop seems to bombard you with the storms of life.
Rachel sing about
Coastal things happen, we need to know how to get through those. storm because storm
music in West Virginia We're over 24 people wasp.
We saw a week ago today where I family a father two sons and a daughter went out on a cell phone then swing down to Fort Myers Florida and received a phone call from the brother received a phone call saying we're going to storm and MN work. We're not sure how I'm going to get to do with it.
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He says I'm asking God.
For something for you, and this is what he now.
That you made me feel. Not just getting a little little when they call a little dab'll. Do you not something like that?
saturated with the knowledge of God's will What God wants you to do?
flying squirrel
Bet you have sex when you filled or falling with a knowledge of this world. And then he says something else he says. spiritual wisdom and understanding understanding
wooden talks about
how much is a list price? I want you to be in the middle of work.
I want you to experience.
with the Lord
20 years ago asking God to come into your life that you want to be.
Paul says he wants two things to be happening in our what? Spiritual wisdom to be at work in our spiritual wisdom. accumulator can't organize
that's one of the things that weren't doing right now in this in this very place today.
This is what God's word says.
Beginning to organize our thoughts. How are we going to understand how we going to do this second aspect.
understand when you talk about spiritual wisdom. Spirit store Open do you know what God wants to do in you because you are walking. Walking in the presence of God being left of the Holy Spirit. He's giving you wisdom. spiritual understanding understanding this morning how to upload
Hearing the word of God.
And they don't like a person who feels when?
And what they do?
Cheers the word of God. and that person
the word of God just like a person that was not doing the work, It's not trust the unbeliever that faces challenges in their life.
I'm going to marry that I support. That was from Wisconsin.
on Wednesday to work stop
daughter and wife in their son
not used to the unbeliever.
Call stop calling. You got your kids taken away the storm storm topic.
I will be with you.
As you are in the presence of God showing his real knowing what he wants you are experiencing spiritual wisdom and understanding.
in a manner
But you know how many of us walk? on the narrow road
What's the weather?
Where were shaking at work?
And we get critical on those that are also on the narrow road they bumped into us to us and we expect God to make this an easy way and it's not an easy way to where we we feel like Eeyore.
Winnie the Pooh
Have you ever been around?
we're just trying to make it through hole The Foreigner.
Who works for everybody else?
water slides.
He doesn't answer my friend.
And we get so frustrated and angry.
All you that is not walking.
You know what? I mean?
Remember the good times.
I had this awesome awesome pics. Monday. Invited me over to his mother-in-law.
She was a teenager.
I told her I said I should have brought my kids.
And it was one I'll call you when I'm so glad you can find.
But I'm allergic to cats.
My eyeballs don't like eventually they were going to fall out.
Do you like to your wall with me all I want you are good for what?
My daughter is playing double duty this morning watching Owens John's son. He's sick. Reset my wife are at in Waupaca still and so are we?
What are you doing? 15 and a half year old
Try with the parents.
things can happen.
I will fix it. Something else that I need to do on the switch.
I have not allowing people to try to persuade me to Tustin. You should.
We just know that what he says he will do.
weather for Sparta
He normally says walking around.
There should be.
evidence of something that are kids learn in Sunday School
learning Bible quizzes the covering the white shoes
K races chapter 5
but the fruit of the spirit is love. Joy, peace, patience kindness goodness faithfulness gentleness self-control.
This is how I fall more of a cross. This is what we do.
Remington tomorrow white need to be need to be
I need to be slowing me.
We need to watch.
when we have a relationship with
I will tell him nothing to screw us shouldn't discourage.
First things that people do that I am.
Not only do I love not only do like like the slave Joy that's in my life. I am happy. peace that surpasses all understanding. Supernatural
Oh, we have a Tennessee being critical but French.
I'm still working.
yesterday Rangers Lake Erie update the cardboard boat
So I turn around.
I said that.
Go talk to Don Davis.
Shut up.
This is my problem. water park
in his presence
This is what you do.
This is what you need to do.
according to his glorious
Call Joyce and patience with joy.
Delivered us from the domain of darkness and transfer. the kingdom of heaven
just playing I am so thankful.
oh, oh that we would have to call that one of us have
We we are Heirs of the Kingdom. Did you know that? We are Heirs of the Kingdom joint heirs. Thanks for that by the Father Who deliver?
We were under the domain of Darkness.
What is Gifford?
the way to destruction
to Audible too many times
parks and Thompson get discouraged.
One of the biggest problems that we're going to run to another wife.
we can get this Courage by choices that people make or at least made that affected us.
We can get this car because of awkward situation.
When you get the storage over our relationships. Not going in the direction that we were hoping they would. too many people
But I want to remind you.
he wipes away tears.
When you are questioning p.m.
I would never believe you.
When you're going through life.
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See friends this role.
this Roadhouse
it may be.
Close your eyes from last time on this.
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Or in maybe the Rapture of the church. the second coming of Christ
I wasn't afraid or screw. directions
we're going to cross over that finish line.
Oh, wait. What?
Mother's Day
what does cop?
Bored, what do you want me to do? How do you want me to live my life? You are super.
Lord God I pray
For their results of this room. Orrin Hatch
microphone one road or the other. Where are there on the broad Road in the world where either heading towards destruction or toward life eternal? Lord, you know where we are at?
God I'm afraid if anyone in this room.
Board up to disappoint one day of not trusting you.
Before today they want they want to believe. Square earthquake today
realize that all they need to do.
your son Jesus Lord God I pray
it's frustration. Lord help us to walk in the way that is worth. Please you in all that we do.
Drinking with your power Lord help us.
Those with you if not, put your faith and trust in Jesus Christ.
something new
I don't want to go to a destruction anymore. I want head. I want I'm I want to be where God wants me to be with you.
What you doing?
Don't have to try.
I believe in Jesus Christ. Died for me but the way my Sims again. resurrection power
warm beef
Ford savior
directions Resurrection powers
I want to fight.
Yes, they come forward.