IV. Appeals for Doctrinal Soundness (2:14–4:8)
1. Confrontation of False Teaching and Living (2:14–26)
(1) Resisting the False Teachers (2:14–19)
(2) Appealing for Separation (2:20–21)
(3) Responding to Error (2:22–26)
2. Stubborn Character of Human Beings (3:1–9)
(1) What They Are (3:1–5)
(2) What They Do (3:6–9)
3. Sources of Strength for Endurance (3:10–17)
(1) The Example of Paul (3:10–13)
(2) The Enrichment of Scripture (3:14–17)
4. Charge for Consistent Behavior (4:1–5)
(1) Basis of the Charge (4:1)
(2) Timothy’s Charge to Ministry (4:2)
(3) Reason for the Charge (4:3–4)
(4) Timothy’s Personal Charge (4:5)
5. Reward for Self-sacrifice (4:6–8)
(1) The Sacrifice of Life (4:6)
(2) The Service of Ministry (4:7)
(3) The Reward for Obedience (4:8)
V. Personal Appeals from Paul to Timothy (4:9–18)
1. A Few Requests and Warnings (4:9–15)
2. A Reminder of God’s Delivering Power (4:16–18)
VI. Conclusion (4:19–22)
1. Greetings to Friends (4:19)
2. Information about Mutual Friends (4:20)
3. Final Request and Greetings to Timothy (4:21)
4. Benediction (4:22)