Doctrine: Faith (Revelation- Daniel 1,2,6,7)
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One of our core values at BSF is compassion for people.
and we have a large number of women in our class as well as a handful of women within our leaders circle who struggle with hearing loss.
So- we are going to start using a microphone at leaders meeting for our opening and doctrine talk to make sure everyone can hear.
And you can help as well by making sure you are speaking loudly and clearly during prayer and discussion group.
If you know you tend to be more soft spoken, please consider others around you by projecting your voice when you talk.
Group leaders- we know many of you also have women in your groups with hearing loss- please encourage women in your groups to consider others in the group and ask them to speak loudly if needed so everyone can hear!
Live by Faith…
simple enough right.
but what does that mean….
I’ve often heard faith defined this way:
-> to have faith means to trust.
-> to trust means to believe.
-> to believe means to have faith.
and now we have gone in a complete circle and still have no clue what faith actually is….
Faith. Trust. Belief…these are words we throw out in Christian circles all the time.
Faith is a core characteristic of God’s people.
Faith matters…So, let’s define it- and then unpack it.
One pastor defined faith as “a radical heart commitment to entrust myself and my life to God, that results in a radical change in the way that I live my life.”
Faith does not mean that we throw out all logic and reason- in fact- faith begins by engaging our mind- looking first to what Christ has done- and as our minds become engaged…
it results in commitment-which is a radical action in response to what God has done.
Our Faith is ROOTED in Christ’s death and resurrection…
in the everyday…Faith is not a feeling, it is an experience…where you get a foretaste of what you are hoping for.
Here is what I mean by foretaste.
Ohio winters can often feel gloomy- so I know your currently excited about what’s coming over the next few months…
they can be long..cold and cloudy….
But before spring fully comes- we often get small tastes of the coming spring.
A day where the sun shines and instead of 25 degrees, it’s 45 degrees.
and what do you see people do on these days- they throw on their shorts and t-shirts…
now- at 45 degrees that makes no sense in light of the present circumstances.
It’s still cold!
However- if we KNOW that spring is coming- throwing on our shorts and t-shirts makes all the sense in the world.
45 degrees reminds us of a taste of what is to come..causing us to spring into radical action- ready for what we KNOW is coming.
God’s kingdom is not yet fully here, but we get tastes of it as we experience glimpses of his kingdom that is here in part.
and Faith is when you obey and follow Jesus when it makes no sense in light of the present circumstances…but makes complete sense in light of our future hope.
We put on our t-shirts because our hope is in the promise of coming spring…
We obey God because our hope is in the promise of of His coming forever kingdom.
that is how we live by faith… as kingdom citizens. living in the already, but not yet.
…we live in the present as if the future has already arrived- because of what God has done and the CERTAIN HOPE of what He will do.
Daniel shows us that faith isn’t just knowing facts about God—knowing WHO God is and WHAT He has done caused Daniel to live radically- in a way that made no sense in light of his present circumstances.
in Daniel 6- when there was a threat to be thrown into a den of lions…why on earth would he not just stop praying.
That makes no sense in light of his circumstances…
but..when you put his actions up in light with the promise of the kingdom of God- one where God will rule and reign- then it makes all the sense in the world that he would continue to pray and bow down to the one true god.
Daniel’s life teaches us that faith is not just believing in God’s promises—it’s living boldly as if those promises are already fulfilled.
His unwavering trust in God reminds us that true faith anchors us in God's eternal kingdom, giving us the strength to stand firm no matter the opposition.
How might God be calling you to live by faith today?
Is there an area He is calling you to obey- one that makes absolutely no sense to those around you, but makes complete sense in light of His coming kingdom?
Every one of you in this room has shown your faith by saying yes to BSF leadership…some of saying yes, over and over and over again.
It doesn’t make sense in light of your current circumstances.
There are so many other things you could be doing.
but in light of the coming of God’s kingdom- it makes all the sense in the world.
Stand firm. Press on. keep living by faith in Christ alone.
Remembering that God’s kingdom is secure, and His victory is certain.
the sun shines through the clouds…
and the Crocus flowers begin to bloom.
Now- a Crocus flower is the first flower that you will see after the last snow of the year.
It doesn’t take an exceptionally warm day for the crocus flower to bloom. Just a little warmth and a little sunshine will do it.
These are small flowers, only about 2 to 4 inches tall-
But they are a small glimmer of hope in the midst of the long winter.
that literal, brighter days are ahead.
this should be right up Daniel’s alley…I mean- he had attended Babylon University…he took the class on dream reading….
but after all that study…Daniel still knew that prayer to God alone was essential
and they knew that the only way to go after Daniel- was to go after his allegiance to His God.
Daniel’s walk with the Lord was consistent- it was public- he didn’t try to hide it.
Daniel was not praying pridefully for all to see..this was a public testimony about the glory of God over the glory of Darius.
If you step back from this story and read it out of context- it can seem like Daniel potentially just did the stupidest thing ever…
so then what is faith?