
estudio con Ally  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented
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God created man

I. That man was made the last of all creatures, so that he could not be suspected of having been, in any way, God's helper in the creation of the world. That question should forever be humiliating and mortifying to him: Where were you [or any of your kind] when I founded the earth? (Job 38:4).
However, it was both an honor and a favor to him that he was made last: an honor because the method of creation was to advance from that which was less perfect to that which was more perfect, and a favor because it was not appropriate for him to be lodged in the palace designed for him until it was completely conditioned and provided for his reception.
Man, as soon as he was made, had all visible creation before him to contemplate and delight in. Man was made on the same day as the beasts, for his body was made of the same earth as his; and, while in the body, he inhabits the same earth as them.
God forbid that, by satisfying the body and its desires, we become like the beasts that perish!
-the first thing God said after he created man was ‘ let Us make man in our IMAGE,according to our likeness.But What does image mean? the hebrew word for image is
- idol: an artifsct that is created and formed and that is worshipped as a pagan deity.2 Kings 11: 18“expulsaréis a todos los habitantes de la tierra delante de vosotros, y destruiréis todas sus piedras grabadas, y destruiréis todas sus imágenes fundidas, y demoleréis todos sus lugares altos;”
-model[represantation}: a physical representation of something without considering the material of which is made Números 33:52 “expulsaréis a todos los habitantes de la tierra delante de vosotros, y destruiréis todas sus piedras grabadas, y destruiréis todas sus imágenes fundidas, y demoleréis todos sus lugares altos;”
-form:the visual appearence of something or someone. GEN1;26 . Gen5:3 . Gen9:6 .
-LIKENESS: similitud Gen1:26
This image and likeness is not phisical,beacuse God has not phisical form.It undountedly refers to the distintictive aspects of man:his intellect,life,personality emotions,and capacity for the spiritual communion with God and [this is intrinsic to the Trinity]
Christ alone is the express image of the person of God, as the Son of his Father, having the same nature. Only some of the honor of God is placed on man, who is the image of God only as the shadow in the mirror, or the impression of the king on the coin.
In his nature and constitution, not those of his body (for God has no body), but those of his soul. This honor, in fact, God has placed in the body of man: that the Word was made flesh, the Son of God was clothed with a body like ours and, shortly, he will clothe ours with a glory like his. And this we can safely say: that he by whom God made the worlds, not only the great world, but the little world of man, formed the human body at the beginning according to the pattern which he designed for himself in the fullness of time. . But it is the soul, the great soul of man, that especially bears the image of God.
1- The soul is a spirit, an intelligent and immortal spirit, an active and influential spirit, in this similar to God, the Father of spirits and the soul of the world. The spirit of man is the lamp of the Lord (Prov. 20:27). The soul of man, considered in its three noble faculties—understanding, will, and active power
If we think about how God designed us as relational beings, He designed us to have deep and valuable relationships. He also designed us to be spiritual beings, so there is a spiritual dimension to how we relate to Him and others. He also designed us to bear His moral attributes. He also designed us to exercise power—benevolent power. They are all factors that translate into the relationships we have with God and with others.
God stablish a spiritual relation with us because He is spirit.Is amazing how God made man,He put in him His attribuits,not all of them,but enough so that man represented Him.and we are still seeing God’s attribuits today after the fall,but now they have been envolped by iniquity and sin. examples with Ally...
-And the second thing we see is God is giving him authority to rule God’s creation.
Another evidence of man's privileged position is that God gave him dominion over the rest of creation (1:28–30; 2:19). What's more, he ordered him to subdue her, and have dominion "over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over all the beasts that move on the earth." He also gave him the right to eat all plants, but did not allow him to consume meat until after the flood (9:3).
In his place and authority: Let us make man in our image […], and let him rule. Since he has the government of the lower creatures, it is as if he were God's representative or viceroy on earth. These are not qualified to fear and serve God; Therefore, God has entrusted them to fear and serve man. However, his government of himself, by the freedom of his will, has more of the image of God than his government of creatures.
Let's make the man. The three persons of the Trinity—the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit—consult and agree in it, since man, when he was made, was to be dedicated and consecrated to the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. In that great name, with good reason, we are baptized, because to that name we owe our being. Rule over man who said: Let us make man.
That man was made male and female, and blessed with the blessing of fertility and growth. God said: Let us make man, and immediately follows: And God created man. He did what he decided. For us, saying and doing are two things, but they are not for God. He created him male and female, Adam and Eve: Adam first, from the earth, and Eve from his side (cf. chapter 2). It would seem that of the rest of the creatures God made many pairs, but of man, did he not make one? (Mal. 2:15), although he had the residue of the Spirit, from which Christ draws an argument against divorce (cf. Mt. 19:4–5). Our first father, Adam, was limited to one woman; and, if he had repudiated her, there was no other to marry, which clearly implied that the bond of marriage was not to be dissolved at will. The angels were not made male and female, for they did not have to propagate their species (cf. Luke 20:34–36); But man was made that way, so that nature could spread and the race could continue.
The fires and the candles, the luminaries of this lower world, since they are consumed and spent, have the power to light others; but it is not like that with the lights of the sky: the stars do not light up stars. God made only one male and one female, that all nations of men might know that they are made of one blood, that they are descendants of a common stock, and might, in this way, be induced to love one another. others. God, having enabled them to transmit the nature they had received, said to them: Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth. Here he gave them:
1. A great inheritance: Fill the earth. This is what is granted to the sons of men. They were made to inhabit the entire face of the earth (Acts 17:26). This is the place in which God has placed man to be the servant of his providence in the government of inferior creatures and, as it were, the intelligence of this world; to be the recipient of God's bounty, on which other creatures live, but do not know it; to be, likewise, the collector of their praises in this lower world and to pay them to the treasury of heaven (cf. Ps. 145:10); and, finally, to be a prisoner on parole waiting for a better state.
2. A large and enduring family to enjoy this inheritance, pronouncing a blessing upon them, by virtue of which their posterity would extend to the ends of the earth and continue to ancient times. Fertility and growth depend on God's blessing: Obed-edom had eight sons, because God had blessed [him] (1 Chron. 26:5). Because of this blessing, which God commanded at the beginning, the race of mankind still exists, and as one generation goes, [another] generation comes (Eccl. 1:4)
The Creator finished his great work mentioning the same adjective that he had applied to each of the previous ones, but now it is evident that he has the work in its entirety in mind: “And God saw everything that he had made and, behold, it was good in great way.
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