62-16 The Hope That Purifies—Pt 2

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1 John 3:1-3

Many commentators view Romans 8 as the greatest chapter in all the Bible. Strong case can be made for that. The resonant truths are literally heart transforming as God thru His Spirit begins the work of sanctifying grace in believers when they are saved.
This Ch details the contrast of "those in flesh" & "those in the Spirit" (8:1-11 ). Unbelievers are those in the flesh who “cannot please God" (8:8).
Work of transformation is only for God's children-those who experience God's saving grace. Characteristics of every believer:
Has HS indwelling him 8:9
Walks according to the HS
Sets his mind on things of HS
Continues to be afflicted with body of death
Maintains assurances of final glorification of the mortal body 8:29-30
This string of salvific providence (God's saving grace) is unbreakable and concludes with the promise of glorification.
Paul expresses the absolute certainty of the believer's future glorification as though it has already happened (aorist). It is a divine guarantee that what God began at salvation will be completed at the revelation ofLJC.
Glorification could also be called "completed sanctification" that not only of spirit but in resurrection, of the body as well.
To be glorified is to be completely sanctified, conformed into the image of LJC.
The promise of final glory is the end of God's saving purpose for sinners who trust Him for salvation- 2 Tim 2:10
1 John 3:1-3 John introduces us to the hope that results in purification of God's children. It is largely this hope, assurance of the fulfillment of God's promises (including future glorification) that motivates us to pure living in the present.
Last time—theology of hope ( founded in character of God; a gift (2 Th 2:16-17); increased thru power of HS; source of blessing and joy; brings relief from present difficulties; eliminates our fear of death).
"This hope" John adds springs from a proper relationship with God the Father (vs l}--this is ''the root of Hope"
Only Xians experience biblical hope.
God's amazing love makes us children of God-those who manifest characteristics of God.
2 Types of people in world (1 Jn 3: 10) Children of God are radically different from the world.
John explains the world's reaction toward God's children is based on their inability to "know" us.
"for this reason ... " that means to come to recognize, understand, appreciate and even develop a friendly relationship with us.
The world has no real inward understanding of the character of God's children, or what motivates them to live not for themselves but for the savior who died for us, or the building principle of the Xian's life.
1 Pt 2:11 calls us "aliens and strangers"
The reason for this is b/c of the great failure of humanity to know God-"they did not know Him." John's language speaks of one great act of non-recognition, disobedience and rebellion by the world. (whether it's the rejection of Jesus at His incarnation or God the Father is debated). The world's inability to know God makes it impossible to understand us.

II. The Realization of Hope

"beloved" those who are recipients of God's love-gift.

A. Present reality

"now ... " this is contrast of the present with the future.
At this moment, those who receive God's love-gift become children by new birth.
John is building assurance from vs 1 when he says "and such we are." Xians are not just called "children ... "they are. That is our nature.
But there is a perspective that what we shall be like in the future is still unseen. Frank Sinatra didn't understand the meaning of"the best is yet to come."

B. Future reality

What we will be has "not yet appeared." John means it has not been fully disclosed, not visible what we will be like—b/c there has not been an historical reality to the nature of believers in the glorified state.
However, even though it's not fully disclosed we are not left totally clueless as to what that glorified body will be like.


Romans 8:18 NASB95
18 For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory that is to be revealed to us.
2 Corinthians 4:17 NASB95
17 For momentary, light affliction is producing for us an eternal weight of glory far beyond all comparison,
We know that eternal glory will be far more glorious that anything we've experienced in this life (including joys/sorrow)
Paul indicates there will be a fullness of knowledge when we are glorified-likely due to the capacity of the eternal body to understand truth.
1 Cor 15:35-49
The glorified body will be remarkably different from our present bodies yet there is a continuity
God has determined the differences between flesh (vv38-41)
Notice the contrasts between the present and glorified (vv 42-49)
The necessity of resurrection (produces glorified body) vv 50-54
1 Corinthians 13:12 NASB95
12 For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face; now I know in part, but then I will know fully just as I also have been fully known.
Even with fullness of revelation and divine illumination from HS, we are incapable of fully understanding anything more than what God has revealed to us. What we will be is only partially revealed but John says "when he appears ... "
At that point there will be a fullness of knowledge and full realization of the hope of glorification.
Phil 3:21
When Christ appears we will be like Him. That statement has conjured up all sorts of misinterpretations. John is not speaking about equality with Jesus. We cannot twist this passage to say we will become little gods.
Burdick "Believers can never be equal to Christ, since He is infinite and they are finite; but they can and will be similar to Him in holiness and resurrection bodies."
We will be like Him-we will share His holiness/purity. This is God's original design for humanity-all of human history is a sad record of man's failure to live up to God's intended purpose to reflect the likeness of the One in whose image we are made.
Now, we know that the HS is already at work in the Xian's life inwardly transforming Him into the moral image of the Lord.
At Christ's appearance that hope is fully realized in the immediate transformation of saints.

III. The Results of Hope

(vs 3)
Universal application of hope: "everyone ... " Every believer w/o exception has his hope fixed on Jesus. That is a defining mark of God's children-virtue of hope.


"purifies himself ... " John's concept of purification is drawn from the OT ceremonial cleansing.
John 11:55 NASB95
55 Now the Passover of the Jews was near, and many went up to Jerusalem out of the country before the Passover to purify themselves.
In this context it is not a reference to ceremonial cleansing but moral purification with the goal of becoming pure as Jesus himself is pure. Purity is an attribute of LJC (1 Jn 2:29).
Hebrews 7:26 NASB95
26 For it was fitting for us to have such a high priest, holy, innocent, undefiled, separated from sinners and exalted above the heavens;
Jas 4:8; 1 Pt 1:22
Believers do not sanctify themselves. That happens as a work of the HS by means of sanctifying grace as believers obey the truth. Vs 3 is a call to obedience-call to follow everything in Scripture.
Those who have hope fixed on JC will make themselves pure thru obedience to the Word of God. John further defines purity as freedom from sin in next section.
Our hope results in/motivates purity b/c of the love of Christ.
2 Cor 5:14-15
We will be like Him when He returns and if we love Him we will strive to be pure now like He Himself is pure.
Hope will be accompanied by 3 Xn attitudes:
1) Expectation of the future
2) Trust in God's promise and provision-His character
3) Patience of waiting to see what God has in store for His children.
This Xian virtue is often overlooked. It springs from God's love which makes us members of His family.
Our hope will be fulfilled/realized when our Lord returns b/c we will be like Him when we see Him face-to-face having been perfectly glorified.
Presently, hope motivates purity in our lives as we seek to live in obedience to the inspired word of God.
Your response ought to be one of joy and gratitude for what God has done in you, what He is currently doing in you and what He will perfect in you. It should also cause introspection-search your heart and see where you have failed to live in obedience to God's word and by God's Spirit and grace, recognize that sin and repent from it and purify your heart by renewed commitment to follow Christ.
What is the main contrast that Paul draws in Romans 8 between different types of people?
According to 1 John 3:1-3, what is the relationship between hope and moral purification for believers?
What assurance does Paul give regarding the believer's future glorification?
How does John's understanding of hope differ from the world's understanding?
What does it mean to say that believers will be 'like Him' at the time of Christ's return?
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