Lazarus 11:1-27
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MmThe Death Of Lazarus
MmThe Death Of Lazarus
first off… I love pastor Jamie, great expositor
What we are going to read about is a very unique miracle that Jesus performed, some would even say one of his most remarkable feats This is the last of the 7 miracles found in John From the first being wedding in cana , he has healed a romans sick son, a paralyzed man, feeding of the 5k walking on water gave a blind man sight now we will see him raise the dead.
1-3 Jesus was very close with Lazarus’s family he loves each and every one of them,But they have problem on their hand and we see that they go to Jesus for help?
Do you go to Jesus for help when you are faced with a problem?
Its easy to go God for help when it comes to sickness but in other situations do you?
Like when someone makes you mad do you lash out or take it too God.
When your friends ask you to do something you know that you shouldnt?
When it comes to situations throughout your life so often we try to take it into our own hands and what we find is that ends in failure or disgrace. Where as if we just would have taken it God he could have saved us from going down that road from making that bad decision, from getting into that ungodly relationship from yelling at that person.
4-6 At this point Jesus knows that Lazarus is dead not sick Jesus can see from the beginning to the end.. But he knows that it will not end in death but too the glory of God,
But that after this the Pharisees and religious leaders are going to set out to get him killed for this that his death and resurrection will happen and he will be glorified.
All of have a sickness called sin that will end in death that should end in death. But instead when we put our faith in Christ it can be to his glory. That people could see the faith that you have in Christ and choose to give glory for that.
We see something interesting take place verse 6 Jesus stays two more days ,which we think with his closeness to the family he would immediately go But he stays so that he would be dead for 4 days but the miracle would be all the more greater.
Sometimes we dont understand in the moment why would do this verse 21 we see Jesus Martha says
Martha said to Jesus, “Lord, if you had been here, my brother would not have died.
She has just lost a loved one like many of us in here im sure have lost a loved one we think God why could you let this happen? and many will turn thier life from God from this very reason far too often,
But we will later see God will use the bad situation for his good. And the same can be for you guys, it shapes you changes you can make you stronger. Not saying it makes it easier but we have to remember
For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.
We may not understand everything, but that dose not change Gods he is still good. He is the same yesterday , today and forever.
7-10 Jesus gets ready to go raise Lazarus and his disciples try to remind him Jesus the jews just tried stone you and you want to go back? Are you crazy,
They assumed Jesus would put his own life above the mission of God, but Jesus would rather do his fathers will and face persecution for it. Are you willing to do the same , When people call you crazy for following God? or do you cour away to scared to show your faith.
and he addresse it talking about people work during the day because of the light, but when your following God you will have the light, referring to himself as the light.
11-16 Jesus says he has fallen asleep because he will soon wake him up.
Jesus is glad because he knows that the grief of this will soon turn into belief,
Then thomas the (twin) church tradition calls him the twin because he looked like Jesus which put him more at risk of persecution. But we see thomas is willing to go even it means death or being stoned,
17-22 Jesus wasted 4 days dose anyone know why, There was a Jewish superstition that the soul stayed near the body for 3 days hoping to return to the body, So with it being 4 days there would be no chance in returning,
many Jews are there because in this Jewish culture it was an obligation to be with those who lost a loved one to mourn with them , So Jesus is going there to do just that,
22 she is sort of dissapointed with Jesus because she believes he could have healed lazurs when he was still sick but now that he has died he is gone forever,
Didnt even think it was possible
yet she will trust in Jesus despite her disappointment.
The power resides in my he essentially says to maintain and restore life, He holds the keys to life, That he who believes in Jesus shall live,
People believe that Jesus was special, that he could perform miracles, hes unique and powerful, but do you believe he would do something for you, that he hung on a tree for you,