Untitled Sermon (7)
In this series, our primary aim is to examine the importance of gratitude in the life of the church, our local communities, and our lives as Christians. Verses 5 and 7 will absorb much of our focus this week. Paul describes people who appear to have a godly nature but inwardly have failed to arrive at the proper conclusions. “Always learning and never able to arrive at a knowledge of the truth.” How painful it is to be lumped in with those to whom this description applies (and we’ve all been there at one time or another). We see that those who fall in this category are likely to show some, if not most, of the characteristics listed in the earlier portions of the passage. These are the fruits of those who reject biblical instruction. How does this relate to our topic, gratitude? 3. What do the members of an ungrateful church look like? They focus on the “minors” in place of the “majors,” focusing on that which should be overlooked