The Lost Sheep

Luke   •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented   •  31:44
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The Sinners

the parable of the lost sheep
familiar and loved about a lost sheep
who needs to be rescued
sometimes we look at the story of the parable and assume that we know the meaning
we will automatically go to verse 3 and read
and loose the context of the reason for the parable
miss what Jesus is telling them and us
V 1-2
the Scribes and Pharisees were very indignant with Jesus
because He associated with the sinners
Hampton Keathley IV helps set the context for why the Pharisees and scribes were so upset with Jesus eating with sinners - The Talmud said, “All the prophets prophesied only for repentant sinners, but as for the perfectly righteous, who had never sinned at all, the eye has not seen, what God has prepared for him.” The Talmud taught that a person could live a sinless life. The Pharisees believed that they were perfectly righteous, that they had not sinned. Therefore, they really despised the sinners and the tax-gatherers.
these men assumed that Jesus was not from God because he associated with sinners
so what does these three parables teach?
it shows us God’s heart toward sinners
in the 1st we have 1 of 100
in the second 1 of 10
in the 3rd we have 1 of 2
we are going to look at 1 and 2 this morning

The Lost Sheep

V 3-7
here we have a lost sheep
its only one out of a hundred
we don’t need to bother with one who keeps trying to run away
this sheep is lost away from safety of the shepherd
a sheep is totally dependent on the shepherd
this sheep unless it is rescued it will die
a sheep in the wilderness is like a fish out of water
this sheep is not one of us nor do we want to associate ith it.
but God does, God is the one seeking this lost sheep.
and when this sheep comes home there is great rejoicing in Heaven over the fact that this sheep is saved
Is this sheep a sheep returning to the fold?
are the rest of the 100 sheep saved?
how many of the sheep are saved?
this parable is showing the love of God for the sinner
not the one who does not think that he needs a savior
over and over Jesus has told the Scribes and Pharisees that they are not coming into the kingdom unless they repent
since the Garden humans have been sewing fig leaves together to make themselves acceptable to God
Luke 19:10 LSB
“For the Son of Man has come to seek and to save the lost.”
someone who does not need a savior is not lost
someone who sews is not lost
this sheep was in danger
he was hungry and thirsty
he wanted to hear the shepherds voice
feel the shepherds arms around him
to know that he was secure in the protection of the Good Shepherd
and there was great joy in Heaven
in the knowledge that another sheep has come home
there is no rejoicing over the 99 who are good enough in their opinion to please God.

The Lost Coin

one in ten coins are found
V 8-10
a lost coin is worthless
the whole house was turned upside down to find it
all effort was put into finding this lost coin
this coin worth about a days wage
again what is the context?
the lost are the ones who realize they are lost
they have come to Jesus to to learn from Him
the ones who are self righteous are despising the the teachings of Jesus
unless someone is lost they cant be found
unless God looks for you. you wont be found
V 10
unless there is repentance there is no salvation
sinner in the NT is someone who is not saved
a saved person is never called a sinner
a sinner is the Identity of someone not saved
always a saint, sanctified, or the church, the ones set apart
so again this is not a saved person who has come back to the fold
this is God in His sovereignty finding the lost and giving them worth Giving them new wants and desires
causing them to repent
to see their sin and realize their need of a savior
to put their trust in Jesus to save them from their destiny
what is your destiny?
do you realize that you are lost?
are you in need of repenting
turning from your way of salvation to Jesus?
for His forgiveness?
for His salvation?
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