
Hunger and Thirst: the Pursuit of Godliness  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented   •  1:00:26
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Matt 18:21-35.

The Forgiveness We Have Received

V 23-26
An infinitely Holy God has been offended by an insatiably sinful humanity (individual)
But because He values love and mercy more highly than punishment, He made PROVISION for our forgiveness at the cross.
-not a corrupt judge
-salvation is freely offered but is not free
Forgiveness ultimately grants us entry into the family of God. We are glad to receive forgiveness, but it begs of us to be forgiving in return.
forgive us our tresspasses, even as we forgive those who tresspass against us.
Spurgeon- "Let us go to Calvary to learn how we may be forgiven, and then let us linger there to learn how to forgive."
‌Tozer- "Forgiveness is not a little sideline on the Christian religion; it is the heartbeat of it."

The Forgiveness We Owe

V 27
what forgiveness is
Forgiveness is an act of the will, leading to accompanying emotions, that commits to forego the collection of a debt that is owed. It bears liberating power to both the offender and the offended: the former to reform his ways, and the latter to freedom from bearing a burden that would not otherwise be lifted.
Max Lucado- "Forgiveness is unlocking the door to set someone free and realizing you were the prisoner."
Forgiveness has a higher goal than the collection of a debt owed
what forgiveness is not
approving or diminishing sin
enabling sin
denying wrongdoing (excusing)
L‌ewis- ”Forgiveness is not the same as excusing. Forgiveness says: 'Yes, you have done this thing, but I accept your apology; I will never hold it against you and I will never bring it up again.'"
‌(Excusing says, “Fine, I’ll let it go... this time.”)
ceasing to feel pain
one-time event
neglecting justice

Danger if we don’t...

the effect unforgiveness has on others ( v31)
the binding effect it has on our own hearts, hands, feet, mouth…
It’s not that we cannot forgive, it’s that will will not.
we don’t forgive others if we do not understand the nature of our own offense and how much we need to be forgiven.
as such, our sins will not be forgiven
Spurgeon- Have you no desire to see others saved? Then you are not saved yourself, be sure of that!

Blessing if we do...


How Do I Forgive?

mindful: process
acknowledge the offense for what it is
cast the burden of Judgement to the cross
either Christ will forgive and transform or
Christ will condemn with perfect judgement
wait for the Spirit to do His liberating and comforting work in your life (move forward)
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