The Total Servant
The Gospel According to Mark
Jesus the Total Servant
Jesus the Servant Leader
Jesus the Commanding Servant
Jesus the Suffering Servant
Sermon Outline: "What Was The Most Important Thing That Jesus Was Trying To Teach His Disciples?" Mark 6:30-44
A. Even though Jesus gave ample evidence that He was more than a mere man
(4:35-5:43) those who knew Him best on the physical plane still refused to believe in Him (6:1-6a). This refusal led Jesus to turn increasingly from the multitudes and the religious leaders to the training of His disciples (6:6b-8:30). During this training period Jesus will teach the disciples who He is.
I. Discussion
Mark arranged selected events in Jesus' training of His disciples to show how He brought them to a deeper understanding of who He was and to a deeper commitment to Himself. The feeding of the 5000 and walking on water are two such events....
A. You Give Them Something To Eat! (v37a)
Jesus suggested that the disciples feed the people because He wanted them to
realize their inability to do so. The word "you" is emphatic in the Greek text.
1. They couldn't do what needed to be done........
2. They will learn to look to Jesus for all their needs....
B. How Big Is Your God? (v38-41)
Jesus asked them how many loaves of bread they had because He would use what
they had to feed the multitude.
1. feed the multitude.....and 'they ALL did ate.....
2. Jesus met the needs of people in innumerable creative ways. It is
important for disciples to focus on the source of the provision, God, rather than the means and methods.
C. The Abundance and Adequacy of Jesus
1. provision are sometime more than we need... remained uneaten.
2. Jesus provides generously......
II. Conclusion
This miracle revealed the person of Jesus to the multitudes, but it was its effect on the disciples that Mark stressed. As noted, the incident contained many lessons about discipleship as well as revelations of Jesus' identity. The disciples served as waiters. This is the work of servant disciples. This was another lesson in discipleship.
III. Application
All of us are inadequate, yet God can provide abundantly out of very meager resources and provide great blessings for multitude of people if we would just release what we have to His control....