Which road are you on?

The Character and Content of Kingdom Citizens  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented
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There are only 2 choices in life and we are invited to choose life over death


Open: Good Morning America aired two similar but separate videos (May 4 and June 2, 2023) of two different tourists driving into the water at a boat ramp in Hawaii. Both sets of tourists had to be rescued. Both of them were following the GPS on their phones and, due to a glich, were directed onto the boat ramp. The second incident took place at night and the lady said she thought “it was just a puddle.” The first lady, however, drove into the water in broad daylight, blithely following the GPS. She was even smiling at by-standers as she went into the water.

Transition: You may very well laugh about this - I certainly did. Matter of fact, I thought it was fake news because I was thinking there is no way someone would drive a vehicle down a boat ramp into the water. We can give some grace to the night incident, but the one in daylight? She could see the danger, but she just kept driving! How much more foolish are humans who see the danger of a life lived apart from Christ and just keep on doing it their way!
Jesus has some strong words for us that deal with this important topic:
Read the Text: Matthew 7:13-14.

Each of us has an important choice to make (13a)

Explanation: We have now arrived at the final section of the Sermon on the Mount. Jesus has finished with His content and is now calling for a decision in verses 13 & 14. He makes some important observations and issues some serious warnings in verses 15 thru 29, but today we are focusing on the decision He calls us to in vv. 13&14. He begins His conclusion with guided instruction when he uses the word ‘Enter.’ Christ is calling us to make a choice with our lives, and He is calling us to follow Him through the straight gate.
Argument: Ask most people if they believe in an afterlife and the vast majority will answer in the affirmative. Most of those same people also believe that heaven, or whatever positive and enjoyable existence of which they conceive, will be their automatic destination. Their misplaced confidence is often based on a very sub-biblical view of God (God would not allow anyone to suffer Eternal Punishment) and/or a very exaggerated view of their own goodness (I am a good person, so of course I will go to heaven).
The entirety of the Bible dispels that foolish idea, and instead, repeatedly affirms the reality that we are sinful creatures who need a Savior. Thus, Jesus is issuing the command to enter life through the “strait gate,” which is Himself (John 10:9). He calls His listeners to a response, and He does so because life requires a choice.
Many people think that they will end up in heaven automatically as long as they don’t commit any vile and despicable sins. “I am OK because I haven’t raped or killed anyone.” The very serious problem with this thinking is that Heaven is NOT the default position. We are born with a sin nature and we choose to sin because of our nature. Since sin separates us from God (Isa 59:2), we are all in the position of making choices. This leads to the 2nd point

There are ONLY two choices: the strait gate and the wide gate (Matt 7:13)

Explanation: Jesus lists the available choices in v. 13. We can enter in at the strait gate (choice #1) or we can journey life through the wide gate (choice #2). These are the ONLY options - there is no third way.
Illustrate: We live in a K&W cafeteria world. We get our trays and we choose as we walk down the line. “I want some of those, and definitely some of that, but I am passing on that.” At the end of the line, we all have different looking trays based on our choices, but we all have a meal - and some of us even have dessert!
Argument: That works great at K& W or Golden Corral, but not for Eternity. Jesus, as the Creator God of the Universe, sets the limit at 2 choices. He clearly teaches that the straight gate leads to life, but the wide gate leads to destruction. In the context of the NT, that destruction is separation from God in a place of torment and despair (Matthew 13:49-50)
Application: Understand that this temporary life is all the time we have to get prepared for Eternity. There are NO second chances after death, and reincarnation is NOT an option (Hebrews 9:27). Every single one of us will choose to follow Jesus or we will continue to exist apart from Him on our way to Hell. And the idea that one can simply not choose is a terrible idea that is FALSE. Remember, our default position as rebel sinners is separation from God and not choosing simply leaves us in the same category of despair.

The hard choice leads to life, the easy choice leads to destruction (Matt. 7:14)

Explanation: A final observation needs to be made about these two gates and ways of life. One of the paths is described as difficult (the strait gate) while the other path is care-free and easy (the wide gate). This is why Jesus tells us to strive to enter in through the strait gate. Jesus tells us that the way is narrow. This means that the entrance is restricted in terms of what can go through.
Contrast this with the wide gate. No effort or change is required to travel through the wide gate as there are no restrictions. A person on the easy path lives for himself and does whatever he wants. There is definitely NO repentance required for this way - no need to change behavior.
Illustrate: Roger trying to take the stroller through the turnstile ath the Columbia zoo. Jenny was trying to get him to go the long way around for the stroller / handicap entrance, but he tried bulling his way through the narrow turnstile with a double stroller.
Argument: Roger banged the stroller up and got all frustrated, but he did manage to get through. No of us are going to ‘plow’ our way through the strait gate on our own terms. Salvation IS a free gift that we CANNOT earn, BUT the free gift is received with EMPTY hands. We do not just ADD Jesus to our belief system
We do not just get some Eternal Fire Insurance
We cannot keep our sin and get in - repentance is required
In spiritual terms Jesus is telling us that we have to die to self and receive Him as Lord and Master on His terms, not ours.
Conclusion: Choose life! Deut 30:19
Deuteronomy 30:19 KJV 1900
I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live:
Isaiah 55:6 KJV 1900
Seek ye the Lord while he may be found, Call ye upon him while he is near:
Hebrews 3:13 KJV 1900
But exhort one another daily, while it is called To day; lest any of you be hardened through the deceitfulness of sin.
Understand that entering through the straight gate is not like coming to a fork in the road and taking the narrow path which goes off in a lonesome direction while the wide path that has most of the people will fade away as the paths diverge. Instead, picture taking the narrow path as walking with a few other people in one direction while a entire hoard of ravenous and wild pagans are heading straight for you. You WILL make it to your destination through the opposition, but you will get banged up along the way.
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