The King that we need

1 Samuel  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented
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1. Introduction: security cameras
Is your life secure? the quest, the yearning the desire for security lies behind so much of our daily experience, doesn’t it? that sense of looking forward and knowing within ourselves that we’ll be okay. we’ll be more than okay. we’re protected, we’re shielded from the ups and downs of life. we want to be secure. Well, half a year ago, i went and got a few security cameras. i ended up getting the EUFY cameras mostly because i didn’t want to pay for a subscription. i liked this one because it had a homebase. it’s like a big hard drive that stores all the footage. i wanted to secure my home against amazon thieves. i wanted to keep the family safe and secure. i wanted to know who was littering at the front of our place, to protect our space. Friends, that’s what we want isn’t it? to be safe and secure. We all want to be secure and shielded from financial burdens as the cost of living goes through the roof. Even now I try not to, maybe it’s the migrant mentality in me instilled from young, but I wonder if I’ll be able to leave my 4 girls with enough money when I’m gone. We want to be secure in our careers - respected and known. we want to be secure in our health, know the right doctors, eat the right types of food. we want to be secure in our relationships, our friendships, marriage, children family, not to mention secure in our community and nation: safe from hackers, safe from war, safe from dare i say it viruses like COVID.
And the most typical response when we feel insecure is to look around and see what everyone else is doing. we see what they have, and we copy them. i remember i would look to my peers, they got promoted at IBM, they went up a band. man i got jealous. i wanted the same pay packet, i wanted more influence. i wanted to move up. someone told me last night for health purposes, they fast from 6pm-10am 5 days a week. you know what i thought immediately? i want to do that. he’s doing something i am not. felt a bit insecure. what about parents here? Parents want security for their children, they want their children to have what other kids are having. this is big in asian homes. Esther is doing tutoring at Kumon? Well, you are doing private tutoring and Kumon! we look around at what everyone else has or seems to have and say, i want what they’ve got. that’s what i need to be secure.
Is your life secure?
You see, that’s the big problem facing Israel in this time. There’s a security crisis. Samuel is getting old. Israel has been secure under Samuel’s leadership. It’s been a time of peace. He was their judge. He brought law and order. And he was godly. He called people back to God 1 Samuel 7:3
1 Samuel 7:3 (ESV)
“If you are returning to the Lord with all your heart, then put away the foreign gods and the Ashtaroth from among you and direct your heart to the Lord and serve him only, and he will deliver you out of the hand of the Philistines.”
He called on God to have mercy on Israel and save them. 1 Samuel 7:9 second half
1 Samuel 7:9 (ESV)
And Samuel cried out to the Lord for Israel, and the Lord answered him.
Samuel’s leadership has been very good. But now he is old.
And his succession plan isn’t a good one. Why? well He made his sons Joel and Abijah judges. he wanted to share the load of leading. Samuel’s base was in the mid-north of Israel. He needed some presence in the south too, in Beersheba. So he sent his sons to judge there. But, it was a bad decision. Look at verse 3.
1 samuel 8:3
1 Samuel 8:3 ESV
Yet his sons did not walk in his ways but turned aside after gain. They took bribes and perverted justice.
Don’t Samuel’s sons remind you of another mans sons? That’s right, Eli’s sons Hophni and Phinehas. Wicked. Greedy, shady, unjust. They were bad judges. The elders looked ahead and thought; our future is not secure. So they got together and came up with a solution. You know what they said? ‘Give us a king!’
1. Give us a King!
Come to verse 5
1 Samuel 8:5 (ESV)
“Behold, you are old and your sons do not walk in your ways. Now appoint for us a king to judge us like all the nations.”
“Behold, you are old (gee not very respectful is it – you are old) and your sons do not walk in your ways. Now appoint for us a king to judge us like all the nations.” Give us a King! That’s what they want. That will give a permanent solution.
See the thing is, the problem isn’t that they want a king! That’s not the issue. God expects them that to do that. and this kind of blew my mind as I was preparing for Bible study, but in Deuteronomy 17:14-20 . Let me encourage you to read that in your own time. Before the people enter the promised land, hundreds of years before, God already told Moses that his people will ask for a king. And when they do, God will give them one. But make sure it’s this type of King.
Make sure
he’s an Israelite like one of your brothers
Make sure
he doesn’t have take too many things like horses, and gold and silver, and wives
and make sure he is given to God’s Word so he will be faithful.
Make sure he leads God’s people in obedience to the Word of God.
You see, asking for a king was not in itself wrong.
But this is not what the elders are thinking here in 1 Samuel.
Do you know what the big problem is? It’s their motive. That’s what God calls out. verse 5 look again there with me
1 Samuel 8:5 (ESV)
“Behold, you are old and your sons do not walk in your ways. Now appoint for us a king to judge us like all the nations.
‘Now appoint for us a king to judge us like all the nations. That’s the big problem. Why do they want another king? They want to be like just like the nations. Look at the Amalekites! Look at the Ammonites! They don’t have woosy judges. They have a modern form of government. They have kings. Kings make things happen. Kings get things done. Kings make you strong and powerful. Give us a king! We want to be secure like them! They are looking around and going we want what they have. We need a King.
This was a slap to the face for Samuel. Why? He was still their leader. Despite this, like a godly leader he did was he always did. He did what he should do in stressful times. he prayed to God. its always right to go to God first in prayer. And hear what God says. He gets to the heart of the issue. Verse 7 there
1 samuel 8:7
1 Samuel 8:7 ESV
And the Lord said to Samuel, “Obey the voice of the people in all that they say to you, for they have not rejected you, but they have rejected me from being king over them.
The heart of the problem is not that the people rejected Samuel. You know that they have had a godly leader for decades, they loved Samuel. But as soon as he gets old, they toss him aside. Its unwise. It’s foolish.
But the heart of the problem was that they are rejecting God. God was the King. They are rejecting Him, their King! And Israel’s new idea of a king did not include God. They weren’t even looking for a king in line with what God said in Deuteronomy 17. No. they wanted a king like the nations around. This is really really bad. You know why? They were supposed to be a holy nation. That means they are to be set apart, different to the nations around them. Not like them, but set apart from them. Exodus 19:4-6
Exodus 19:4–6 (ESV)
‘You yourselves have seen what I did to the Egyptians, and how I bore you on eagles’ wings and brought you to myself. Now therefore, if you will indeed obey my voice and keep my covenant, you shall be my treasured possession among all peoples, for all the earth is mine; and you shall be to me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation.’ These are the words that you shall speak to the people of Israel.”
I bore you on eagles wings that is, I saved you from Egypt and brought you to myself. You shall be my treasured possession among all peoples, for all the earth is mine; and you shall be to me a kingdom of priests a holy nation.” They are to be different. In fact, other nations should be coming to you to find life. To find God. Not the other way around.
And the thing is, this is nothing new. They have rejected God over and over and over again. Verse 8
1 Samuel 8:8 ESV
According to all the deeds that they have done, from the day I brought them up out of Egypt even to this day, forsaking me and serving other gods, so they are also doing to you.
For hundreds of years they have constantly disobeyed God, for hundreds of years they have served other gods, for hundreds of years they have looked for security in other places. Here they are doing it again. it’s nothing new. Rather than trust God, rather than humbly seek Samuel on the matter, rather than bring their fears and worries to God, they look around and go “Give us a king like the other nations”
Now, how do you think God should respond?
God says in verse 7 and verse 9, God says, ‘obey the voice of the people.’
It’s astounding isn’t it? God knows they are rejecting him again. Yet God still says I will give them a king. I’ll give what they want. I’ll give them what they think they need. But God warns them. God wants to be clear of the terms and conditions. This is what you are signing up to. Is this the security you want? And he spells it out in verses 10-18. The key phrase there I wonder if you saw it…it’s this; he will take.
A king will take and take and take.
2. A king will take and take and take
Do you want security? Do you want a strong defence force? Do you want a big government? Do you want a king like the nations around you? That means one thing. Tax!
He will take. Get used to it. because this king will tax you. big time.
He will take your sons verse 11
He will take your daughters verse 13
He will take the best of your fields verse 14
He will take a tenth of your grain and give it to his officers and servants verse 15
He will take your menservants, your maidservants and the best of your cattle and your donkeys
He will take a tenth of your flocks verse 17
And you yourselves will become his slaves.
If you want a king he will take and take and take. There will be income tax, 10% GST, that’s 10% grain and sheep tax verses 15 and 17. And there will be a family tax benefit. Not for you. no. The king will take your family, for his benefit. Part A, he will take your sons. Part B he will take your daughters. He will take.
Do you still want that sort of security like the nations? On the surface it’s just what happens when you have a king or any government. It’s basic economics. But remember what’s going on. It’s a spiritual issue. If Israel rejects God as the King, and runs after a human king to protect them, to give them security, like the nations, actually its going to be a huge burden. He will take.
And this is God’s real warning if they choose this path, verse 18 it’s not going to end well
1 samuel 8:18
1 Samuel 8:18 ESV
And in that day you will cry out because of your king, whom you have chosen for yourselves, but the Lord will not answer you in that day.”
It’s a stark warning isn’t it? if you want a king like all the other nations, then you’re going to get one and then you’re not going to like it. and it’s on you. I won’t come to you on that day. You’ll feel the pain of it all. A king will take and take and take. And remember after he has taken and you hate it I won’t be there to answer you on that day.
But the people sadly, don’t listen. They don’t care. Verse 19
1 samuel 8:19-20
1 Samuel 8:19–20 (ESV)
But the people refused to obey the voice of Samuel. And they said, “No! But there shall be a king over us, that we also may be like all the nations, and that our king may judge us and go out before us and fight our battles.”
one of the hardest things of being a father, a parent is when the kids do not listen. you do your best. you provide. you teach. you guide. and hey it’s so good to be a parent. don’t get me wrong. it’s a wonderful blessing. but when they dig their heels in. No. i won’t listen. i don’t want to do that. i find it quite painful. stressful. i find it so hard. i’m asking you to put the brain flaks away because you played with it. No! i’m asking you to put your dishes away because you ate out of it. No! the thing is, we all do that to God. he wants us to live his way. he warns us of the consequences of not living under him. and yet so often, we go No! that’s sin. that’s rejecting God - the king who made us. we’re all the same.
Friends, don’t forget, God has been their faithful King. He’s a wonderful and kind God. just a chapter before, He went before them. He defeated the Philistines before their very eyes. He thundered with a mighty sound, sent the enemy into confusion and the Philistines were routed. And yet Israel so quickly forgot. They want to be like everyone else. Their rejection is complete. So hear what God says verse 22
1 samuel 8:22
1 Samuel 8:22 ESV
And the Lord said to Samuel, “Obey their voice and make them a king.” Samuel then said to the men of Israel, “Go every man to his city.”
You can have what you want.
Friends it is the greatest tragedy for anyone who rejects God. It’s that God gives you what you want. If you want to live a life without God, the King, if you want to find your ultimate security in things of the world – like money, career, travel, health, relationships – that thing that king will take your life, and you will be without God. Now and always. So listen to God’s word here. Listen to him now.
The end of chapter 8 is a cliffhanger. they all go home. and there’s a glimmer of hope. In the rest of the story we will find Saul, the people’s choice for a king next week. Then we’ll find David, God’s choice for a King. And the rest of the Bible tells us about many failed kings. Many kings who take and take and take… until one king, the Son of David, the Lord Jesus comes.
Jesus is the King that gives and gives and gives. Only Jesus gives real security.
3. The King that gives and gives and gives
For Jesus said in Matthew 11:28
Matthew 11:28 (ESV)
Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
I’m going to give you rest. He gives rest for your soul. He gives everlasting rest. The endless exhausting endeavor of trying to finding security in anything else, anyone else is over. Jesus gives true rest.
How does he do that? Jesus gives himself. He gives his life. And talking about this death on the cross, Jesus says in John 6:51
John 6:51 (ESV)
And the bread that I will give for the life of the world is my flesh.”
Jesus gave up his flesh. That means he died on the cross. Why did he do that? he pays for our sin. Sin is rebelling against God the creator. God sends Jesus to die for his people, people like you and me, people who chase after all these other things - find security in all these other things and not God, who chose to be like other nations. and yet he still in love gives his life to pay for our sin.
And more than that, Jesus gives us eternal life.
John 10:28 (ESV)
I give them eternal life, and they will never perish, and no one will snatch them out of my hand.
Friends King Jesus gives and gives and gives. if only we would be grasp it. He saves us from sin and gives us eternal life. This is just beyond words.
And all of this is a gift. It’s grace. It’s a free gift at God’s expense.
Ephesians 2:8 this verse always blows my mind
Ephesians 2:8 ESV
For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God,
The King Jesus gives and gives and gives.
He gives true rest. He does this by giving his life. So he us gives eternal life. And he gives this as a completely free gift. It’s by grace. so trust him. believe in Him. We’re not slaves to the King, we’re sons and daughters of the King. We’re in God’s family. He brings us into his family. This King gives and gives and gives.
Galatians 4:7 ESV
So you are no longer a slave, but a son, and if a son, then an heir through God.
This is what it means to be a follower of Jesus. to live with God as King, and his Son Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour. And this King does no take take take. He gives and gives and gives. Of course, he commands our allegiance. He’s the Lord. But only because he gave first. He gives his life. He gives eternal life. He brought us into his family. We’re secure in his loving care. Full of that sure and certain hope of everlasting life. No matter what. We’re secure forever by trusting in Jesus as Lord and Saviour. that’s what i want you to know. We’re secure forever by trusting in Jesus as Lord and Saviour. the King who gives and gives and gives.
So, 3 implications to take home from today.
4. Implications
4.1. Trust in Jesus for ultimate security
Friends, the big issue in the passage is that God’s people have rejected God. they want a king like the nations around them. it’s what they want. But the king they dream of will take and take and take. And yet God shows us that there is a true King who gives and gives and gives. So if you don’t know this God, you need to give up. Give up the chase for security by looking around. there is no real security in Kings, governments, anything else other than believing in King Jesus. There’s no point comparing yourself to others to find security. someone said to me once, there’s always someone better. who cares if they have more money, a bigger house, smarter kids, There’s always someone better and really, there’s no security in it. it’s so fleeting, temporary. What’s important is to be secure in King Jesus. the king who gives true rest, saves you, gives you eternal life, brings you into his family - his Kingdom. Give up the chase, repent turn around and trust that King Jesus died and rose for your sins. Trust him. And friends if that’s you, please speak to me after the service. i would love to talk to you. Trust in Jesus for ultimate security.
and to the follower of Jesus. let’s remember, our security is not found in this world.
4.2. Our security is not found in this world
And brothers and sisters, if you look around and see what everyone else is doing to find security, and you try to find your security in those things, it will just take from you. We need to kill this comparison game. I’ve thought all these things before. he’s got a family. she’s got a boyfriend. they bought a house. they get to travel. and i can get jealous. but in the end, it doesn’t matter. it really doesn’t. God is saying, if you try to find that ultimate security in money, property, it will take your time, your evenings, your weekends, your thoughts, your life. If you try to find security in your career – trying to progress it will take. it will take your best effort, your energy, your passion, your time to serve the Lord, If you try to find security in relationships, a relationship with someone who doesn’t know Jesus, he will take. She will take. But they will take. It’s not what’s most important. it’s an endless exhausting chase.
and the thing is
If you have been around at Epping for a little while, you’ll know some of us are really really suffering. We know security is not found in this world. In this life. You think you’re safe and secure, and then at the drop of a hat you can lose all sense of security.
4.3. Our security is found only in King Jesus
Friends, our security is only found in King Jesus. because only Jesus gives and gives and gives. He gives us rest. Rest in him. He forgives our sins. Dwell on this. He gives eternal life. praise god. He brings us into his family. He gives us each other. He gives and gives and gives. And he gives us real security now and into eternity.
a bro said so good to know he will accept he already has given me security in Christ.
So pray and trust him. Pray when that feeling of discontent comes, pray and ask God to help you to be content. Pray and seek the Word of God. Pray and ask God to help you to live to honor and glorify Him, finding security in king Christ alone. Reflect and pray that God would give you a bigger understanding of King Jesus, what he has done and what he is doing in this world so that you might live for Him alone.
Let me pray for that, let’s pray.
what’s the reason for the HS giving me this passage?
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