The Christmas Story: Four Perspectives

The Christmas Story: Four Perspectives   •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented   •  48:42
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The Perspective of Joseph

Bible Passage: Mt 1:18–25
This morning I want to start a mini series that will take us into the lives of four different kinds of individuals.
From a poor Carpenter to a virgin girl, to three wise men from a far country, to two outcast shepherds, we will see how each one of these perceived the birth of God’s Son.
Our first view point will be from the perspective of Joseph the husband of Mary, just a simple carpenter.
Here you have a lowly carpenter, a hardworking man. As some might say a mans man. (talk of my granddads and dad)
To look at Joseph you would not be impressed. (Just an average Joe.)
He is only mentioned as a narrated Character in two of the four Gospels (Matt and Luke)
a total of 16 verses
We can only speculate on his age
some writings after the gospels have him as an older widower with 6 children
Catholics hold to this theory in order to preserve their doctrine of perpetual virginity ( always a virgin)
Protestant and Baptist tradition hold that Joseph was a young man and Mary and him had children together.
Matt. 13:54-56 give us insight to just where someone like Joseph was viewed in society
Matthew 13:54–56 KJV 1900
And when he was come into his own country, he taught them in their synagogue, insomuch that they were astonished, and said, Whence hath this man this wisdom, and these mighty works? Is not this the carpenter’s son? is not his mother called Mary? and his brethren, James, and Joses, and Simon, and Judas? And his sisters, are they not all with us? Whence then hath this man all these things?
The fact that they questioned how he could be so wise seeing that his father was a carpenter shows where exactly carpenters were on the social scale.
so, Why Joseph?
Why not one of the Pharises?
why not Nicodemus or Gimilel?
I think the answer lies in Josephs perspective.
My prayer is that through this message this morning, you will be able to see that, In the face of life’s uncertainties, our obedience to God can serve as a powerful testament to God’s faithfulness and purpose in our lives.
So Lets take a look at a lowly carpenters perspective of the birth of God’s Son.

I. The Tremendous Dilemma that Joseph Faced

Matthew 1:18–19 (KJV 1900)
Now the birth of Jesus Christ was on this wise: When as his mother Mary was espoused to Joseph, before they came together, she was found with child of the Holy Ghost. Then Joseph her husband, being a just man, and not willing to make her a publick example, was minded to put her away privily.
Here is Joseph, excited possibly nervous, waiting patently for the big day.
Here comes Mary to break the news to Joseph that she was pregnant
Men, could you imagine being told by your soon to be wife that she was pregnant and you are not the father, but not to worry, the Child was God’s
The first thing that would pop in your mind would be wow really....
The next thing would be whats the mans name
Then it would be engagement is over we are done. Am I right?
Verse 19 tells us that Joseph, being a just man was not willing to make her a public example.
To really understand this verses we first must understand Jewish customs of the day.
Jewish marriages in Josephs day were usally arranged by the parents.
Once the to be wife came of age (around 13 or 14) the groom or grooms father would pay a bride price called a mohar. this would have been no small sum. (comapable to a one room house)
a large portion of this money would be set aside for the bride just incase the husband passed away or was unfaithful.
in addition to the bride price the groom would give the bride what was called a matten this was another sum of money that the bride would save for the same reasons.
then the grooms family would give expensive gifts to the brides family.
this was all part of the engagement
then the final stage would be the two parties entering into a legal contract called a ketubah very similar to vows that are said except this was legally binding to the husband for he was the only one promising.
He pledged to provide, protect and love his wife
This document ensured that if the husband ever died or was unfaithful, the wife would keep the mohar, mattan and all the gifts.
Now if the wife to be was unfaithful, accourding to Jewish law, the husband would take her to the priests and get a bill of divorcement and if she was found to be guilty she could be stoned,or at the very least she would have been made a public example and cast out of the city. She would have become nothing more than a prostitute
So you can see the dilemma that Joseph was in
He was not the unfaithful one
He could have gotten everything back (he was not wealthy)
but He also did not want to make her a public example
So he thought it would be best just to put her away privately ( this ment he would take the ridicule and dishonor instead of her.)
This shows his true character
At first glance, the birth of Jesus appeared to be a case of fornication a conception out of wedlock.
Of course we know that is not what happened,
but the text makes it clear that Joseph surly thought that that is what happened when Mary came and told him that she was pregnant prior to the angel coming to him in a dream.
Joseph was in a tough situation.
a dilemma that could turn to a disaster
Joseph’s initial perspective was that of a dilemma. He did not want to destroy mary but he also was a just man.
What was he going to do?
We see His Tremendous Dilemma
Next we see...

II. The Timely Direction That Joseph Received

A. Direction for the Situation

Matthew 1:20 KJV 1900
But while he thought on these things, behold, the angel of the Lord appeared unto him in a dream, saying, Joseph, thou son of David, fear not to take unto thee Mary thy wife: for that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Ghost.
(III. In the middle of this dilemma in the life of Joseph, God placed a call upon him.
God gave Joseph direction that many would have balked at; but it was direction that Joseph embraced and completed by faith.
Joseph is told that the child Mary carries is no ordinary baby.
Joseph is instructed that he is not to divorce Mary and he is not to have her stoned; but he is to take to himself as his wife, and he is to embrace her child as if He was his own Son.
I am sure Joseph was thinking, “thats nice and all but how am I going to be able to do this?”
“I am nothing more than a poor carpenter, I have spent everything just to take Mary as my wife.
Plus when word gets around, aint no body going to hire me.”
I think that is why the angel started out the conversation with
“son of David”
The only man besides Jesus to be called the son of David in the NT.
Why did the angel say this?
For sure he knew he was?
This man that scripture doesnt tell us much about
This man of few words, is called the son of David.
It doesn’t mean that Joseph was perfect, he still needed a savior the same way you and I need Jesus.
I believe, At that moment, it was a reminder for Joseph of his true identity, not how the world saw him, but how God was seeing him.
God was preparing Joseph for the great task ahead by reminding him of of who he is.
This draws my attention back to the first 17 verses of Matthew.
Matt. starts out with a family tree or genealogy, starting at Abraham.
as you move through the begets you come across four names
these four names are different from the others because they are female names not male.
this was unusual for female names to be included in a genealogy
Why were these names included?
They really dont help in aiding Christ’s line to the throne.
Matthew could have included : Rachel, Sarah, or Rebecca.
But instead he lists a dishonored sister who was raped by her brother, a prostitute, a Gentile and an adulteress.
Each one of these three women mentioned knew pain, brokenness and hardship.
In one way or another, each had been scorned, ridiculed and labeled as unclean or as a sinner and flat out shamed by the Jewish community.
But God’s grace can be clearly seen in them.
He used each of them to continue the line and blessed them
and they became part of God’s redemptive work in the world.
Perhaps Like Matthew uses this genealogy to prepare his readers for the unusual way God works in the birth of His Son, the angel calls him the son of David to remind Joseph if it was not for grace being shone to some of his ancestors He would not be here
So the angel says “fear not”

B. Direction for the Son

He was given clear directions concerning the Son that Mary was carrying.
He was to name him Jesus.
A most common name of the day (nothing to important)
Same meaning of the name Jousha (God is Salvation)
But when the angel said, for He shall save His people from their sins”
Joseph knew that this was no ordinary name.
So not only was he given direction from the angel concerning the situation and the Son, the angel gave him…

C. Direction from the Scriptures

Matthew 1:22–23 (KJV 1900)
Now all this was done, that it might be fulfilled which was spoken of the Lord by the prophet, saying, Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us.
Quote from Isa. 7:14
Isaiah 7:14 KJV 1900
Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign; Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, And shall call his name Immanuel.
Not only was this Son that he has now been tasked with caring for going to save His people from their sins, but He was actually God in the flesh.
Im sure Isa. 9:6 came to his mind
Isaiah 9:6 KJV 1900
For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: And the government shall be upon his shoulder: And his name shall be called Wonderful, Counseller, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.
What profound direction.
Actual creator God
putting on a robe of flesh
and dwelling among His own people.
The one he has been given guardianship over is not only going to be called JESUS, Emanuel but he was going to be called Wonderful, Counsellor, Mighty God, The Everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.
Joseph did not know how this happened, he didnt know why he was chosen, but all he knew he was just given direction for the situation, for the Son and from the scriptures and now He has a duty to perform.
Joseph’s perspective started out as a Tremendous Dilemma then he perceived that he was given Timely Direction about his dilemma which in turn turned his perception into a treasured Duty.

III. The Treasured Duty That Joseph Performed

Matthew 1:24–25 (KJV 1900)
Then Joseph being raised from sleep did as the angel of the Lord had bidden him, and took unto him his wife: And knew her not till she had brought forth her firstborn son: and he called his name JESUS.

A. His Dedication

We don’t discover a new revelation here, but it is a simple profound truth.
Joseph was committed to the will of God for his life.
He was dedicated to serving the Lord whatever the cost.
There is no sense of regret or denial.
Joseph simply does as the Lord instructed him to do.
He took Mary as his wife without delay or hesitation.
▪ Through the account of Jesus’ birth we discover much dedication.
We see the dedication of God the Father to His creation,
the dedication of Christ the Son, (willingly coming to earth as the atonement for sin)
as well as the dedication of Mary and Joseph, (being used of the Lord to bring all of this to pass)

B. His Discernment

(25a)—And knew her not till she had brought forth her firstborn son:
Joseph also understood the significance of the birth.
This was no ordinary conception.
He understood the holiness and purity involved.
Joseph refrained from any physical contact with Mary prior to Jesus’ birth.
This was a miracle of God and Joseph had no desire or intention of seeking to get in the way.
He was focused on God’s plan, not his own.
we are challenged in our personal walk with the Lord through the actions of Joseph.
Through our relationship with Jesus, we have become part of something far greater than we can imagine.
We may not always understand where God is leading or exactly what He is doing, but we must be submissive to His will for our lives.
We need to remain focused on the plan God has for our lives rather than our immediate wants and desires.
There is more at stake than our personal plans.
The sovereign hand of God is at work around us.
I want to be used of Him instead of being placed on the shelf, out of the way!

C. His Declaration

(25b)—and he called his name JESUS.
Joseph also performed his treasured duty as he proclaimed the name of the child.
There would be enough ridicule and speculation to come, but Joseph was undeterred.
He wanted the world to know the child born of the virgin womb of his wife was none other than Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of God.
The long awaited Messiah had come to redeem a fallen race from sin.
Joseph couldn’t think of keeping the good news quiet.
I know the word called means to name, but that same word can also mean announce.
I cant help to think that Joseph did more than just say his name in that stable
two times the name JESUS is spelled out in capitlized letters.
Matthew did not write it this way just to show the importance(if that was the case he would have written it like that throughout)
no he wrote it like this when the angel said it becasue I believe the angel wanted Joseph to proclaim his name not just name him.
So that is what Joseph did, when he named him, he shouted JESUS!!!!
With that I am reminded of how Christmas is viewed in our day.
I am sure many associate Christmas, or at least in their minds the origin of Christmas, with Jesus, but I fear He is not the focus.
For many it is more about getting everything on their wish-list.
I will admit I have received many nice gifts, but the greatest was the gift of salvation.
I praise the Lord for the day the good news was proclaimed.
I rejoice for the day I received the good news of the gospel.
I want to be as Joseph and identify with my Lord.
I want the world to know Jesus came, lived, died, and rose again to provide for our salvation.
He is the reason for the season.
May we proclaim His birth to a world that desperately needs to hear!
Joseph’s perspective went from seeing himself in a Tremendous dilemma to seeing his Treasured Duty.
When we may not understand the dilemma we are in, we should take Joseph’s approach and seek God’s direction so that we too can see our Treasured Duty as servants of the Lord!!
Joseph did not know what to do when he heard the news from Mary, all he knew was that he had to seek God on the matter.
Once he recieved direction from God, he understood his duty that he was to perform.
But it was not just any ordinary duty it was a treasured duty.
Because Joseph realized the significance of The Son that Mary was carrying
Joseph knew that the child he was tasked with carrying for, was born with purpose.
He understood that this child came to earth to die, not for sins that He had committed, but for the sins of the world.
He understood that Jesus was to be born to provide for our redemption.
I trust you have realized the significance of His birth.
Have you received the glorious gift of salvation?
Is the Christmas story a familiar story or can you honestly say it is personal for you?
If you have never been saved, Jesus stands ready to save you today.
He came for you, just as He did for me.
Why not seek Him today?
I pray you will be challenged in your walk with the Lord and remain completely committed and dedicated to Him.
Lets keep our eyes to the skies and our hands to the plows, for our Lord is coming back soon.
Some thoughts come from: Chris Benfield, Pulpit Pages: New Testament Sermons, 2015, 4–5.
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