Philippians 4:10-20 | Fueling Gospel Mission

Gospel Patrons: Fueling the Mission Together  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented   •  42:36
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Gospel partnerships fuel gospel mission and ministry

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Alright, this is our 3rd and final message in our series on Gospel patronage!
I know. I know. Some of you are like, are you serious, we’re still talking about money.
Listen I hear ya.
Money can be a touchy subject, especially in church. It’s easy to see headlines of pastors with private jets or extravagant lifestyles and feel disillusioned. But here at Crossroads Napoleon, that’s not our story. For 16 years, this church has been faithfully stewarding resources to plant churches, disciple believers, and reach our community with the love of Jesus. Together, we’ve been part of planting 8 churches in Ohio and Michigan in the last decade and working to help people find freedom in Christ right here in Napoleon.
Here’s what I want you receive, when we talk about generosity and money, it’s an invitation, not a guilt trip.
It’s about partnering in the mission God has called us to. If Crossroads isn’t where you feel called to invest, that’s okay—then find a gospel-centered church where you can joyfully contribute your time, abilities, and resources. Jesus talked often about money because it’s a tool for His mission.
But if we loose sight of that, then money has a tendency to put a choke hold on our hearts! Which is why we’re spending 3 weeks talking about it! I want to help you from having the power of the Word of God choking out your fruitfulness and freedom in Jesus!
And embracing gospel patronage is how we keep money in it’s place in our heart! It’s also how God fuels His mission for us here on this earth!
If you’re visiting with us, or like most people these days because of the internet, you have the memory of a gold fish. You may be wondering: What’s Gospel Patronage again? What is a Gospel patron?
To explain, I’ll invite you to turn your attention to the screen and listen to these 2 gray haired gentleman…
Levi & Logan Gospel Patron Video.
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Man… I love that guy! Logan is dude for Jesus! He is a Gospel Patron and so are tons of you here this morning!
What’s Gospel Patronage. At the end you heard me say, it’s about partnerships in the gospel.
“The pattern of history is that God raises up preachers and patrons to work together to spread His word. Some will speak, others will send. Some will go and others will give, but they are partners in the work of the gospel.” - John Rinehart. Gospel Patrons. pg. 158.
We don’t have time to go through all the examples that exist in the Scriptures or outside of the scriptures, but behind every major move of God and gospel proclamation there have always been patrons and partners that have supported, funded, prayed over and helped to execute and fuel the mission by giving of their time, abilities and money!
Look with me at Luke 8:1-3 and you’ll several examples some of the gospel patrons behind Jesus ministry while He was on the earth. Fans of the chosen may be a bit more familiar with this because that show does an awesome job of illustrating gospel patronanage at work. Several of the characters in that show, and the 3 women listed here, are shown using their time, abilities and their money to help support and partner with Jesus in His mission!
Look at at it with me quick:
Luke 8:1–3 (NLT)
1 Soon afterward Jesus began a tour of the nearby towns and villages, preaching and announcing the Good News about the Kingdom of God. He took his twelve disciples with him, 2 along with some women who had been cured of evil spirits and diseases. Among them were Mary Magdalene, from whom he had cast out seven demons; 3 Joanna, the wife of Chuza, Herod’s business manager; Susanna; and many others who were contributing from their own resources to support Jesus and his disciples.
Real quick what do you see there. Jesus is on mission, proclaiming the gospel the good news of the Kingdom from town to town and he’s got His 12 proclaimers in training with him His disciples and who else… who else is with him.
Patrons! Several ladies are mentioned for their partnership in helping support Jesus and the 12 “out of their own means.”
That’s a small example, only 2 verses, and because of that, we’re often quick to overlook it’s significance but it’s there nevertheless. Even Jesus used partnerships to fuel His mission! There were men and women behind His vision and mission enabling Him to do what God had called Him to do with their time, abilities and money!
And Church also notice. Theses were people who had been transformed by Jesus. They were living one way and then they met Jesus and the were completely different!
We know this because Mary Magdalene is mentioned and hers is a very striking conversion. She was demonized with 7 wicked Spirits. Her life was a trainreck presumably, but Jesus found her, called her by name and Jesus freed her so that now she lives for and with Jesus! She loves Jesus and now desires to give her life in service of Him and with Him. She’s mentioned enough in the NT to indicate that she followed Jesus throughout His ministry on some level as a disciple and partner in the gospel mission!
This is the gospel friends! When Jesus finds us and we respond in faith to Him. He begins the process of transforming us from the inside out and He puts a new calling upon our life to serve Him, to walk with Him and live for Him. To join Him in building His Kingdom here on this earth!
And the callings He gives to those He finds and saves, not all of them are to be preachers! We don’t know what Mary’s profession was before Jesus and we’re not sure how she generated income to provide for Jesus’ ministry from her means, but it must have been something. The Chosen suggests it was making olive oil. Maybe, we don’t know, but we are told about Joanna. Joanna was Herod’s business manager or steward or estate manager! This is a powerful woman friends. I guarantee you she worn business suits! Seriously, Herod Antipas was the wealthiest and most prominent ruler of the Jews in Jerusalem at this time! He didn’t have a home… He had estates! Lots of property. Lot’s of wealth. Lot’s of stuff, people, employees, parties to throw. He was rich and so He needed help managing his wealth. Guess who had that job! Joanna!
And friends, let me just remind who Herod was and what he was like. This is the guy who throws a giant party where he has one of his daughters come out and put on a sexy dance for him and all his guest. Real classy gentleman. She apparently dances something special and this guy makes a claim. You have have whatever you want, up to half my kingdom and the girl asks for John the Baptists head on a platter. Which Herod sees done. Right then. Imagine being at a party like this, where someone’s head gets lopped off in the next room and brought out to you on a gold platter with some leafy stuffy around the bottom as a nice garnish… at least that’s how I image one would display a head at a party.
And my mom who is in the audience is like Levi, why are you being so graphic right now, come on I raised you better than this!
Because I want you to know who Joanna worked for! Do you think Herod tolerated mistakes? Do you think he let just anyone manage his businesses and wealth? I doubt it!
No way. Joanna is powerful and highly skilled woman and she loves Jesus and decides to use her gifts, her abilities and I assume her high compensation to help support and fuel Jesus’ mission!
Folks, this has always been God’s plan: to fuel His mission through gospel partnerships between proclaimers and patrons!
This idea and concept has been such a blessing to Logan and I for all the reasons mentioned in the video, but if Logan were here or some of my other friends who aren’t in direct proclamation or preaching ministry would tell you, it’s possible to be called to business and called into other professions! And that call is vital and important because gospel proclaimers need men and women like you to partner with them to make the mission happen! Just like Jesus did and we get a small glimpse of here!
There are a ton more examples of these partnerships in the Bible but I want to really focus in on the patrons that partnered with the Apostle Paul for the rest of the morning.
He had more than one partnership, but one partnership with a local Church stands out to me and one partnership with a gentleman within that local Church stands out even more. I’m talking about the gospel patrons at the Church of Philippi!
Look with me at Philippians 4:10-20 for a second!
Philippians 4:10–20 (NLT)
10 How I praise the Lord that you are concerned about me again. I know you have always been concerned for me, but you didn’t have the chance to help me. 11 Not that I was ever in need, for I have learned how to be content with whatever I have. 12 I know how to live on almost nothing or with everything. I have learned the secret of living in every situation, whether it is with a full stomach or empty, with plenty or little. 13 For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength. 14 Even so, you have done well to share with me in my present difficulty. 15 As you know, you Philippians were the only ones who gave me financial help when I first brought you the Good News and then traveled on from Macedonia. No other church did this. 16 Even when I was in Thessalonica you sent help more than once. 17 I don’t say this because I want a gift from you. Rather, I want you to receive a reward for your kindness. 18 At the moment I have all I need—and more! I am generously supplied with the gifts you sent me with Epaphroditus. They are a sweet-smelling sacrifice that is acceptable and pleasing to God. 19 And this same God who takes care of me will supply all your needs from his glorious riches, which have been given to us in Christ Jesus. 20 Now all glory to God our Father forever and ever! Amen.
Look at Paul’s heart on display here Church. He writes this Church and says, listen I don’t want to twist anyone’s arms. I’m not trying to squeeze any more money out of you, but I do want to reward you! I want to celebrate your generosity to me and the mission God has entrusted to me! You guys, your church is one of the only Churches that gave to me financially and it blessed my socks off! You’ve prayed for me and shown your concern for me over and over again and you’ve supplied for my needs several times over the years! You’ve fueled God’s mission in my life in practical ways and I’m so thankful to God for our partnership!!!!
I’ve been generously supplied by the gifts you’ve sent me with Epaphroditus.
Folks Gospel partnership between Paul and the Church at Philippi was fuel for God’s mission for Paul to take the message of Jesus Christ to the gentiles! They played a vital role in helping him do what God had raised Him up to do! I hope you can see that.
And Paul, he’s not guilt tripping anyone. Rather through celebration and praise He’s acknowledging that he couldn’t have done it without their generosity! Although he’s learned the secret of being content and trusting God. He knows God’s got his back and will supply him for good works and fruitfulness in building the kingdom. Paul knows that God will continue to supply him out of God’s glorious and unlimited resources! Paul knows, God is his shepherd so he lacks no good thing, and yet, Paul also knows that God has supplied Paul and his ministry and mission with fuel from the Philippian Church and Paul is celebrating and acknowledging that reality!
Church this was my heart last week. I didn’t want and didn’t try to twist anyone arm into giving. God has supplied this Church with abundantly more than we asked and I simply wanted to say Praise Jesus and thank you all for your generosity! I wanted you to receive a reward! Your generosity was and is fueling the mission He’s given to our little Church here!
You like the Church at Philippi have been generous and and you like them have sought out gospel partnerships with proclaimers like Paul and because of that God’s mission was and is being fueled and made fruitful! Lost people are getting found in Jesus. Found people are being set free in Jesus!
So Paul says to the Philippians, this is my paraphrase: “Let’s GOOOOOO and praise the LORD!! Thank you for your partnership in the gospel!!!”
And this idea, this idea of gospel patronage is in the DNA of the Church at Philippi. It had to be, and you say why do you say that? Well because Paul calls attention to this guy named Epaphroditus! Folks you don’t get guys like Epaphroditus if the Church isn’t discipling people in this as a way of life!
I discovered this mans story I think 3 years ago and I can’t forget it. It’s astounding.
He’s a lesser known figure in the Scriptures, but this dude latched on the the reality that God calls patrons to partner with proclaimers to fuel the mission and ministry of Jesus!
We don’t know much about him. We learn first about about him in Philippians 2:19-30.
He’s not called a pastor or an apostle. It doesn’t appear that he’s in a front-line gospel proclaiming ministry role, but Paul seems to think his role is still vital to the mission! So much so that while Epaphroditus isn’t called a preacher or apostle or prophet, he is called by Paul a true brother, co-worker and fellow soldier and a messenger. My Bible software calls him “a messenger from the Philippian Church who brought a gift and supplies to Paul.”
Now I’m not diminishing his role here, but if I were to boil down what Epaphroditus’ role was in Paul's ministry it’s UPS driver and encourager!
It’s seems that Epaphroditus was an average Joe of sorts, who partnered with his local Church and Paul to serve God with no special title.
Maybe he’s a sound guy at the Church in Philippi, or a kids volunteer, maybe he mows the lawn or teaches a Sunday school class. We don’t know, but I’m assuming he’s not a paid staff pastor in Philippi, which means he’s probably got a got a secular job.
Now, I realize this is all an argument from silence, but it’s plausible. I think it’s safe to assume Epaphroditus is an average Joe just like the rest of us who is living out a calling in the secular work force and serving at his local Church which he loves because he loves Jesus!
He’s working hard in his work and serving hard in his Church. A real gospel patron! Using his gifts to support and invest in the proclamation of the gospel through his local Church’s ministry and the global missions effort of a missionary his Church supports named Paul!
This is Epaphroditus. A faithful, lay leader in the Church.
Now, we’re told elsewhere in Paul’s letter, that the Philippians learn that Paul, their founding pastor and missionary partner has been imprisoned in Rome by the government. They’re alarmed and concerned and so they call on one of their average Joes, one of their faithful servants who has learned that God fuels gospel missions through gospel partnerships, they say to Epaphroditus. Hey buddy, Paul’s in jail in Rome. We were wondering if you could take six weeks off of work to make the 800 mile journey (one way) to take this donation to him and ask about how’s he’s doing or if he needs anything from us?
Remember there’s no planes, trains or automobiles then. This is a 800 mile, 6 week walk their asking from him!
And folks, hear me say this, there are some servants who would look at this task and say, Lord I know I said I’d partner with your preachers and your proclaimers, but this job is beneath me! You’re wanting me to do the job of a glorified FedEx driver! Also 6 weeks off work… that’s a lot! I’m gonna need to pray about this! I don’t have the vacation days! A lot of people would have said no to this task for all kinds of reasons, but not Epaphroditus. Epaphroditus had learned that gospel partnership fuel God’s mission and so he said yes. And folks, it almost cost him his life. He got sick on the journey to Rome. In chapter 2 of Philippians we learn that he got so sick that he almost died being a UPS delivery guy for God’s Kingdom. And while maybe lesser servants would have said, I’m out! After that! Remember the shallow suffering averse soil with no roots in Jesus from last week. Right some people would’ve said, listen I’m down with this gospel partnership thing! God if this is the way you’re gonna treat me… if you’re gonna let me get deathly ill while I’m carrying out one of your tasks trying to help support one of your proclaimers, well then I’m out!
Right, Church know this, just because we’ve committed live generously with our time, abilities and money and partner with others in gospel work, that doesn’t not mean that it will always be easy or that nothing bad will ever happen! Epaphroditus knew this! He knew he had chosen to be a generous gospel patron for Jesus in sickness and in health, in riches and in poverty. Till his death, he would go and do what the Lord commanded and so as soon as he was better! As soon as he could get out of the hospital bed, Epaphroditus goes to see Paul. He completes his mission!
I don’t know if he’s in a wheelchair, on crutches, dragging an oxygen tank. I don’t know, but I know that nothing but death was going to stop Epaphroditus from completing his mission and calling! He was determined to get to Paul, because that was his job. And eventually he does. He gets to Paul, gives Paul the gift and asks Paul, “how you doing?” He gets the report. And Paul says, “Let me write a letter to my friends at the church at Philippi. Epaphroditus, I trust you to deliver it. Bring it back to them.”
And this letter that Paul sent through Epaphroditus, is one of the books in our Scripture that continues to bless you and I today 2000 years later. Had Epaphroditus not finished his journey to see Paul and not faithfully delivered the letter from Paul, our Bible would be missing a book!
You see, folks, you never know what God might call you to do, nor do you know how God will use you if you choose to live a life of gospel patronage, but know this, if you do, if you follow God in what He calls you to, it might not always be easy, it might not always make sense, it may very well cost you your life or money or who knows what else, but as Epaphroditus found out and Paul testifies, there is no better way to multiply your impact for God’s Kingdom than to live generously with God and His Church.
Why? Well because gospel partnerships fuel gospel mission and ministry! Always has, always will until Jesus returns!
It’s Giving Tuesday this coming Tuesday and I’m sure many of you have gotten all sorts of letters in the mail and emails putting things across your radar. I know of several great things within our small fellowship of Churches. Crossroads Wauseon is hosting a night of giving for the African Church Planting Initiative. Hyatt Jadida, our Arabic Church plant in Toledo serving primarily Muslim refugees with love and gospel of Jesus, Summer in the USA the ministry we partner with to bring Basque students over here to witness to them about Jesus and call in learning English, The SHIFT Campaign wrap up.
There are tons of things, opportunities for you to partner. So here’s what I want you to do. Pray about which one’s have your name on them and pray about which things that are asking for your partnership, which of those are about the gospel of Jesus! There are lots of good things and needs in this world, but not all of them are gospel centered and at the end of the idea, at least for me, if I’m going to partner with anyone or any group or cause, for me it needs to be an eternal cause that has at it’s center Jesus and His good news!
So pray about it. This is not an arm twist friends. I don’t know your financial situation, your abilities or the time you have available, but do you know who does? Jesus and he also knows who needs your partnership to help them in the mission he’s called them to! God knows who has the resources and who needs the resources, so here’s what I’m inviting you to. Pray this prayer:
God I rebuke the love of money in my heart and the scarcity mindset I’ve lived with! I choose to partner with you in your mission here to bring more of heaven down upon this earth! Show me who and how you’d like me to invest my time, my abilities and my money in gospel partnerships!
Then listen and follow through and on what He says and watch Him as He fuels the mission through those partnerships!
Ask the Holy Spirit to give you eye to see where he’s working, ears to ear how you can get involved and the courage to obey what He says!
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