The Victorious Savior
The Victorious Savior
1 Peter 3:19-20
I. The Doctrinal Section.
A. The Spirits in Prison possible meanings.
1. Spirits = Fallen Angelic spirits in hell.
1) 2 Peter 2:4
2) Jude 6
2. Spirits = Unbelievers dead & in hell.
1) Luke 16:23-24
2) 2 Peter 2:9
3. Angelic spirits – good & evil.
1) Matt. 8:16
2) Heb. 1:14
4. Human spirits of those who have died.
1) Matt. 27:50 2) Luke 23:46
3) John 19:18 4) Acts 7:59
5) 1 Cor. 5:5 6) Heb.12:23
7) Eccl. 12:7
B. The Preaching of Christ.
1. The Gospel?
2. Condemnation?
3. Victory!
II. The Practical Application.
A. Christ is the victor.
B. Christ is the answer from the everlasting to everlasting.
C. Christ is rejected by more, than who accept Him.