Matthew 2:1-10 | WHEN YOU DON’T SEE THE STAR

ILLUSTRATION: I had already gotten my first elk, and we had prepared it to come back and pack it out this next day with a horse.
ILLUSTRATION: I had already gotten my first elk, and we had prepared it to come back and pack it out this next day with a horse.
Tressa’s dad and I were looping our way around to camp, when suddenly Joe dropped to his knee and pulled the trigger.
He looked back at me and said, “I just killed the biggest elk of my life.”
Night was quickly approaching and it had begun to snow on that mountainside.
I made a deal I would come to regret… If he would carry my horns I would carry his.
My little 5x5 was no comparison to his giant 6x6 horns.
But the adrenaline was pumping and I couldn’t wait for those back at camp to see what we had gotten.
We began our multi mile trek back to camp, but by this point, dark had fully set in and the snow was coming down.
With no way to determine landmarks, we began making our way back following Joe’s memory.
Miles passed by as we weaved through sagebrush and then deadfall, trying to find something that looked familiar.
Every once in a while, our headlamps would illuminate a tree line or a creek bed that would be familiar to Joe, but for the most part we were just walking in the dark.
And your mind starts to tell you things when your in those situations.
What if we get lost?
We didn’t pack enough food to eat.
It’s getting cold, will we be able to stay warm?
What if I die out here?!?
There’s just something unnerving when you can’t see where you are going.
ILLUSTRATION: This may come as a shock to some of the younger audience, but GPS’s haven’t always existed!
ILLUSTRATION: This may come as a shock to some of the younger audience, but GPS’s haven’t always existed!
In fact, it wasn’t until the 11th century that compasses began to be used for navigation.
Prior to that time, most navigation was done by geography, the sun during the day, and by the north star at night.
And most of us today would be totally lost if we were dropped back into that time!
Tressa and I were talking the other day about that great blessing and curse called the GPS.
I couldn’t imagine having to drive around some of the cities and even towns today without one.
We’d have to use things like paper maps and street signs!
We’d never find anything.
We’d be completely lost!
APPLICATION: Life is great when everything is going smooth and life seems relatively easy.
APPLICATION: Life is great when everything is going smooth and life seems relatively easy.
When there’s some money in the bank
The vehicles are running
When everyone is healthy
When your job is going they way you planned
When the sky is clear and the stars are shining bright.
It’s easy to trust God during those times.
It’s easy to walk by faith when things are working out.
It’s easy to continue growing in Christ when things are going well!
But what about those times when the clouds roll in?
When life is a struggle?
Have you been in that place where things are just hard?
For many in this room, you’ve discovered that life is oftentimes going from one hard thing to another.
And sometimes it just seems those stars have disappeared.
EXPLANATION: That’s exactly where the wise men found themselves here in Matthew 2
EXPLANATION: That’s exactly where the wise men found themselves here in Matthew 2
When the wisemen began their journey from the East, as we mentioned last week, around 500 miles away, they did so because one night they looked up and they saw a star that had appeared.
They knew the Bible and the prophecy of Numbers 24:17
I shall see him, but not now: I shall behold him, but not nigh: There shall come a Star out of Jacob, And a Sceptre shall rise out of Israel, And shall smite the corners of Moab, And destroy all the children of Sheth.
They had made there way a great distance but something had happened during their travels
Saying, Where is he that is born King of the Jews? for we have seen his star in the east, and are come to worship him.
As they were making their journey, one night they looked up and the star was gone.
Why else would they stop and begin asking around about the location of Jesus?
Jerusalem was about 25 miles from Bethlehem, so it wasn’t like they were on the right street with the wrong address.
No, they weren’t even in the right town…
Things had been so clear, but now they were traveling without the star.
Who was it that put that star in the sky?
Who was the one that made it disappear?
Because maybe just maybe, God wanted to teach them a lesson about what to do when you don’t see the star.
What to do when you don’t know what to do or where to go.
Saying, Where is he that is born King of the Jews? for we have seen his star in the east, and are come to worship him.
When Herod the king had heard these things, he was troubled, and all Jerusalem with him.
EXPLANATION: The star had disappeared, but they didn’t pack up and go back home.
EXPLANATION: The star had disappeared, but they didn’t pack up and go back home.
They weren’t about to just throw in the towel.
Yes, it was easier when they could follow the star in the sky
But just because the star wasn’t there, didn’t mean they should stop seeking Jesus.
I have always been under the impression that the wisemen made there way straight to Herod to ask about Jesus’ location.
But after reading the story again and again over these past few weeks, I don’t think that is the case at all.
V.3, makes it seem like Herod heard about these wisemen asking about a newborn king through the grapevine.
In fact, it isn’t until v.7 that Herod calls the wise men to him.
The Bible says that he was troubled, and “all Jerusalem with him.”
During the time of Jesus’ birth, Jerusalem’s population is estimated to be somewhere between 25,000-30,000.
But at the time of festivals and possibly the census, the number could swell to upward of 200,000 people!
And yet the Bible says that “All Jerusalem” was troubled.
These guys were getting around and talking to everyone about where Jesus was born.
I think these guys started knocking on doors and talking to people at the market.
They were making public announcements every chance they had, “Does anyone know where the newborn king is?”
Yes, it had become difficult to seek Jesus, but just because it was hard, didn’t mean they were going to stop!
ILLUSTRATION: It was a year or two ago that my mother in law got Jayce a couple of pirate lego ships for Christmas.
ILLUSTRATION: It was a year or two ago that my mother in law got Jayce a couple of pirate lego ships for Christmas.
She had found them on Facebook marketplace so they didn’t come in boxes, they came in gallon plastic baggies but there was an instruction book that came with them.
There are few things on this earth that try your patience like assembling a lego pirate ship with 2nd hand legos.
Tressa did the bulk of the helping with Jayce, and I occasionally would be tapped in to try to put some pieces together.
Often we would spend part of the time taking apart what had been put together because a piece was missing.
There is no way I would have had the patience to sit and dig through the legos to find that one small piece that was needed to move on to the next section.
But there were many mornings that I would wake up and walk into the living room and find Jayce on the floor with the book open and legos scattered across the floor as he worked on building that pirate ship.
Finally the day came where the last legos were put in place, the sails were placed on the mast, and the pirate ship was completed.
Even through all the struggle, and some of the places you had to be extra careful, Jayce had purposed that he wasn’t going to stop!
APPLICATION: Robert Jeffress said, “The true measure of a leader is what it takes to stop him.”
APPLICATION: Robert Jeffress said, “The true measure of a leader is what it takes to stop him.”
Friend, what does it take to stop you in your pursuit of Christ?
What trial would make you walk away from God?
What difficulty when be the road block that makes you turn back from seeking after Him?
For many it isn’t a negative situation, but it the overwhelming positives and blessings in your life that clouds out your heart for God.
After all it isn’t the clouds in the sky that stop you from seeing the lights in the city… It’s all the other bright lights!
It can be so easy to allow things that are blessing from God, to become more than God ever intended them to be in our life.
A job goes from a source to provide for our family and give back to Him, and turns into the pursuit to fulfill our lust for more.
Our kids and family turn from a blessing from God, to that which we use as the excuse not to meet with Him.
The time that God has given you on this earth is spent only to fulfill your wants and desires
Whether good things or perceived bad, what is it that will stop you from pursuing a closer relationship with Christ?
Friend, don’t allow those times that you can’t see the star, to become times that you walk away from Him.
Instead choose to pursue Christ in any even greater way!
With my whole heart have I sought thee: O let me not wander from thy commandments.
My soul longeth, yea, even fainteth for the courts of the Lord: My heart and my flesh crieth out for the living God.
And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart.
Take a lesson from the wise men, and don’t stop searching for God in those times when you can’t see the star.
When Herod the king had heard these things, he was troubled, and all Jerusalem with him.
And when he had gathered all the chief priests and scribes of the people together, he demanded of them where Christ should be born.
And they said unto him, In Beth-lehem of Judaea: for thus it is written by the prophet,
And thou Beth-lehem, in the land of Juda, art not the least among the princes of Juda: for out of thee shall come a Governor, that shall rule my people Israel.
Then Herod, when he had privily called the wise men, inquired of them diligently what time the star appeared.
And he sent them to Beth-lehem, and said, Go and search diligently for the young child; and when ye have found him, bring me word again, that I may come and worship him also.
EXPLANATION: Herod the Great was appointed to power over Isreal by Rome in 37 BC.
EXPLANATION: Herod the Great was appointed to power over Isreal by Rome in 37 BC.
Because of his appointment by Rome, he was a willing politician to bridge the gaps between the Romans and the Jews.
This included putting oppressive taxes and forced labor on the Israelites.
As he grew older, he became increasingly paranoid about threats against himself and his throne.
He had numerous sons, wives, and other once close friends put to death because he feared they were planning to overthrow him.
And on this day in Matthew 2, his fears had risen to new levels as word has reached his ears of a new heir to the throne.
Their words in v.2 cut straight to Herod’s heart as they said they were searching for the One Who was “Born” King of the Jews… Rather than appointed as Herod had been.
Herod was distraught over news of a “new King”
He was afraid to lose control of his kingdom.
Later in the chapter, when he realized the wisemen weren’t coming back, he issues the command to have all male children under two years old killed to try to get ride of this “Born King”
If there was anyone that you wouldn’t expect God to use… it would be the man who was clearly the enemy of Christ.
And yet, God in His sovereignty used a wicked, evil king, to point those wisemen to Jesus.
And he sent them to Beth-lehem, and said, Go and search diligently for the young child; and when ye have found him, bring me word again, that I may come and worship him also.
ILLUSTRATION: God loves to work through unlikely sources to accomplish His plan.
ILLUSTRATION: God loves to work through unlikely sources to accomplish His plan.
He used a shepherd boy named David to defeat a might giant warrior
He used a stuttering, fearful man named Moses to deliver the children of Isreal from Egypt.
He used a little lad with 5 loaves and 2 fish to feed 5000
He used an unlearned and ignorant man named Peter to preach at Pentecost
He used the Red Sea to help Israel escape from Pharaoh’s army
He used a fiery furnace to help Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego to escape the wrath of Nebucadnezzar
He used a lions den to prove to everyone that Daniel was his man.
And He used a star in the sky to point to the birth of the Savior.
And on that day, He used the very enemy of Christ, Herod, to point the wisemen to Jesus.
ILLUSTRATION: It was in 1776 when French philosopher Voltaire announced, “One hundred years from my day, there will not be a Bible on earth except one that is looked upon by an antiquarian curiosity-seeker.”
ILLUSTRATION: It was in 1776 when French philosopher Voltaire announced, “One hundred years from my day, there will not be a Bible on earth except one that is looked upon by an antiquarian curiosity-seeker.”
However, within 50 years after his death, Voltaire’s home in which he once lived and wrote was used by the Evangelical Society of Geneva as a storehouse for Bibles and Gospel tracts and the printing presses he used to print his irreverent works was used to print Bibles.
Yes, God loves to use unlikely sources to accomplish His plan
APPLICATION: One of the great struggles that so many have, is that God doesn’t usually work the way you plan for Him to work.
APPLICATION: One of the great struggles that so many have, is that God doesn’t usually work the way you plan for Him to work.
In our minds, we have everything laid out in the precise and perfect way… we have smoothed out the path for God to bring everything we wanted to pass.
But then it doesn’t happen that way.
Things take a turn we weren’t expecting.
“This isn’t working out the way that I planned!”
Suddenly, we are out of control!
But, we have said it before, the place where great peace is found is when we realize that we were never in control.
We only had an illusion that we were in control.
The truth was, God was always in control… He just let us think we were in control.
ILLUSTRATION: It’s like when I let our kids drive on my lap up the driveway.
ILLUSTRATION: It’s like when I let our kids drive on my lap up the driveway.
They have the steering wheel… but I’m controlling the gas and the brakes.
I still have a hand on the wheel at the bottom.
APPLICATION: When we are willing to let go and let God be in control, we discover that He was always in control and His way is always best!
APPLICATION: When we are willing to let go and let God be in control, we discover that He was always in control and His way is always best!
And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.
Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; And lean not unto thine own understanding.
In all thy ways acknowledge him, And he shall direct thy paths.
It’s amazing when we let go, how God has a way of stepping in and working things out in ways that we weren’t expecting.
Ways that we couldn’t have planned.
But God’s way is always best and will leave us ultimately in awe.
After all… how could the God of the universe, dying on a cross be a part of God’s plan…
It certainly wasn’t what His disciples expected.
But God loves to work in the most unlikely, unexpected ways!
And you can trust Him!
When they had heard the king, they departed; and, lo, the star, which they saw in the east, went before them, till it came and stood over where the young child was.
When they saw the star, they rejoiced with exceeding great joy.
EXPLANATION: They walked out of Herod’s palace and began their journey toward Bethlehem.
EXPLANATION: They walked out of Herod’s palace and began their journey toward Bethlehem.
You can imagine as they started that direction, they must have been talking about all that just happened.
What an unusual situation that had just transpired.
As they are talking amongst themselves, all the sudden one of the men’s eyes lift toward the sky.
As he stops and stares, another looks, and then another
And then suddenly there is a cheer that is let out as they point to the sky.
The Bible says they rejoiced with “exceeding great joy”
It was better than any touchdown and game winning shot.
They were high-fiving each other, fist bumping, belly bumping!
Because after countless days and miles traveling without the star.
Days of walking in uncertainty
Intense searching and questioning…
All of the sudden, things were clear once again, when they saw the star.
ILLUSTRATION: On July 4, 1952, Florence Chadwick attempted to become the first woman to swim 21 miles across the Catalina Channel.
ILLUSTRATION: On July 4, 1952, Florence Chadwick attempted to become the first woman to swim 21 miles across the Catalina Channel.
Through shark infested, ice cold waters she swam.
As the day went on a dense fog set in and she couldn’t see the shore she was swimming to.
After 15 hours and 55 minutes, she finally gave up and was pulled from the water.
Sitting in the boat, recovering from a grueling day that ended in failure, the fog began to lift, revealing she was less than a half mile from the shore and her goal.
She told a reporter a little later, “I’m not excusing myself, but if I could have seen the land, I know I could have made it.”
APPLICATION: Friend, what do you do in those times when you can’t see the star?
APPLICATION: Friend, what do you do in those times when you can’t see the star?
The temptation to throw in the towel and just quit can become so appealing.
To give up on pursuing God.
To seek an easier road that might have less bumps.
But can I remind you this morning, that maybe just maybe, God is allowing one of those times where you can’t see the star… because He wants you to learn some things.
He wants you to keep searching… He wants to lead through unexpected and unlikely ways, so that one day when you get to the other side and you see the star again… it will be so much sweeter.
ILLUSTRATION: Paul went through so much in his life.
ILLUSTRATION: Paul went through so much in his life.
There was a lot of time in prison
A lot of time being beaten
A lot of time facing uncertainty.
But when Paul reached the end of his life he wrote some sweet verses of testimony in 2 Timothy 4:7-8
I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith:
Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day: and not to me only, but unto all them also that love his appearing.
Paul finished… and he finished with rejoicing!
ILLUSTRATION: On that night Tressa’s dad and I were walking through the darkness and the snow was falling.
ILLUSTRATION: On that night Tressa’s dad and I were walking through the darkness and the snow was falling.
I was cold and wet, and honestly getting a little nervous about if we were going to be able to find our way back.
But I’ll never forget looking up as we were walking, and a little ways off, there was a lantern someone had lit back at camp.
I did jump up in down or yell or fist bump… I was far to tired…
But I was sure happy to see that light after all the walking we had done!
APPLICATION: Friend, there are going to be times when you can’t see the star…
APPLICATION: Friend, there are going to be times when you can’t see the star…
But don’t stop… stay faithful… watch God work unexpectedly
Because the shore might be just up ahead.
The star may appear in the sky
So don’t stop pursuing God when you can’t see the star!