Joseph:The Unsung Hero

The Characters of Christmas  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented   •  32:23
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(S1) Weddings are beautiful events...
“For better or for worse—In sickness and in health—As long as we both shall live”
…the full implication of the vows we made…worse, sickness, the difficulties along the way.
“A union that will bring untold joy, but test us in ways we cannot see” (D.D.).
…Dreams/Plans/Future/Success…home, career, children
(S2) it was with Mary and Joseph
...a young couple preparing for their future together...not imagining themselves in the middle of the story of the birth of the savior of the world. Joseph’s love for his bride and his faith in God would be put to a great test.
We don’t know exactly how he found out, but Matthew sums it up this way…
(NLT)“18 But before the marriage took place, while she was still a virgin, she became pregnant
Zechariah had a song to sing — Elizabeth had a song to sing— Mary’s song…all recorded in Luke’s gospel
Joseph, the 2nd of our unlikely characters caught up in Jesus’s story; had no song, just his unsung heroism in the face of a difficult situation. Accepting his role of raising Jesus as his son, without a doubt took great faith.
Josephs legacy— Barley mentioned in scripture (no words)— forgotten mostly in church history—but remembered by God…
“Joseph would patiently father the son of God
—teaching him and raising him in his famlies Jewish tradiitons
—show him how to make his way in the world (carpentry), and
— model for his young son what faithful manhood looked like.” Joseph's character as a man of God and commitment to his bride to be, are not in question.
Joseph: the unsung hero
We’re having a baby…not how it happened?
Last week...Zechariah/Elizabeth
Luke 1:19 The angel Gabriel. “I stand in the presence of God, and I have been sent to speak to you and to tell you this good news.
With Joseph however, the HOW adds credence to the WHAT; pointing directly to Jesus as the fulfillment of God’s promise to a waiting people.
While Luke's birth narrative is focused on Mary, Matthew’s is more about the circumstances surrounding Jesus’ birth—conception, survival of his parents marriage, and his being named.
18 This is how the birth of Jesus the Messiah came about...
Giving birth in antiquity, carried with it deep meaning especially with God’s people...
— birth (‘genesis) beginning, of Jesus in the flesh (incarnate)...
—Revealing both his human and divine presence as Messiah, (māšîah), and as Christ (christo), God’s anointed one.
Jesus’ coming in the flesh supports a theology of the body and our view of it—Jesus was as much man as he was God
“The contemporary debate about when life begins should sensitize us to the importance of the fact of Jesus’ human beginning or origin preceded his birth.” Matthew: A Bible Commentary in the Wesleyan Tradition
The christian conversation about life, the sanctity of it, should always be about sustaining it not ending it.
“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart.” Jeremiah 1:5
This helps us understand the weight of the decision Joseph was facing and the role he would take—being a father under mitigating circumstances.
(S5)Five aspects of his character—He was a man…

I. CHOSEN to raise the Son of God!

— Chosen to be a father (Jesus’ half-brothers: Joseph, James, Jude, Simon
— Chosen to raise a family (carpenter)...
— Chosen to be Mary’s husband; a purpose that without God, any other man, would have miserably failed at.
Chosen to raise the son of God—Matthews geneaolgy of Jesus (1:1-17)
Have you ever though of yourself as chosen? Part of God’s plan?
While we are not asked to raise the son of God, all who follow Jesus are his chosen, part of God’s plan of salvation
John 15:16 “You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you so that you might go and bear fruit—fruit that will last...”
Chosen to be a spouse, parent, sibling, freind, coworker…
Joseph teaches us that being God’s chosen in this world; character matters…
18b ...Mary, was engaged to be married to Joseph. But before the marriage took place, while she was still a virgin, she became pregnant through the power of the Holy Spirit.
Three steps in Jewish marriage
1. Engagemnt (contractual)
2. Betrothal (public ratification)—to be pledged or legally promised to someone
—”pre-marriage to the marriage—Year long event that constituted a binding covenant. It had the same significance and weight of the marriage itself
3. Marriage proper—week long feast/celebration…live together…consummate their union sexually.
In our culture today, the widely accepted practices of cohabitation and assumed sexual activity among couples in a serious relationship, are all consequences dminishing the meaning of marriage as God intended.
Churches Role—Teaching—Counseling Couples
Here we see a Godly relationaship upheld revealing the second character…
(S7) — He was a man of…

II. …righteous DISCIPLINE

— doing what is RIGHT and what is RIGHTEOUS in the face of a difficult decision.
First he was faithful to his bride to be both in pre-marriage and marriage...
“25 But he did not consummate their marriage until she gave birth to a son.”
Joseph like most first-century Jewish couples, awaiting marriage, expected the same in return.
— (CSB) it was discovered or determined — How the existence of a baby in her womb was discovered…?
Put yourself in Josephs’ sandals—Feeling betrayed, alone, and stuck in a situation he had nothing to do with. Not able to see ahead...Having to make a decision would have been any man’s worst nightmare.
Our true character surface’s when we face difficult decisions
Second, being a man of righteous discipline Josephs faith grounded and guided him
19a Joseph, to whom she was engaged, was a righteous man...
“The only way for a betrothal to end was the death of one of the individuals, or if the husband was to issue the wife a certificate of divorce” (Deut. 24:1)
Joseph’s two choices...
Publicly shame her by bringing her to the religious authorities
“virginity was the sine qua non for an honorable marriage.” A woman without it would have shamed her entire family.” Synoptic Gospels, Social-Science Commentary
This would have meant his forfeiture of her dowry and her being stoned to death…(John 8)
2. Divorce her privately—They would still face the embarrassment and shame of it with questions of peers and family, neighbors…even if they got married right away, they could do the math...
“On one shoulder, Joseph has the righteous requirement of God’s law whispering in his ear. “You have to expose her error. This sin cannot go unpunished.” On the other, is the compassion and mercy of God’s law.” Douglas O’ Donnell (Bible Commentator) envisions this agonizing decision
Being secure in our identity, comes with a different set of expectations. God may ask more, because He expects more
Luke 12:48 “...When someone has been given much, much will be required in return; and when someone has been entrusted with much, even more will be required.
In the face of a difficult decision, doing the RIGHTEOUS thing, was the ONLY thing...
(S9) — Third aspect of his character. He was a man of…


He isn’t irrational—doesn’t fly off the handle—he was secure in his identity as a man of faith…it directed his life and every decision he made.
His discretion in how Mary was to be treated…Being disgraced in this shame and honor culture had huge implications for life in community...
Shaming on Social Media
His decision, how he responded would have great implications...His discertion in considering his faith and how it would lead him to respond.
19b and yet did not want to expose her to public disgrace, he had in mind to divorce her quietly. 20 But after he had considered this…
he had in mind…he contemplated deeply on what he knew of God and his faith
He would choose to do what was RIGHT, even when it cost him the most. By saying yes to God, he was saying no to everything he had worked for, his reputation in the community” (D.D.).
His guided his decision making...
What guides you when your facing a difficult decision? Where do you go to seek your wisdom and direction. Does your faithful discretion show up in your character?
(S11) — Fourth aspect of Josephs character—he was a man

IV. …intent on LISTENING to God

Josephs encounter with the angel in a dream (God puts him to sleep). Hard not to listen with an angel in your head...
No waking moment like Zechariah, but a dream…why? The Bibles history tells us that God appeared differently to different people at different times
Jacob’s son Joseph...asked in a dream to do endure a difficult life (Gen. 37)
So too was Joseph's in this heavenly message—God knew Joseph would listen
20 angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream and said, “Joseph son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary home as your wife, because what is conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit. 21 She will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins.”
In listening, his fears are calmed, he assured of God’s plan and his role in it—Joseph is the only person other than Jesus, in the N.T. to be called, “son of David.”
The angel confirms that everything about Joseph’ character points to the one Mary, his wife will give birth to.
3. God’s fulfilled promise
Isaiah 9:6–7
Its all God’s doing…and Jospeh is intent on listenting to God
How is God trying to get your intention?
(S13) — Fifth aspect of Josephs character
He was a man who...

V. …lived in OBEDIENCE to God

Joseph put God’s mission over his own reputation.
“Joseph’s obedience to God cost him the right to value his own reputation.” Craig Keener
“Many Christians today have not learned this lesson—floundering and wondering...instead of listening and responding in obedience.”
In his waking, he was immediate in obedience to a difficult mission.
24 When Joseph woke up, he did what the angel of the Lord had commanded him and took Mary home as his wife.
Contrast his response to Jonahs…who didn’t wake up and go…instead he looked for a way around God’s plan and purpose for his life.
Do you hesitate when you feel God is telling you to do something? Or, do you respond in obedience.
A man CHOSEN by God...of righteous DISCIPLINE and faithful DISCRETION...intent on LISTENING…and who lived in OBEDIENCE...
What do you do in the face of difficult decisions? Do you see yourself as God’s chosen? Seeking righteous discipline and faithful discretion? Are you ready to listen intently to be awakened anew this Christmas...and to respond in obedience.
Joseph could love Mary in this dark hour, because he loved God in every hour—His character and response proved his fidelity to God’s plan...awakened anew...his character one to behold…pointing the world to Jesus
Ephesians 5:14 This is why it is said: “Wake up, sleeper, rise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you.”
Closing challenge
1. In what ways does your character resemble Joseph’? Not?
2. Are you being tested today? How can you display Christian character in a way that sets you apart in your home, your work, and your family?
3. Are you willing to obey, even in the hard things? What difficult calling is God tasking you with today?
4. Is God calling you to sacrifice personal comfort and even loss of reputation for the sake of others in your care and for the cause of Christ?
5. In what ways does He want you to listen to His voice and to respond in obedience?
6. Are you willing to step into this mission of God? To experience Christ in Christmas anew
Jesus coming to us as incarnate, in the flesh, by the Holy Spirit…life beginning at conception and forming in Mary’s womb..I wonder if their news went from “were having a baby…we are having baby Jesus the Messiah, the savior of the world.
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