The Father's Discipline
Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us,
fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.
Consider him who endured such opposition from sinners, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart.
In your struggle against sin, you have not yet resisted to the point of shedding your blood.
And have you completely forgotten this word of encouragement that addresses you as a father addresses his son? It says, “My son, do not make light of the Lord’s discipline, and do not lose heart when he rebukes you,
because the Lord disciplines the one he loves, and he chastens everyone he accepts as his son.”
Endure hardship as discipline; God is treating you as his children. For what children are not disciplined by their father?
If you are not disciplined—and everyone undergoes discipline—then you are not legitimate, not true sons and daughters at all.
Moreover, we have all had human fathers who disciplined us and we respected them for it. How much more should we submit to the Father of spirits and live!
They disciplined us for a little while as they thought best; but God disciplines us for our good, in order that we may share in his holiness.
No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it.
Therefore, strengthen your feeble arms and weak knees.
“Make level paths for your feet,” so that the lame may not be disabled, but rather healed.
In your struggle against sin, you have not yet resisted to the point of shedding your blood.
And have you completely forgotten this word of encouragement that addresses you as a father addresses his son? It says, “My son, do not make light of the Lord’s discipline, and do not lose heart when he rebukes you,
because the Lord disciplines the one he loves, and he chastens everyone he accepts as his son.”
The Struggle
The Struggle
Discipline; Rebuke; Chasten
Discipline; Rebuke; Chasten
Discipline - Training
Discipline - Training
Primary - Instruction, training
all instruction which includes action, not just words, so it includes rebuking and chastening
Ephesians 6:4 and 2 Tim 3:16
Fathers, do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord.
All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness,
Discipline - Paul
Discipline - Paul
or because of these surpassingly great revelations. Therefore, in order to keep me from becoming conceited, I was given a thorn in my flesh, a messenger of Satan, to torment me.
Three times I pleaded with the Lord to take it away from me.
But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me.
That is why, for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong.
Rebuke - Convict or shame
Rebuke - Convict or shame
“To convict, to prove one in the wrong and thus to shame him.” - WSNTDICT, Zoddhiates
Can any of you prove me guilty of sin? If I am telling the truth, why don’t you believe me?
These, then, are the things you should teach. Encourage and rebuke with all authority. Do not let anyone despise you.
Preach the word; be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke and encourage—with great patience and careful instruction.
Rebuke - Job
Rebuke - Job
“You said, ‘Listen now, and I will speak; I will question you, and you shall answer me.’
My ears had heard of you but now my eyes have seen you.
Therefore I despise myself and repent in dust and ashes.”
Chasten - to whip, flog, scourge
Chasten - to whip, flog, scourge
Only used in Jesus’ warning, about how his disicples would be mistreated,
Be on your guard; you will be handed over to the local councils and be flogged in the synagogues.
Then of what Jesus endured as he was tried and beaten
Then Pilate took Jesus and had him flogged.
and here
because the Lord disciplines the one he loves, and he chastens everyone he accepts as his son.”
Some form of suffering.
Not his wrath, but correction.
That is why many among you are weak and sick, and a number of you have fallen asleep.
But if we were more discerning with regard to ourselves, we would not come under such judgment.
Nevertheless, when we are judged in this way by the Lord, we are being disciplined so that we will not be finally condemned with the world.
Chastening - David
Chastening - David
Corrective - David, 2 Samuel 12, calamity in the household, and loss of his son
Before I was afflicted I went astray, but now I obey your word.
It was good for me to be afflicted so that I might learn your decrees.
Why Does the Father Discipline?
Why Does the Father Discipline?
And have you completely forgotten this word of encouragement that addresses you as a father addresses his son? It says, “My son, do not make light of the Lord’s discipline, and do not lose heart when he rebukes you,
because the Lord disciplines the one he loves, and he chastens everyone he accepts as his son.”
Endure hardship as discipline; God is treating you as his children. For what children are not disciplined by their father?
If you are not disciplined—and everyone undergoes discipline—then you are not legitimate, not true sons and daughters at all.
He is our Father, We are His Children
He is our Father, We are His Children
Moreover, we have all had human fathers who disciplined us and we respected them for it. How much more should we submit to the Father of spirits and live!
It leads to life!
It leads to life!
The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.
They disciplined us for a little while as they thought best; but God disciplines us for our good, in order that we may share in his holiness.
No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it.
Righteousness and Peace
Righteousness and Peace
Improper Responses to Discipline
Improper Responses to Discipline
And have you completely forgotten this word of encouragement that addresses you as a father addresses his son? It says, “My son, do not make light of the Lord’s discipline, and do not lose heart when he rebukes you,
Make light
Make light
Remain indifferent
Refuse to look at their sin
Try to cast others in a negative light to remove the spotlight off of themselves
Pass the buck, pass the blame
Lose Heart
Lose Heart
Give up
This is overwhelming. I cannot handle it. Retreat. Withdraw.
That is why, for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong.
Why do we have improper responses?
and you have forgotten the exhortation which is addressed to you as sons, “My son, do not regard lightly the discipline of the Lord, Nor faint when you are punished by Him;
Forgotten the Word
Forgotten the Word
Proper Response to Discipline
Proper Response to Discipline
Therefore, strengthen your feeble arms and weak knees.
“Make level paths for your feet,” so that the lame may not be disabled, but rather healed.
Strengthen feeble arms and weak knees
Strengthen feeble arms and weak knees
The desert and the parched land will be glad; the wilderness will rejoice and blossom. Like the crocus,
it will burst into bloom; it will rejoice greatly and shout for joy. The glory of Lebanon will be given to it, the splendor of Carmel and Sharon; they will see the glory of the Lord, the splendor of our God.
Strengthen the feeble hands, steady the knees that give way;
say to those with fearful hearts, “Be strong, do not fear; your God will come, he will come with vengeance; with divine retribution he will come to save you.”
Make level paths for your feet
Make level paths for your feet
Give careful thought to the paths for your feet and be steadfast in all your ways.
What about me?
What about me?