Helplessness of the redeemed
Helplessness of the Redeemed
I Peter 2:24-25
Peter’s words here are a parallel statement to Isaiah’s in chapter 53:5-6 & chapter 40:11; 63:11.
I. There are those who would save themselves.
A. Through their own merit.
B. Never seeing themselves as helpless.
II. There are those who accept Christ’s sacrifice, but see the need to contribute to it.
A. His sacrifice, not enough?
B. Their own righteousness, good enough to add to it?
C. Never see themselves as helpless.
III. There are those who don’t need saving.
A. Don’t believe they’re that bad.
B. Don’t care.
C. Never see themselves as helpless.
IV. There are those who need the Shepherd.
A. They know they cannot save themselves.
B. They value the sacrifice of the Savior.
C. They mourn over their own sin.
D. They trust the Bishop of their souls in whom they follow!
Their end is everlasting life!
Eternal bliss and happiness!