12/11/2024 - The Danger of Spiritual Immaturity
Hebrews 5:11-6:3
We are looking today at the first part of the Third Warning passage in Hebrews.
If you remember, there are five warning passages in total.
The first was in Chapter 2:1-4, The Danger of Neglecting Salvation.
The Second Warning is found in Chapter 3:7-4:13, The Danger of Unbelief, Missing God’s Rest.
Now we look at the third warning, Chapter 5:11-6:20.
I think We will probably split this up into three sections…this first one Looking at the Danger of Immaturity, or never growing in Christ.
This warning strikes at the foundation of millions of lives in our churches.
Millions of professing believers and thousands of churches are guilty of this very failing…immaturity and falling away.
Have you ever felt like your faith hasn’t grown in years, like you’re stuck in the same place spiritually?
When was the last time you actively sought to learn something new about God?
As we look at this warning against immaturity, it’s important to recognize the profound impact that a lack of spiritual growth can have—not just on individuals but on the church as a whole and even on our mission to reach the lost.
Spiritual immaturity affects our…
1. Personal Life
Immaturity in faith stunts your personal relationship with God.
Instead of growing in grace and joy, you remain stuck, struggling with the same sins, doubts, and lack of purpose.
Just as a child who never grows faces challenges, so does the Christian who refuses to mature.
but it affects more than just us…
2. Church Health
This immaturity doesn’t stay personal—it spills into the church.
Immature believers often bring division, distractions, and spiritual complacency.
A church filled with spiritually immature members can’t fulfill its calling to be the salt and light of the world.
And so it also affects our…
3. Evangelism
Finally, when believers don’t grow, the church’s witness suffers.
A lack of discernment, spiritual passion, and biblical understanding hinders our ability to share the Gospel effectively.
Instead of being a vibrant testimony of Christ’s transforming power, we risk being seen as no different from the world.
This is why the writer of Hebrews issues such a strong warning.
Immaturity is not just a personal issue; it’s a foundational problem that affects every area of our lives and ministry.
Let’s look closely at this warning, starting with the truth that it’s for those …
I. Who Need to Mature
I. Who Need to Mature
Unfortunately, Spiritual maturity is quite rare in our churches.
Many will come to church, even faithfully every week, but never grow.
They expect to be spoon fed, rather than searching the Scriptures for themselves!
We are put on this earth to know God.
WE act like our purpose to be on earth is ourselves.
We are here to glorify the one that created us!
But far too many are…
A. Slow to Learn
A. Slow to Learn
11 Of whom we have many things to say, and hard to be uttered, seeing ye are dull of hearing.
Verses 1-10 spoke of Jesus as High Priest.
The writer of Hebrews now says he has many things to say about this Jesus, things that are hard to be uttered.
Or hard to understand.
Why is he afraid it will be hard to understand, because he knows that there are many who are dull of hearing.
This Greek word here is also translated in the next chapter as Lazy.
He’s saying the people are too lazy to try to understand about God.
They are Slow to Learn.
The writer had so much he wanted to teach, especially about the Lord, but he could not.
You can’t just read the verses and get what you need…These things are difficult to understand.
We need to seek the truth by Bible study, Bible meditation and practicing what the Word of God teaches us.
The Hebrews believers had become mentally lazy and sluggish, and spiritually complacent.
They were sitting in the pews, and even reading their Bibles, but they were not really listening.
Their minds wandered and they were too lazy to put forth the efforts to concentrate.
When we read the Bible, we need to:
ponder on it
Take notes
memorize it
10 That ye might walk worthy of the Lord unto all pleasing, being fruitful in every good work, and increasing in the knowledge of God;
But being slow to learn isn’t the only issue.
Some Christians refuse to take even the first steps of growth, remaining stuck in spiritual infancy when they ought to be mature.
B. Refuse to Grow
B. Refuse to Grow
12 For when for the time ye ought to be teachers, ye have need that one teach you again which be the first principles of the oracles of God; and are become such as have need of milk, and not of strong meat.
A person continues in their immaturity because they refuse to grow up spiritually.
They refused to move past the first principles, the basic principles and elementary teachings.
The ABC’s of God’s Word.
How a person gets saved
How they should grow spiritually
how to live right
how to worship
Basics of the Christian life…but they are the milk of the Word of God.
These are truths for babes in Christ.
A young christian needs to be taught these things that are the milk of the Word, but there comes a day when we need to move past that, and concentrate and feed on the meat of the Word.
These people should have been teachers, sharing the truths of God’s Word themselves…but instead they are still needing to be taught.
1 And I, brethren, could not speak unto you as unto spiritual, but as unto carnal, even as unto babes in Christ.
2 I have fed you with milk, and not with meat: for hitherto ye were not able to bear it, neither yet now are ye able.
How sad it is when we see a young man who refuses to mature.
All he cares about is his own selfish desires, playing video games, spending money, not interested in serving the Lord, getting married and raising a family.
But there are many Christians in the same boat!
They need to mature…they are slow to learn…they refuse to grow…thirdly we see they are immature because they…
C. Know Little about God
C. Know Little about God
13 For every one that useth milk is unskilful in the word of righteousness: for he is a babe.
They are unskilled in the Word of righteousness.
That is the Word of God.
The Bible teaches us all about God, Christ, man life, the world, and how to live righteous and godly lives.
But think about just one of these things…God
Just one area is so vast and wonderful, how much study and how long it would be before we could truly grasp the truth of God!
The Hebrew believers, and many believers today are not willing to put forth the effort to study and learn the Word of Righteousness.
Because of this they are babe’s in Christ.
These Christians are people who need to Mature in Christ.
Be swift to hear and learn more about Him.
Long to grow closer to Christ and more like Him.
Learn all you can about God and the things we need to know while here on this earth.
Understanding the need for spiritual growth is just the beginning.
But recognizing that we’re slow to learn, refusing to grow, or knowing little about God is not enough.
The writer of Hebrews challenges us to take action—to move beyond the basics and embrace the deeper truths of our faith.
So we se those…
II. Who Need to Get Past the Beginning
II. Who Need to Get Past the Beginning
14 But strong meat belongeth to them that are of full age, even those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil.
They are immature because they don’t exercise their mental and spiritual senses.
It is possible to be a Christian for many, many years, and still be immature.
A mature person moves beyond just…
attending church
giving money
reading the Bible
The basics are crucial, but they are just that—basics.
A mature believer moves from simple knowledge to discernment, which equips us to navigate the complexities of life with wisdom and truth.
The mature believer does this and more, much more…
studies the Word of God
Blocks time aside to pray
Keeps his mind and thoughts upon Christ
Obeys Christ.
Witnesses for Christ
Discerns between good and evil, and does good.
A blacksmith discerns the quality of a blade by testing it against fire and use. Similarly, discernment grows as we practice the truths of God’s Word in daily life.”
The mature believer is able to discern between true and false religion…true and false claims…
when to look and when not to look
when to eat and when not to eat
what to drink and what not to drink
when to go and when not to go
what social events to attend and what events not to attend
What to listen to, and what not to listen to.
recognize where Christ is preached and where He is not
Who to fellowship with and who not to fellowship with.
When to speak and when not to speak.
Who teaches the truth and who does not.
With maturity comes discernment.
But we must get past the basics!
A mature person lives for Christ!
D.L. Moody once said, “The Bible was not given for our information, but for our transformation.”
A Christian, that reaches maturity in Christ must exercise their mental and spiritual senses.
just as a person exercises muscles groups to grow stronger and more adept to do what they want to do…so a Christian must work out their spiritual muscles…to grow and mature in Christ.
Verse 14 us that we can have our senses exercised…so that we can discern between good and evil.
This is through a process of maturity and sanctification.
23 And be renewed in the spirit of your mind;
We need to guard our minds, and think on the right things.
8 Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.
We need to take the thoughts that the Devil tries to use to trip us up and do what the Bible tells us to do with them…
5 Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;
If you want to grow, you need to keep your mind on Christ.
But you are going to have to get past the basics and start working hard on your spiritual growth.
It’s not enough to just know we need to grow; we must actively pursue maturity.
The Christian life is a journey of continual progress.
The foundation has been laid, but now it’s time to build upon it—to move toward perfection, or maturity, as God intends.
Let’s see those…
III. Who Need to Determine to Grow
III. Who Need to Determine to Grow
1 Therefore leaving the principles of the doctrine of Christ, let us go on unto perfection; not laying again the foundation of repentance from dead works, and of faith toward God,
2 Of the doctrine of baptisms, and of laying on of hands, and of resurrection of the dead, and of eternal judgment.
Leave the principles of the doctrine of Christ…He’s not saying leave it behind and don’t believe it…he’s saying it’s time to learn more!!!
Get past the ABC’s and start making some words and sentences!
Store the basic teachings about Christ and store and lay them up in your heart.
They are the foundation of your life.
But once the foundation is laid, we are to build upon it!
Get past these basics and shoot for perfection!
The word means hitting the goal.
The phrase here in verse 1 “let us go on unto perfection” is a call to partner with God.
It’s a journey of faith, but it’s not alone, we move forward with God’s guidance and strength.
He gives us a list of some of those basic things:
A. Repentance from Dead Works
A. Repentance from Dead Works
v. 1
Repentance means to change your mind…if you mind has been changed…if you have repented unto salvation, you need to go beyond that!
Dead works can mean the works or behavior of the world that are sinful and defiling, or it could mean works of formal, ceremonial religion…going through the motions.
We are to repent of dead works, and move onto maturity.
B. Faith in God
B. Faith in God
“…and of faith toward God,”
This is dealing with saving faith, not living faith.
Don’t just get stuck there…keep maturing in all of the teaching of the Word of God.
C. Baptism
C. Baptism
“…of the doctrine of baptisms,”
There are many who still have not obeyed the Lord in believers baptism.
It is a public sign that you are a true follower of the Lord Jesus.
It is not optional.
The true believer is baptized!
But once you get baptized, don’t stay there…keep maturing.
D. Laying on of Hands
D. Laying on of Hands
“…and of laying on of hands,”
This was a symbol that showed a person was being called to serve.
This has always been the primary meaning of this phrase.
Although the act can be used for other purposes.
Like for instance a show of love and concern when praying that God would heal a person.
But all throughout history, in the Old and New testament times when a person was called and set apart for God, other believers laid hands upon them as a sign of His calling.
It is an important calling, but we need to get past that and get busy serving and maturing!
E. Resurrection
E. Resurrection
“…and of resurrection of the dead…”
The resurrection of the dead is our great hope and it is a primary reason we accepted Christ.
But we are to get past “end times” sermons and move on to other things in the Word of God!
It is the only way we can truly mature.
F. Eternal Judgment
F. Eternal Judgment
“…and of eternal judgment.”
Once we have been truly saved, we are saved from judgment.
God has not appointed the believer to wrath.
The true believer is saved, saved from eternal judgement.
We are also to get past the feelings of shame and guilt, repent and move forward.
Grow in maturity and study all of the Word of God.
Ultimately, spiritual growth isn’t just about effort; it’s about dependence on God.
We need to determine to grow, but we also must recognize that this growth is impossible apart from Him.
As we strive to move forward, let’s remember that spiritual maturity is both our responsibility and God’s work within us.
The determination of the maturing believer is seen in verse 3
3 And by reason hereof he ought, as for the people, so also for himself, to offer for sins.
Every Christians needs to be determined to Grow in Christ.
Have a spirit, like the author…this we will do!
Move beyond the ABC’s
But we also need to cry something else too… “if God permit.”
This simply means that we need to express a dependency on God for the growth.
A farmer doesn’t grow crops by sheer willpower.
He prepares the soil, plants the seed, and waters faithfully.
Yet without the sun and rain—things only God provides—nothing grows.
Similarly, we must commit to the disciplines of spiritual growth while depending on God for the results.
7 So then neither is he that planteth any thing, neither he that watereth; but God that giveth the increase.
Likewise our efforts in spiritual growth must rely on God’s enabling power.
God wants us to grow spiritually, but we cannot grow apart from His strength!
We are totally dependent upon Him.
27 John answered and said, A man can receive nothing, except it be given him from heaven.
But we must be determined to move forward to maturity in Christ.
This week, commit to studying a single verse deeply.
Pray over it, meditate on it, and seek to apply it.
Write the verse down on a 3x5 card and carry it with you all day, pulling it out and pondering on it.
Ask God to give you insights to understand better.
This will help you to grow in maturity.
This week, ask yourself: What is one step I can take to grow?
Then do it! Trusting God to guide you toward maturity.