MCWE "Legecy" World conference - MM

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The Leadership Principles and Power of Mentoring and Succession

Most important subject in the world
mentoring and succession
Focus ...
Books from MM “Passing it on” and “character” power of character in leadership
invest in your knowledge… Don’t just shout and shout Hallelujah
Get information because “information brings transformation”
The apostle Paul said you get transformation not by the removal of your mind… but by the renewal/ renewing of (the spirit of) your mind...
Renew means to go back and get original information - RE means to go backward...
focus on your legacy… how to live beyond the grave...
a sad thing to come to realization is… you need a tombstone… people that are successful don’t need a tombstone…the reason why we need a tombstone is because we were so useless on earth where ever they planted us they have to mark the spot.. to remind us that you use to be here...
Live in such a way that you wouldn’t need a tombstone
Jesus Christ never built a building...
your legacy should never be in buildings...
Build a legacy for the next generation
Jesus Christ never built a building … because He built people… people outlast buildings...
He focused on selecting a few people… and poured His life into them...
Being born into colonization and being considered a second class citizen in your own country and being considered not equal to those who oppressed us… (notice within this type of system they will not teach you to be leaders… THEY WILL TEACH YOU HOW TO BE DEPENDENT…
This is why countries, nations, former colonies have difficulty accepting power.
they don’t know what to do with leadership...
that’s why they abuse it… they are not taught to be leaders.
as a result they have a spirit of intimidation, fear… they apologies for being successful… they are afraid to succeed ...
because they were taught to be falsely humble...
What attracts people to MCWE ministry
He had an experience long ago where God told Him to raise up an army in the nations Africa, South american and throughout the world, who’s work will exceed His work (mcwe) ...
Most missionaries that go to countries do not expect the “natives” to take over…
they expect for native’s to constantly look to them and expect them to depend upon them...
MC wanted to work himself out of a job by raising up the natives…to take charge of their own destiny… THIS IS A DIVINE MANDATE...
most missionaries that come love to have natives almost worship them…they hide information from us so there is a spirit of “owe” around them...
Morris decided he would teach what he knew…
teach how to cast out demons themselves…
how to preach the word themselves…
become leaders themselves...
We build buildings to build people… you shouldn’t build a building to put your name on it...
Every building you build should produce people who are leaders.
reproduce people after yourself… build people...
people are more important then buildings...
Jesus never left a building in His name.
He left people
True legacy is in people… not in projects… programs…or buildings.
if you study all the great leaders through history you will discover they always focus on people...
Elijah focused on Elisha and he gave him his cloak...
David focused on Solomon and he gave them his crown...
Jesus focused on Peter and He gave him the church...
Who are you focusing on?
This is the spirit of legacy...
True leaders are the key to a new world
Nothing happens without leadership
nothing changes without leadership
nothing improves without leadership
nothing succeeds without leadership.
nothing progresses unless someone takes leadership.
leadership is the key to transforming the world...
If we are going to be successful we need true leaders.
True leaders do not focus on themselves… they focus on other people…
Good leaders employ others, Great leaders deploy themselves and others.
Jesus when He was about to leave the earth He made a statement.
“All authority is given unto Me in heaven and in earth and under the earth… I have all the authority”
“And then He says therefore you go.”
He transferred it to them...
Authority and power is for distribution.
He knew that if He did not distribute the authority … everything would die with Him.
So goes it with life … it is about distribution.
Leadership is not measured by how many people serve you, but by how many people you serve...
Somehow a spirit has crept in amongst the church folk (leadership) that says the more people that serve me measure how important I am...
But the Bible is opposite to that… “ the greatest among you shall be… who?”
the servant of everyone not them serving you.
your wife is your most precious jewel...
the goal of leadership is to serve people.
True leaders learn from others but never become them.
it is important to become a student and learn from other people.
True leaders a re never graduated they are constantly learning
True leaders are also those who lead others to leadership.
maintain followers verse producing leaders.
in otherwords managers think of the next position, leaders think of the next generation
children/ people need to be exposed to the atmosphere of the of the anointing of the Holy Spirit.
When you mentor people ..... you transfer the anointing to them by association
who are you mentoring ?
who are you teaching
The greatest act of leadership is mentoring.
If what you learn … accumulate are accomplish dies with you … then you are a failure.27.00
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