“God With Skin On” - John 1:14

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John 1:14
Introduction: Becoming Me….. Becoming Us….. Becoming More! These three headings can be found in the 2018 best-selling memoir of Michelle Obama, entitled “Becoming”. In the Book she tells the story of Her Personal Growth. Her Marriage with President Barak Obama, and Her public life as the First Black First Lady of the United States of America.
The Premise of this book is that on her journey of self-discovery and growth, Michelle Obama kept the essence who she is and the values that she gained as a black woman raised on the South Side of Chicago… as she became a lawyer, wife, mother, and first lady. Misses Obama came from humble beginnings and ascended to greatness! Her story is a reminder that hard work, consistent character, and God’s favor the primary ingredients in accomplishing something great. Human History is filled with those that start low and ultimately elevate to excellence.
However, as it pertains to the subject of this Text today…. We witness a Radical Reversal of what the world has always known… because the subject of this verse cannot be elevated.
How can become, when you have always been?
How can you ascend when you are the pinnacle?
How can you upgrade when you are the Standard?
But when it comes to Jesus Christ… He was already Great and Glorious…… But HE decided to descend from Greatness as HE left the Glory of Heaven to come to Earth and be born in a stable… He humbles Himself to enter into the World He created!
This one verse is placed here to present to us most critical aspect of the Christian Faith…. That is ….
Primary Claim: In Jesus Christ, God became human to redeem humanity.
Restatement of Claim:
In Jesus Christ the eternal Son, stepped into to time to secure our eternity
In Jesus Christ the immortal became mortal to ensure our future immortality
In Jesus Christ Divinity wrapped itself in Dust to deliver us from darkness
This advent Season… as we celebrate the arrival of the Messiah…. The birth of our Savior… This Christmas… please be sure to participate in the exchanging gifts, wearing matching pajamas, drinking Hot Chocolate, Trimming the Tree, Listening to Donnie Hathaway, The Temptations, and Moriah Carey…. But don’t ever forget that the CHRIST in CHRISTMAS is a reminder to the Believer and the WORLD of the Incarnation of Jesus Christ.
Theological Claim: The Incarnation points to the reality that The Eternal Second Person of the Triune God, has stepped into time and taken upon Himself a human nature by being born of a Virgin that conceived by the Power of the Holy Spirit…and He never compromised His Human or Devine nature!
The Incarnation is proof that we serve a God who Stepped in…. AND KEEPS ON STEPPING IN… And when Jesus steps in… He Brings all of Who HE is into the Situation!
So today… ten days before we celebrate Christmas… I just want to remind you, that when you read your Bible…. You meet God with Skin on!
This one verse is an ocean of truth and theology in just a teaspoon of words!! This verse provides us with an explanation of the incarnation.
Transition Statement: First, the Incarnation forces us to Recognize the Preeminence of Christ.
I. Recognize The Preeminence of Christ (v.14a)
Pre-eminence is a word that points to the superiority or outstanding nature of Jesus Christ. Jesus is Superlative in power, prominence, and prestige. It is to say that Jesus Christ is in a class of His own. There is none positioned Higher, because the bible declares that “God Highly Exalted Him and bestowed upon Him, the Name that is above every name… that at the name of Jesus Christ every knee will bow, those in heaven, on earth and those under the earth and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord , to the GLORY of God the FATHER!!!!
Jesus is in first place… He is the head of His class…. He is one of A Kind… He never had to google anything… He doesn’t need chat GPT… He is the king of King and the Lord of Lords. The Fairest of 10,000… The Bright and Morning Star… He is the Center of His own Circumference….. The Supply of His own demand!!!! THERE AINT nobody like Jesus…. He is Pre-eminent!!!
As you read the book of John, you will find that the Pre-eminence of Christ is inextricably tied to the Pre-Existence of Christ. The Gospel of John introduces us to Jesus Christ differently than the three synoptic Gospels. In Matthew, He is the Reigning King…. In Mark He is the Suffering Servant… In LUKE He is the Son of Man… But John wrote to clearly demonstrate that Jesus is the Eternal Son of God… So, as you read the Gospel of John you won’t find any nativity scenes, nor are there any mentions of the Virgin Birth stories… But in John’s Gospel, He introduces us to Christ by taking us back to the initial words of the first verse in your Bible…. In the Beginning!!!
In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the Beginning with God.
a. Christ in Eternity
This opening verse in John points us to the reality that Christ has always existed, not just before His birth or creation, but for all time. Time cannot age Him, and age cannot time Him. He was before was, was and because of WHO HE IS, HE ALWAYS WILL BE! My bible declares that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forevermore!
b. Christ in The Trinity (Co-Equal)
Christ is Preeminent…. Christ is Preexistent… Jesus Christ is Coequal, with the Father and the Holy Spirit in Divine Nature. We serve a Triune God. God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit. Three persons with separate functions working as ONE Divine Unified essence! The Father is the Divine Orchestrator, The Spirit is the One who Leads and Guides us into all Truth, But The Son is the Center of Our Faith and God’s tangible revelation of Himself to Humanity! And although You might not read His name until Matthew… You can Rest assure that Jesus Christ is all over your Bible! Your Bible is a HIM BOOK…. ITS ALL ABOUT HIM!!!!!!
c. Christ in Creation
Christ was present during creation…. Because all things that all things came to being through Him and apart from Him nothing that came into being that exist without Him. Jesus was present during creation and actively involved in the creative Process. When the Father said let there be light… Jesus was pulling order into Chaos…. Jesus Was hanging the stars on the black canvas of the Sky… Jesus was present separating the water from dry land…. Jesus was carving out the mountains…. Tacking down the grass with roots… shaping Man out of the Dust … Christ Creator
d. Christ in the Old Testament
He was present during creation…He is anticipated in the Old Testament.
In Genesis, Christ is the one who will crush Satan’s Head.
In Exodus, He is Passover lamb whose Blood Redeemed His people.
The Law Pointed to Him… The Prophets Preached about Him… The Psalms Sang About Him!
e. Christ in Christophanies
The Old Testament spoke about Him… But He also made a few guest appearances in the Old Testament prior to His arrival to Prepare us for His Arrival.
He Wrestled With Jacob and changed His name and turned His strut into a Limp
He Showed up at the Burning Bush with Moses as THE GREAT I AM
He Showed up to Fight for Joshua as the Commander of the Lord’s army
And When they Fire would take them out JESUS SHOWED UP in the Firery Furnace with the three Hebrew boy….
And as amazing as it is to see Christ in the Old Testament… I am so glad that the Bible Doesn’t end with Malachi!!!!
f. Christ Became Flesh
Because He is Devine… But HE BECAME flesh!!!
The Word became flesh…. The Logos became Sarx… Jesus Christ… At the Proper time in Human History… in order to fulfill God’s sovereign plan for Humanity… Christ Became flesh.
He condescended from Glory… He was born of a Virgin… into a specific family, within a specific culture and ethnicity… He was really Human but in His Humanness, He never compromised His God-ness.. He is 100% God and 100% Man… Scholars call this the Hypostatic Union. Two distinct natures present in One Person. While being that baby in a manger… He was still keeping the Earth in Rotation… the Galaxies aligned… Sustaining Creation… and Maintain His Rule, Dominion and Authority in Heaven
Jesus Christ is Pre-eminent because there is no one else like Him in time and eternity… He Is The Greatest in Redemptive History, Present Reality, and for Eternity. Since He has always been first He should have first place in our lives!
Don’t you allow life to cause you to forget Who is “really” number one!!! It isn't your job, your reputation, your money, your spouse, your children, your education or your connections… You better be sure to Keep Christ number one because HE IS TOO BIG TO RIDE IN THE BACKSEAT OF ANYONES CAR!!!!
‌HE AINT THE CO-PILOT HE is the Pilot… He Aint on the LIST of Priorities… HE IS THE PRIORITY!!!!
JESUS Christ is Pre-eminent!
Transition Statement: The Incarnation causes us to Recognize the Preeminence of Christ. Secondly, the Incarnation Reassures Us of the Presence of Christ!
II. Reassures Us of The Presence of Christ (v.14b)
His Pre-Eminence points to the Transcendence of Christ. His Presence speaks to the Intimacy that is available in Christ!
Jesus Christ is an intimate Savior! He is intricately acquainted with all that you need and desire. He is not a distant Messiah but instead, He invites into His presence, and He knows How to make Himself known when we need Him most.
You cannot avoid personal presence of Christ. He is a Savior that remains in close Proximity. This is why the Bible describe Him as a Wonderful Counselor because He is close enough to Counsel us… He is the Good Shepherd because He is near enough to Shepherd us… He is the Mediator, He is God enough to stand between us and judgment.
And Jesus Himself would say things to affirm His presence!
He would say things come unto me and I will give you rest… Because He can carry your burdens
He remind us that we need His Presence… by saying “apart from me, You can do nothing”
He would say things like…. Lo I am with you always, even until the end of the Earth!
He is so present that Jesus Christ has unwavering Empathy... The Bible declares that we do not have a high priest who cannot empathize with us…. But HE WAS Tempted in every way yet without Sin.
He knows what you’re dealing with, He has felt what you have felt
He has cried
He has been Hungry
He has been Hurting
He has been Misused
He has been Lied on
He has been betrayed
He is Like you and He feels what you feel… But although HE is like you… HE AINT LIKE YOU!!!!
His presence Is big enough to meet you where you are can handle your issue
Big Momma would say it this way what a friend we have in Jesus. All of sins and griefs to bare…. What a privilege we have to carry everything to God in Prayer.
a. Tabernacle
The clause of this verse states that He “dwelt among us”. I love that phrase dwelt among us. You see is a phrase in English but its only one word in the original language. This one word is best translates “tabernacled”. Jesus Christ “tabernacled” among us.
John is using Old Testament language to point to the Presence of God. The Presence of God is just as powerful as His person. In the Old Testament as Moses led the children of Israel out of Egyptian bondage what cleared the pathway for their journey was God’s presence that showed up in a Pillar of Cloud by Day and a Pillar of Fire by night.
When they made it out, the build the Tabernacle and the Presence of God dwelt in the Tabernacle…. The Presence of God would be felt in the arch of the Covenant…
Now here in John Chapter one the Presence of God is on full display as The Word dwelt among us …. And now as believers in Christ , Your belief in Christ has given you access to the Presence of God because the Holy Spirit now dwells in You.
Regardless of what you are dealing with in this life you don’t have to search for His presence, because you’ve got access to it because of your faith in Jesus Christ.
The INCARNATION is reassurance of the Presence of Christ in Your Life.
Transition Statement: This Christmas, Recognize the Preeminence of Christ…. Be Reassured of the Presence of Christ…. Finally, The Incarnation is a reminder of the Power of Christ!!!
III. Reminds Us of The Power of Christ (v.14c)
Reminds us of the Power of Christ! He is Pre-eminent, He is Omnipresent…. But please don’t ever forget that Jesus Christ Has Power!!!!
There is power in the Name of Jesus
There is Power in the Words of Jesus
There is Power in the Teachings of Jesus
There is Power in the Blood of Jesus
This verse concludes with a simple reminder that it doesn’t matter how week we may feel or how dark the situation may be…. Jesus Christ has POWER to change you and change your situation!!!!
Christ Power has been seen
a. His Power Has been Seen
This c clause of this verse says that we saw His glory. We saw His glory. Let me give you some Biblical Hermeneutical principles to help you apply this text before we shout!!!
You see as you are seeking to apply the scripture to your life you must understand this concept called authorial intent. That simply means that the one God used to write this book is writing to a specific audience, with a specific purpose, to communicate a specific concept or idea. And the essence of authorial intent is that it cannot mean to us in 2024 what it did not first mean to them in AD 60. There is one meaning but there are several applications.
So when John said we saw His Glory…. He was an eyewitness so He literally means that They Saw Jesus demonstrate His power and authority! But the beauty of this principle is that the truth that they experienced in the Bible is so powerful that this timeless and abiding truth correlates to what we experience today. So they saw HIS GLORY….. AND YOU HAVE SEEN IT TOO!!!!!
So when John says we Saw His glory….. They witnessed Jesus turned water into wine when the wine ran out…. But You’ve seen Him transform your situation in order to keep you from experiencing public shame!
John saw Jesus Heal the noble official son by speaking at a distance…. But you prayed in Dallas, Texas and Saw God heal your family member in Mississippi, Louisiana, and Georgia.
John saw Jesus Heal a man who had been crippled and couldn’t get well…. But you went to the doctor after the diagnosis, but when they did the MRI they couldn’t find the tumor…. The Test came back negative, You got up off of your bed of affliction
John Saw Jesus feed 5000 with two sardines and five tough biscuits…. But when you look back over your life you saw God stretch your little income to pay all of your bills… You saw God give you what you needed…. You witnessed God turn your lack into leftovers!!!!
WE HAVE SEEN GOD’s power!!!!!!!!
b. His Power Has Purpose
His Power has been seen…. But His power Has purpose!!!! The text says that His glory was the only begotten Son of the Father.
This speaks to the mission of Jesus Christ. In submission to the will of the Father, The Son came to redeem humanity. And when He revealed His glory He did so with the expressed purpose of demonstrating His Divine Love and Leading them to Faith in Christ all while submitting to the Will of His Father
His Divine and Human Nature made it possible for the Mission of salvation to be accomplished. And As Jesus Christ lived out His purpose we witness both natures on full display
It reminds me of when I watch basketball and a player comes into the game. These players are wearing an official NBA uniform, but the uniform is concealed by warm up suit that is covering their official uniform. So much so that there are stories of players that forget their uniform and simply wore their warm up because they knew they weren’t going to get in the game to accomplish the mission of winning the Game.
Well friends Jesus Christ wore the Jumpsuit of Humanity to conceal His official Uniform of Divinity…. But the good news about Jesus that He never for any aspect of His uniform… Every now and then when someone need to healing… He would unzip the jumpsuit and showcase His official uniform!!!! And each example would result in someone coming to Faith in Him as Savior
His Power has purpose!
c. His Power Has is Accessible
Finally… His Power is accessible. Jesus Christ revealed His glory and it was filled with Grace and Truth. Grace to meet us where we are but Truth to take us where He wants us to Go.
Grace to let you make a mistake… But Truth to redeem you from a lifestyle of Sin.
Grace to convict your of the issue… But Truth to set you free from Bondage!
Grace without truth is enablement…. But Truth without Grace is legalism!
I am so glad that The Balance of God’s grace and truth is a reminder that we God access to the power of God
This past fall, during hurricane season… There was a hurricane that was heading toward Louisiana…. Most of my family is still there and my Mother lives alone so I reminded her that I was making preperations for her to come to Texas so that she did not have to live without power as the storm as passing over.
When I asked her when she was coming to Texas, she simply responded boy I aint coming to Texas. This aint the first time ive gone through a hurricane… I’ve lived through hurricanes my entire life.
I said momma but the last time you stayed for a hurricane you lost power and you said to me that you would never try to tough it without having access to power…. She said your right, You see since the last time a hurricane came, I invested in a gas generator.
This generator is built into the electrical system of my house so that when I lose power it automatically cuts on and its as if I never even lost power in the first place.
You see son I’ve got access to power on the INSIDE that is not affected by the circumstances on the outside!!!!!
Well friends the reason that the incarnation of Jesus Christ is so powerful is because Is that He came from Heaven to Earth to give you access to this power!!!!
If you don’t mind allow me to take off my metaphorical Christmas tie… and put on my Easter suit and tell you that the reason that you got access….. Is because that same Christ that is the Incarnate Word….. Was marched up a Hill called calvery… Crucified between two theieves… Hung His head into the locks of His shoulders and Died.
He Died until Death was conquered
He Died until Sin got Saved!
He Died until the vail of the Temple was torn in two
He Died for your Lying
He Died for your deception
He Died for you Messiness
He Died for you and for me!
But the reason You and I are here on a Sunday Morning… IS because He didn’t stay dead… He Died on Friday… BUT EARLY SUNDAY MORNING HE GOT UP with all power in His hands!!!!
And the same Power that raised Christ from the Dead also lives in You… and that Power is made available because In Jesus Christ God because Human to Redeem Humanity!!!!!
He’s Got Power!!!!
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