The Best and Worst Christmas Gift

Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented   •  16:21
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Getting Excited for Christmas

Dollar Store Bike Bag
Wouldn’t that be the best & worst Christmas gift for a kid — a new bicycle. It would be awesome b/c its a new bike. It would be awful b/c you’d want to ride it right away — but it is winter: ice to slip on, salt to rust, sand to make dirty.
In the Gospel today we are entering the scene right after the Angel Gabriel tells Mary that b/c she had found favour with God she would miraculously conceive & give birth to a son. He will be named Yeshua — YHWH saves. He will a great king — like David — but his kingdom will never end.
This is the best and the worse gift ever! Its the best because God was going to fulfil the dream of peace and deliverance for her people. It was the worst because it put Mary’s future into jeopardy. Her intentions to marry Joseph were dubious at best. Her reputation would be ruined.
As a sign affirming this encounter with Gabriel — Mary is referred to her elderly relative Elizabeth, who conceived in her elderly years
So, displaying the faith of Abraham, Mary concedes — I am the Lord’s servant.
But as with every precious gift, Mary had to try it on, to test it out. So seeking confirmation, and comfort she travels to the house of Zechariah and that is where we begin today.

Mary Seeking Solace & Affirmation

Finding peace in Jackson’s Arm — after being city-sick in TO. Tired of the noise, the constant motion and missing the woods and the ocean. Sitting on the steps I could barely see the water, but the hills surrounding the harbour were aflame with autumn colours — and i could hear whales blowing at the mouth of the harbour
I can only imagine Mary’s thoughts on the three day journey from her home to Elizabeth’s home. Did I imagine the whole thing? What if it was real? What’s going to happen to me? What will people say? Why me?
I imagine her thoughts being as loud and jumbled as a busy city at rush hour.
When Mary greets Elizabeth — the noise stops. The reality of what is about to happen comes into sharp focus.
John - himself a miracle baby - the forerunner of the Messiah - leaps for joy in Elizabeth’s womb. And Elizabeth is filled with the HS. In other words, Elizabeth is keyed up to proclaim God’s word just like an OT prophet.

Elizabeth - Prophet

Elizabeth is a gift from God to Mary, just as John is a gift from the Father to Jesus. Each of these gifts help prepare the way, they minister to, they affirm. And all of it is in support of God fulfilling his promises to his creatures.
In a loud voice Elizabeth affirms the message of Gabriel
“Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the child you bear.”
- You are highly favoured v. 28 & 30 (To be mother to the Messiah)
- You will conceive and give birth to a son v. 31 (You are pregnant)
- He will be great (blessed) son of the Most High 32-33 (Your son will fulfill the dream for freedom, stability, and peace for our people)

Elizabeth is Favoured

It is so true that it is more blessed to give than to receive. Perhaps it is a sign of maturity that they real gift of Christmas is giving that gift that really touches a loved one.
Elizabeth would have been the talk of the town. Which was nothing new — she was barren after all. It was a shame then and even today it is a sad and painful thing when couples don’t have children. People wonder why. Some make insensitive comments about the lack of children. It is often, not always, but often a wound a couple must endure when they cannot have kids. Elizabeth would have been viewed as less than — which is so hard.
But then she was shown God’s favour just as Sarah was so long before. And she conceived long after she should have been able to.
But this blessing is not what she refers to. She is referring to the presence of the 1st Disciple: Mary coming to her. She is humbled but her presence of the mother of Jesus — the Lord.
Elizabeth was no stranger to gossip. What a blessing to Mary who would soon need to navigate the waters of scandal.
God does not call us to an easy life. But the provision he provides is so wonderful.
The confirmation Elizabeth provides, along with the welcome and the wisdom she would possess moved Mary into a hymn of praise. God has provided for his people.

Mary was the 1st Disciple.

As a priest — the faith of the church has carried me through seasons of doubt.
I so often am surprised and humbled by the faith of others. Even this week hearing the graced histories of people and how God worked in their lives
She was the first to welcome Jesus into her life, and heart.
What does this mean to us: The life of faith is not a calling to comfort and ease. It can be scary and fraught with danger. As Elizabeth was a blessing to Mary so is Mary is a blessing to us, an example of faith in action. We see in Mary faithful obedience at work, and the mighty provision of God.
Its not about us— its about God’s will being done. I am the Lord’s servant. Live in me that I might live in you.
I once read that sanctification is the supreme desire not to want to have your own way.” Let us look to Mary to see how to live this out, and to see the faithfulness of God show to those who walk in obedience.
Walk in faith — and look for God’s provision.

Bike best and worst gift

Faith is the best gift — but it can bring us to some scary cross roads. Pray for faith, draw upon the examples of the saints - like Mary and Elizabeth for inspiration and instruction and seek God’s will expecting his provision.
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